HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-05-21, Page 3"717
About 15 per cent. of the total value
of the farm property in Ontario is mort-
gages, according to a statement appear-
ing in the report of Hon James S Duff,
Minister of Agriculture, for the year
j lit passed. This conclusion is arrived
at as a result of a canvass undertaken
by the thirty-seven district representa-
tives of the Department, who found
that 45 per cent. of the farms were
mortgaged, and one-third would be a
fair estimate of the amount of the rnort-
This financial survey of farm condit-
ion, as it might be called, is an innova-
tion in the annual report, and informa-
tion was ascertained under the follow-
ing heads: - (1) The percentage of mort-
gaged, per cent of mortgages in value
of farms, and whether increasing or de-
creasing; (2) the extent of deposits by
farmers in savings banks; (3) the ex-
tent of the demand on the part of farm-
ers for loans; (4) rate of interest paid
on both long and short -date loans; (5)
whether the loans are on the purchas-
ing of land only or are for financing
farm operations.
Bankers, business 'men, lawyers, re-
gistry office officials and prominent
farmers were relied on for the inform-
ation gathered, and the answers are
considered reasonably reliable.
There seerns to be a unanimous view
that mortgages are decreasing in num-
ber. Payments are reported as being
promptly met. A proportion of the
mortgages, it is ascertained, have been
taken to enable speculation in western
teal estate.
With regard to deposits, it is stated
that these have materially increased
in recent years. One county estimates
a 20 to 30 per cent increase; another 75
per cent. No accurate figures can be
given of the total pmount or farmers'
deposits, but from estimates furnished
from the different counties, it is assum-
ed that the farmers of Ontario have
one hundred million dollars at their cre-
dit, To show that this is not an exag-
gerated sum, it is pointed out that the
farm wealth of the Province is valued
at $1,405,910,940.
The demand for loans does not appear
to have been heavy during the past
year. The interest rate varied from 5,S'S
to 7 per cent on long loans and from 7
to 8 and perhaps 10 per cent in the new-
er districts on short -date loans.
These facts are interpreted by the de-
partment as haying an optimistic tone.
The doer always has it on the dream-
er because he never has to wake up.
When you waste today regretting the
past you put a mortgaage on tomorrow.
The fewer unimportant questions you
ask the less misinformation you will
A little change in the hand is worth
more than a great change in the weather.
It is much better to hide faults than
to display them, but it Is better still to
get rid of them.
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I trudged along a country Mile
When 1 WAS only nine;
'Twas moist and fresh from recent rain
And, oh, the air was fine!
Along the path were asters blue,
And yellow goldenrod,
And here and there a wild bird flew
Above the fragrantsod.
Again I walked a country lane -
A youth of twenty now-
'Twas wet the same with recent ram,
But now frowns marred my brow,
My suit was of the latest cut,
I wore new, shiny ties -
Oh, hOw 1 scorned the cart wheel'rut
And those drear lowering skies!
Last week I found a little lane -
(I'm seventy-five today)
'Twas damp with trace of misty rain
And smelled of newmown hay.
I took my memory back once more
To those sweet boyhood hours,
Ad once again, I could adore
The fields of autumn flowers.
Oh, now, of life I used to know,
Pray give me just a day.
That I a -down, the lane may go
With boyish laughter gay!
Would that I might for aye forget
That once such pride was mine,
I lost the charm of roadsides wet
And Autumn's shade and shine!
-Laurana Sheldom.
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"F'ruit-a-tives" Brought Him
Perfect Health
omically, that is at low cost, because
they were not built on dairy lines But
oven with the average run of dairy
cows that seem to produce just about
the same quautity of milk, there nre so
rnany strange variations that the keep-
ing of milk records is not only advisable
from the business standpoint, but be-
comes of fascinating interest.
When a simple feed record is kept in
addition to the milk record, the actual
cost of milk as produced by each cow is
ascertained easily, so that the owner
may be assured that he is keeping only
such cows as yield plenty of milk at a
low cost Can you tell offhand whether
the milk of some of your cows costs 62
cents or 97 cents per 100 pounds? If
your profit over cost of feed is now only
$10.00 Der cow, you can make it $20.00
by keeping records.
Send to the Dairy Commissioner, Ots
tawa, for milk and feed record forms
which are free. They are cost reducers.
AVON, 0N.,May I4th. 1913.
"I am younger since I have been
taking "Fruit-a-tives". I was troubled
very badly with Piles, Constipation and
Stomach Disorder, but I found "Fruit-
a-tives" was the panacea for the whole
Now T am free of all these diseases
and enjoying perfect health, and able
to work whenever I like. rive years
ago, I started taking "Fruit-a-tives".
took two every night and they worked
wonders for me.
No other medicine I could get was so
good and I took lots of different reme-
dies before I found out how good "Fruit-
a-tives" were.
I keep "Fruit -a -titres" on hand all the
time, and am never without them. I
even take them with me when 1 go
motoring, so I can have them handy.
"Fruit-a-tives" are worthy of every good
word I can say about them. The fact
that they cured me of Piles, was some-
thing to be everlastingly thankful for"
50C a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25C.
At all dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Balmy Pc ace,
Yet dogs delight to bark and bite;
they have no better sence; but human
neighbors shouldn't fight across the
garden fence. 'Were are so many
village rows! The husbands scrap and
swear the while their energetic fraus
are'busy pulling hair; and e'en the little
kids are foes, and let their passions rise;
and one goes home with bloody nose,
and one with blackened eyes. And
nearly all such wars are vain, and fool-
ish and unjust; how shall it soothe your
spirit's pain, a neighbor's head to bust?
I kicked in ten of Jimpson's slats, and
he bombarecl me with cahbageheads
and long dead cats, and eggs of '63. I
lay upon a couch of pain, and there I
sadly thunk that all sueh things are in-
sane, that warlike words are bunk.
And when again I was on deck I went
to Jimpson's shack, and found that he
was but a wreck since I had sprained
his back. And there we vowed such
things should cease, no more we'd scrap,
by jinks; we'd give the white winged
dove �f peace a chance to wave its
wings. And now We love each other
well, and mind the golden rule; I bur-
row water from his well, he rides ,sny
saddle mule; and every time we have a
chance we do a kindly deed, and all day
long we sing and dance, like Gabys
gone to seed.
Dr. Bruce Smith on Cigarette Smok-
ing. Our fernier townsman, Dr. Bruce
Smith, now of Toronto Provincial In -
specter of Prisons ancl Asylums was
called to give evidence before the Brod-
er Cigarette Committee of the House
of Commons. Dr. Smith's views on
this subject are so sane and sensible that
they are worthy of reputation. That
the habit of cigarette smoking among
young girls does not prevail to the de-
gree that some people appear to believe,
was the view expressed by Dr. Smith.
Ile thought that any smoking was done
more for a lark than as a regular habit.
Dr. Smith was opposed to further pro-
hibitory laws, giving his op!nion that
most moral reformers started at the
wrong end when they asked f sr more
laws wherewith to punish the cigarette
victim. Boys who could not buy cigar-
rettes would stenl tissue paper and make
their own. As for tobacco -smoking
amongst adults, he thought that it did
no more harm than tea -drinking amongst
women. As a suggestion to meet the
growth of the habit, Dr. Smith recom-
mended the establithment of a child's
welfare bureau under Federal control,
with branches in every big centre. He
did not favor the use of nitrate of sug-
ar as a cure for smoking,-Seaforth
A woman's strength lies in her weak -
Marriage is more often an assignment
than a failure,
Deliver us from the man who feels
entirely at home in jail!
However, a good man isn't necessarily
a desirable neighbor.
It isn't every fancier who can tell a
dogwood tree by its bark.
Anyway, the pessimist is thankful
that he wasn't born an optimist.
The new • engagement ring causes
many a finger to point with pride.
The less amiable a woman is the
handsomer she thinks she needs to be.
When a man hasn't anything else to
do he loafs. A wcman goes shopping.
When a young man is. in love he
imagines that he neither eats nor sleeps.
There may be nothing new under the
sun, but there are a lot of fresh reople.
If a woman's Bence of humor is mis-
sing she is apt to get funny at the
wrong time.
Few families who have domestic
skeletons in their closets have sense
enough to keep them there.
This is a suspicious world. A man
can't always borrow money upon his
grarglfather's reputation for honesty.
So many dairymen wonder what the
factory ,is doing to day, so many sales-
men fight for another sixteenth of a
ceng on the price of cheese, that some
milk producers in thinking almost en-
tirely of selling pries, are apt t.6 over-
look cost.
The twin sisters of economical milk
production are good cows and individual
records. Cows may be fed right and
fed alike, yet fail to produce tnilk econ-
DY -0 -LA
The bye that colors ANY KIND
of Cloth Perfectly, with the
No Chance of Mlotakte. Claim sod Simple.
Ask your Aniline ot or Dealer. Saul for Booklet.
TkoJohnson.alehardson Co. Lltnited,1510ntreal
Walt. Mason.
is sent direct to the diseased pmts by the
Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers,
clears the air passages, stops drop.
pings in the throat and permanent.
ly cures Catarrh and }lay Fel cr.
25c. a box; tolower free. Accept re
substitutes. Ali dealer' or Ethranson.
Bates & Limited, Toronto.
Signs ef Kidney Trouble
In the early stages kidney troubles
are known by backache and urinary
disorders. Later come dropsy, stone,
rheumatic pains, and perhaps diabetes.
But don't wait ler these. Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills will help you in a
few hours. Their thorough action on
the liver, kidneys and bowels will clear
away the pains and aches and make
you well again.
for them to the Publications Branch of
the Department of Agriculture at
Referring to apples at the 13randon,
Manitoba Farm, the bulletin states that
a large number of hybrid trees are do-
ing well, These are stated to be bear-
ing fruit which makes exeellent pre-
serves and jelly,
At Lethbridge. Alberta, culture with
and without irrigation was carried on.
Sections dealing with ornamental gar-
dening are especially interesting and
instructive tcsthose who take pr,de in
the appearance of their home surround-
Life is growing fulll of joy,
People aren't SO surly;
Getting up does not annoy -
Six is not so early.
Now the sun shows some respect
For his earthly neighbor,
Warms our path with ieat direct,
Lights our way to labor.
Nature's working for us, too;
Everything is blooming.
Chickens cackle all day through,
Garden stuff is looming.
In the lake the fishes bite,
Get caught kat to please us;
Really, they are most polite
And refuse to tease us.
Everybody wears a smile,
No one seems to hurry;
That convenient "after while"
Saves a world of worry.
This is "take it easy" time,
Though its joys may vary;
To be troubled is a crime,
- Loafing's necessary.
At the Central Experimental Farm at
Ottawa and at each of the Branch
Farms and Stations distributed over
the Dominion a large amount of investi-
gational work is carried on year by
year in the growing of fruits, vegetables
and flowers. The purpose of this work
is to discover and develop not only im-
proved varieties and strains of these
crops but to find out the most success-
ful methods of culture for the different
provinces and districts.
The result of last season's work has
been brought together in a summary
prepared by Mr. W. T. Macoun, Domin-
ion Horticulturist, and the Superinten-
dents of the Branch Farms and Stations
and isued in Bulletin No. 77, copies of
which are tivailable to all whs apply
There has been a great development
of late years in the Canadian poultry
industry. This development has been
brought about by many factors, chief
among which are the untiring and high-
ly successful effortsof breeders; the
experimental work carried on at the
various poultry plants of the Dominion
and Provincial Experimental Farms and
Agricultural Colleges. the information
given out by these institutions, the
poultry exhibits, in which the people of
Canada are now taking a great interest,
and, last but not least, the profits of
the industry, little thought of it in the
past, but now well recognized and ap-
Production is increasing at an extra-
ordinary rate while the quality of the
product shows wonderful improvement.
The value ofs'the flock depends upon the
production of the birds selected, but the
productiveness of any bird decreases
after a certain age is reached. It is
very important, therefore, that the
breeder be able to tell with some de-
gree of certainity the age of the fowls
which he desires to retain or purchase
for breeding purposes, otherwise he
will be exposed to the risk of having
individuals that are past their prime
and that does not pay for their keep.
Record books have been established
for horses, cattle, and many other
animals, where information pretaining
to pedigree, age, etc., are kept for
reference, but it has remained to Victor
Fortier, Assistant Dominion Poultry
Husbandman, Central Experimental
Farm, Ottawa, after much personal
observation and study, to publish a
method whereby the age of hens can
be accurately estimated. This infor-
mation which is meant especially for
the breeder and the judge, has been
published under the direction of the
Hon. Martin Burrel), in a profusely
illustrated bulletin, which is No. 16
Second Series of the Central Experi-
mental Farm. Copies will be mailed to
those who apply for them to the Public-
ations Branch, Department of Agricul-
ture, Ottawa.
Maude Walker of Windsor, twenty-
two years of age, fell asleep on the
22nd of April, and after sleeping un-
brokenly for twenty -sty° days died
without having wekeeed.
aged fAr over sixgv 'YEARS by MILLIONS of ;
)211.10'157N NO, with PERVE(T Sta.:CIS. It
t;00Tli%:4 the CIII1.1). SOVTENS the 01013
ALLAN'S an PAIN ; CTJst5ii WINO conic, and
is um best remedy leyDIA iq kb.
,solutely ItsrntleAs .13e sate anti ask for "Mts. :
'Window's .S.,00.1n-g byren,'' and ta...e net athet '
Mae, Twenty-five cent* 5 bottle.'
A Lumberman's Opinion,
"I was troubled with palpitation of
the heart and sleeplessness," writes
Mr. Wm. Pritchard, Lumber Inspector,
Lumsden Mills, Ont., "and used Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food with very great
benefit, as my whole system was
strengthened and built up." Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food forms new, rich
blood and restores the feeble, wasted
nerve cells.
As Others See us.
There is no justification, says the
Manitoba Free Press, for a General El-
ection in Ontario. It is not yet two
and a half years since the present Leg-
islature was chosen. The reason for
the election is purely political. The
party managers want to avail them-
selves of the personal prestige of Sir
James Whitney before age and illness
compel his retirement. Victory in the
forthcoming election, if it comes, will
be followed by Sir James' retirement
and the probable succession of Mr. Han-
na, though it is possible that Mr. Adam
Beck may make a fight for the honor.
The election will take place, it is thought
about the beginning of July, which is
also the likely date for the election in
What if Ms were your Sou?
An anxious, griof-stricken mother egg'
pealed to us recently. She wrote s
"Iliave a ton fifteen years of age who
has tuberculosie in one lung. I hoe not
the means to give him the care he should
have. The doctors pay that with proper
care and Attention there s every hope that
he might fully recover. I would be very
thankful if he could be admitted to the
Muskoka Free Hospital if possible."
Suppose that your son or your daughter
were a consumptive. Suppose that Ise or
she were pale and wasted and shaken by is
hacking, strength -sapping cough. Sups
pose that you hadn't the snoney to provide
the badly-ngeded medicine, nourishment,
and skilled medical treatment. Think
what a blessed relief it would be to you to
know that the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Consumptives stands ready to help 1
Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos-
pital for Consumptives will be gratefully
acknowledged by W. J. Gage, Chairman
Executive Committee, 84 Spadina. Avenue,
or R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurers, 347
King Street West, Toronto.
Manitoba. Overwhelming as the
strength of the Conservatives appears
to be in Ontario, the hurrying up of tlit
election and the party advanteges pre-
vided for by the recent redistrib-
ution suggest a certain degree of appre-
hension in the Conservative -amp at
Mr. Rowell's rate of proereis.
The Dairy and Cold Storages Cornelis-
sioner has, for many year, furnished
plans and specifications fcr cheese fac-
tary and creamery buildings. Accord-
ingly, a large number of factories in
different parts of the country, that
have been built according to these plans
are now in successful operation. The
plans and specifications provided were
prepared to meet varying needs and
conditions. With the passing of t:me,
not only have a great many elans been
repared, but improvements have been
introduced in accordance with the pro-
gress in the industry.
In order to meet the demard for cor-
rect information on this subject, there
, has been issued in Bulletin 41 of the
Dairy and Gold Storage series, a full
treatment of the subject, in which sev
en different plans are dealt with. In
these, various capacities, methodssof
construction, building maerials, etc.,
! have been taken up. Thi i publication,
! which was prepare d by Geo. H. Barr
and J. G. Bouchard, embraces eighty-
two pages and contains many sketches.
;Anticipating a considerable ds mend for
' this bulletin a large number of copies
have been printed. Applicetiens for it
should he sent to the Pri hlica Timis Branch
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.
'Your Medicine Helped
When Doctors Failed"
Mrs. Edwin Martin, Ayer's Cliff, Que., writes: -
.':Before I began taking Nerve Food I was in a terrible
condition, dizzy spells came over me, and I would
fall to the floor, and I could not as much as sweep the floor without fainting unless they
took me out in the air. Now I can wash and work a. lot, and your Medicine helped me
when the Doctors failed. I felt as though it was a God -send to me.
I hope you will use my name wherever you like so that if there are any others
suffering as I have done, they may be benefited by using your Medicine for it will do all
it claims to do. I think it is the best of Medicines. Dr. Chase's Ointment is the best
that can be had for Piles."
Restores Wasted Nerves
Few people realize what an important part the nerves play in the condition of the
health, and many doctors feel helpless when the nerves go wrong because they do not
understand diseases of the nerves or their treatment.
If you read the letters which appear in this paper almost daily from people who
have been rescued from discouraging and distressing nervous diseases by use of Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food, you will soon believe in the efficiency of this treatment.
When headaches, sleeplessness, irritability and nervousness make your life miser-
able, be warned of the approach of nervous prostration, paralysis and locomotor ataxia,
and restore the feeble, starved nerves by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. No treatment
is so certain to benefit you. 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50. All dealers or Ef3mansop,
Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Write for booklet.