HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-05-21, Page 2THE WINGIIAM TIMES, MAY 21 1911 grand Trunk BO, • a- • TON Tichot Systtorn IM.revised lIansard (Pages 3237 and e's! "The more Mile matter is looked into," tic, said in part. "the more we will dim 1 In cover that it is exactly like other par- ticular changes in the tariff -in the in - We n isewthrough tienets Wrests ef the big manufactimers of cut cas via popular routes, to uny ;ntiu Arnerioa etone, not in the interests ef the con- -East, West, South, Northwest, Mn1sinner. toba, Pacific Voeet. ete. The Minister inerenses the duty Baggage cheeked through to destine- largely in accordance with their de - tion and full inforrnat Me given whereby , anus ;the demands of the men inter - travelling will be mem pleasant are, „ free from annoyance. Tourist and este tithe stone business) but when return tieltets to,tenove points also on ' the wheat growers of Cenada come to sale at lowest figures. and with all • this Government and present their ease prevailing advantages. I the 'Minister and the Government de Single and return tieltets to any point not consider that they (the grain in Ontarie. Your business Wilt be ap- g • rowers) know anything about their yereeiated, be yew. trip a short or a long one. business. Their ideas are not consider - W can tieet you throegb iny ed at all; they are 'turned down' and e kt• Paint in /Mt met? on all leading steamship other interests considered when it comes lines. Prepaid orders also issued. to deal with their indastry. That shows If its about travel. we .hare the the difference in the treatinent handed inform ition and will give it to you out, on the one hand, to the wheat .cheerfully. growers a Canada, and on the other H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Offiee, Wingham, Ont. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes rimet be left at this offiee net later than saturday noon. The cope- for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual cdvertisements accepted up to nron Wednesday of each week, hand. to the big cut stone corners who wish to shut out all competition and charge any prime they choose to the people who put up buildings in which cut stone is used." 'MET WELL ENOUGH ALONE." - At a meeting held on May 2nd the Calgary Trades and Labor Council went on record as desiring the immediate ex tension of technical and industrial educa- tion in Canada along the lines suggested by the Royal Commission appointed in 1910 to report upon thisquestion. Other labor organizations have expressed the same desire. In Ontario a few weeks ago aa educational association took the same position as that of the labor men. More than a year ago the report of the Royal Commission on teehnical edecation appointed by the late Liber- al Government in 1910 -was presented to Hon. T. W. Crothers, the present Minister of Labor. The report was - both exhaustive and valuabk , outlining the steps by which technical education could best be furthered in Canada. From the day it was presented to the Borden Government down to the present not a single step has been taken to- ward carryingits recommendations into effect. The wisdom of the extension of technical education arid the desire for it throughout the Dominion are both cer- tain but though Premier Borden and his colleagues are eager and active in ex- tending increased tariff protection to their friends and in handing out millions to Mackenzie and Mann they have neither time nor policy for teebnical education. In the Commons a few days ago the Government was questioned by a Liber- al member as to whether or not it pro- posed to introduce legislation to assist in the extension of teebnical education. Briefly put, the Government's answer was that the subject was still "under consideration" -that stock answer used by incompetent governments for evade I Mg definite, favorable replies. Appar- ently there is little te hope for from tbe present Ministry so far as technical' education for the young man and the ; laboring man desirous of improving hisl position is mincerned. Resolutions of trades and labor councils fall on deaf ears when addressed to the Borden Government. The Premier and his colieagues were put in power by the Special Interests to do their will, not the will of the Labor men and the other every -day citizens. ••• 187:1 THE IN1511Al1i TIMES. HAL EL,LIOTT, Pteet.tenne. Atm PftoPlexott. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1914 HELPING THE "INTERESTS." One of tlNe many tariff increases an- nounced be Hon. W. T. White in his recent Budget speech provides for greater customs taxation upon stone. The Finance •Iiiiister propeses to pro- tect the Canadian stone manufacturers. by a means of a higher tariff, against possible outside competition. In other words, be prormses to ensure the big, manufacturers of eut stcne 'a virtual mouopely in Canada, thus enabling them to charge what prices they will in the knowledge that the Canadian consumer must pay or go withoat the stone. The action of the Finance Minister will nee- emarley increase the eost of public and private buildings in the Dominion and in this way ai.1 still more either direct- ly or indirectly to the burdens upon the neeple, When he defended his action in the Commons en April teeth, Mr. White did so by citing the opinions of men inter- ested in the stone business in Canada. They were eonvinced. he said in effect, that an iecrease in the stone duties would be e. geed thing. Against the opinion of a Liberal member that "it would he of advantage to the country, and especially to the artisans and cen- suneers, that stone Fhould be made as cheap as poesible, and therefore should be on the free list," Mr. White made what apparently be regarded as a corm clueive answer by saying, that "the quarry ownere of the country have a very different view." The note all through his defence of this tariff in- crease was that the men in the stone business wareed the tariff mule higher. It was another pima of the fact that with Mr. White and the other members of the Borden Gevernment the desires of the ettregial Interests come first I wae another commentary en the fact that when the zepecial Intests think epee:Mei tereff ehenees weuld be to their edvantage. Mr. White thinks se, ONLY $6,000,000 OUT! The leeseness and ivaccuracy of the information in regard to Canadian Nor- thern affairs which is being given hy tee, but when the farmers of the Do- 1. the Borden Government may be gauged ! mien n nelleve that free a heat and free I from the fact that in one case alone the i agricuitural implements would be to the • Ministry omitted a $6,00m000 item. fele:temp of the country as a whole Between such close friends as the Gam and a imeefit to the feeming, class Mr. 1 ernment and Mackenzie and Mann .iih3,- Walt . hteds that they do not know 'itiee.ttee may be a mere bagatelle but the time' own bminess anti 'listens instead te I average citizen -of Canada is likely to the met lees of tee railways reel the have a somewhat different idea. znAierA ann the implement maitere in ', The omission of the $6,030.0t) item - opo i e., i te tee viegs of the far ,mers. :emetemeMeg, to be exact was made in Li th •!. demesei )n he the Cm:melons Mr. 1 the Government return showing the es - J. Cr Inril, the. Liberal rromMer for 'militated arnoent required to compete . Aeeinelmia. Saskatenew an, ; ut his li 7- the coastruction eif the Canadian Nor - gm n srme of th.. impertent p ointe , therm The sum left out is the atneunt ' i with thie particelar tariff required to complete the Montreal tun- , rnatme es wiii he seen be, a reierence to ,nels mid terctiaals. As soon as Liberal / nmvsrapere gave pubneity to the fact i , that the item had been omitted the Gov- ernment apelogists hastened to explain that the "mistake" Was due to an "er- ror in teansreission." It is quite pos- sibie that this was the case, but the ' ' iminent is iliuttinating as irelicating 1 the inaleuracy and unreliability of the "information" in lvgara te the afilairs1 of Mantrizie tied Man which Mr. i; Borden ard his colieagues are giv- i i .er the people who. wide: Iter -1 den legis,ation, are to endtese notes1 for the two railway magnates to the i enige atm.:int of ,0 (s(; i :I SELECTION WHEN you are next investing, we shall be glad to assist you in making the selection that will be most suitable to your need*. Upon request we dud' Ise P�* ed to reggest *slit* *Ma fur•gitutents for you. A. H. Martens & Co, Members Toronto Stork Herbarige II0 awl WARE littOKEIIS P. R. BUILD/NO, TORONTO 1 i.t4 Dr. Levi ord, High Court physi- mon of the Ancient Order of Foresters, died se prantford, aged lifts -nine. The seeker after truth has a "site job. The wee; 0" the transgressor is bard,1 but net loneseme. Where rue s are fewest they are least likely te be broken. One doesn't have to be particularly Aare; to tut a figure in society. Rich Indian teas blended with flavory Ceylons. Tea " , good tea"" \\INGHAM TWENTY YEARS AGO From the Teems of May 18, 18e4 Death has again visited our Parish and left desolation in its track. The LOCAL NEWS, 3 family of Mr, II. Grain, of Zetland, now Mr. S. Youhill, real estate agent, the other day sold lot 137, Leet & Davis survey, ward 2, to Mrs. leie Hughes. The Winghatn cannon, or more prop- erly speaking, Mayor Hanna's cannon, has been placed in position on the park. On Monday evening it was drawn from the town hall up Josephine street as far as Mr. Thos. Bell' e factory, where the trucks with which it was being takt n, gave out, the axle breaking, and the gun was left there till Tuesday, when it was taken to its permseent quarters, At the meeting of Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian Order of Foresters, held on Friday evening last, the follow- ing officers were installed by Mr. John A. Barnard, D. D.H.C.R., of Wroxeter; W. Neil, P.C,R.; R. V. Kittson, C.R.; D. Small, V.C.R.; T. J. McLean, R S,; D. M. Gordon, F.S.; S. Gracey, J. Neelands, Chap.; II, B. Elliott, S.W.; A. R, McDonald, J.W.; J. 3. Kerr, S. B.; F. H. Roderus, J. B. Mr. Jas Duffield has moved into his residence which he recently purchased frona Mr. D. McInnis. • Messrs. John Neelands and R. Elliott paid the Teesvvater Court of Canadian Order of Foresters a visit on Tuesday evening, and report having had a splen- did time. Mr. S. Youhill is this week soliciting stock to form a joint stock company to purchase the prairie owned by Mrs. Wm, Johnston, at the south side of the town. The prospects are very encour- aging that he will be successful. The property wilt .make a very fine park, and should be secured for that purpose. Mr. M. E. King, has had a large wool house erected in the rear of his store. He will give close attention to the wool business this year. Mr. D. Rush entered upon his duties as street -waterer on Saturday last, and merchants and business mea now have no cause to complain of the dust. A yearling steer belonging to Mr. Jos. Carr, of Lower Wingharre was killed on the C. P. R. track, on Tuesday, near Messrs. Hutton & Carr's flouring mill. Mr. Win. Vanstone has returned from his trip to England, and is considerably improved in health. Rev. H. McMearrie, of Bruce, was in town a couple of days this week ceiling mold friends. mourn the loss of a husband and father, whose spirit took its Right from all that was human on Ascension morning. Mr. Grain was a man above reproach, re- spected by all and bis death has cast a gloom over our Parish. He had been a sufferer from hemorrhage for ever two year., In the death of Mrs. James Hogg, of Turnberry, this section of the country loses one of the, if not the first woman seen in this section of the country. They came here when this place was a den c busb and have laboured to help to make it what it is at present, Mrs. Hogg, who has been ill for smarm weeks, passed quietly away in her sleep, with- out a sound or struggle. MARRIED England -Sanderson -In Sault Ste, Marie, Michigan, on May lst, by the Rev. Mr. Thompson, Mr. John England. of Pickford, Michigan, to Mrs. Wm. Sanderson, of Wingham DIED. King In Turnberry, near Bluevale, on May 16th, Duncan King, aged 74 years The funeral will leave his late residence, on Saturday, May 19th, at 10.30 o'clock a.m , and proceed M the Bluevale cemetery. Taylor -In East Wawanosh, on May 13th, Jobn Taylor, aged 31 years, 11 months and 13 days. Hogg -In Turnberry, on the 10th inst., Ann., wife of Mr. James Hogg, aged 75 years. Currie -In Morris, on May 6th, Don- ald Currie, aged 73 years and 6 months. Pentland -In Weet Wawanosh, on April 29b, John Pentland, aged 72 years. How's Tins? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY &CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cneney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve p e y honorable in -all business transactions, and financially able to carry out anyobligations made ny his firm. WALDING. KINNON &MAavrer, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Cattarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces, of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price, ?Sc. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for eonstipa- tion. VIM • ;Me Increase Your Dairy. Profits by giving your dairy herd the most comfortable quniters tat can be built. Be your own dairy inspector and insure the absolute purity of your dairy products by building your stable and spring house of a material that insuressanitaty conditions, and which, at the same time, is economical. .s. Build .with Concrete tt is the most economical material for every kind of farm building, for it requires no tepairs, never wears out apd utter needs painting. Dairy stables of coocrete are clean end sanitary. They keep The herd warm mei comfortable svinier, and tend to increase both the quantity and quality of milk. Whether you build a stable, silo, spring house or other farm buBding, concrete is the cheapest material to use. "What the Farmer Can Do with Concrete" is the title of a beautifully illustrated free book that tells all about roterete farm buildiegs and how to build them to *VC nioney. Partnere Information Bureau Canada Cement Company Limited $28 Herild Building Montreal TOWN DIRECTORY. BAIMISt CHURCH -Sabbath services at 11 a, m. and 7 p, m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. in. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. John Pollock, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meets Monday evenings 8 p. in, W. D. Pringle, S. S. Superintendent. M,ETIIODIST CfnutOrt-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. nu and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p, as. Epworth Leave every Monday evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, pastor. P. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent, PRESBYTERIAN Clitincli-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a, m, and 7 p. m, Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rey. D. kerne, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, S. S. Superintendent. Sr. PAUL'S CHURCH, BPISCOPAL-Sab- bath services at 11 a. in. and 7, p. m. Sunday School at 2;30 p. m. Rev, E. H. Crolv, B. A., Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent. aSALVATION ARMY C1TA.DEL.-SerViee at 11 min., 3p.m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday. At 8 o'clock on, Thursday evening. There will be special music provided m 61eSenday evening service from 7 to 7.5 POST OrmcN—Office hours from 8a.m. to 6:30 p. ne Open to box holders from 7 a, m. to 9 p. 211. P. Fisher, postmast- er. Pinserc LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every_ afternoon fe en 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss V. Cook, lib- rarian. Tower COUNCIL—Dr. A. J Irwin, Mayor; 3. W. IVIcKibbon, Reeve; H. B. Elliott, Wm. Isbister, W. A. Currie, A. Young, W G. Patterson and a Bell, Councillors; John F (moves, Clerk and Treasurer. Board meete first Monday evening in eaela month at $ o'clock. Puremn Somooe BoAan-H. E. Mard, Wm. Robertson, W. A. Campbell, Dud- ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E Lloyd, Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in Council Chamber on the second Tues- day of each month. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -Harry E. Ricker,Principal; G. R Smith, B. A., Specialistin Mathematics' ' Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics; Miss White, Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss B E, Anderson, First Form. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTIL-Dr. A. 3. Irwin, (chairman), Win.Fessant, Alex Porter, John F. Groven,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. Was the man who wrote "The Lest Art of Conversation" advertising for his absent wife? • Scientists seem to think that hecause radium costs so much it ought to be good for something. Many an auotmobilist seems to think that when he bought his car he also bought the city's streets. Given a chance to "dissolve" itself, a trustinvariably takes the easiest way to meet itself coming back. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teachers wanted, business chanties, mechanics wanted, articles far sale, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be Ieft at the Tams office. This 'work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted an applicatien. Leave or Rind 3"Otie next work or this kind to the TfitES OVFICE. Wineham Willgitam General Hospital (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly sheeted. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed phySidariS. RAMS FOR PA.TIENTS-Whicit include board and nursing), $4..90 to $15. per week according to location of room. For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223, Witighara Ont. It IILW eY Till TABLES. GRAMD matertee SYSTtf TRAIKa !MIMI TOR lemien fl.85 - 3 leipan TosoototiRa'st .1 00 a at.. S,Za 2.8 ;pan. tat dine..11.69 a su... 2.3J p-Ut 0.15 a.m ARRIVE racist Eineardine -4.30 a.m..- 2.8a p.m London.. ... 11.54 a.m... I.85 p.m Palmerston. . 11.24 is.m. Toronto is 4.80 n.m..- - 9.15 o.Ut BURGUAN. Agent, Wiegbam cieleAnnAie PACIFIC nAILWAti • TRAM tra.V1 *MS leironttaaed Bask.- 440 a ns 8 t- Teem/Anse ft)i) i'y*tr, p.m.. ARUM AWL Teeswette-.... ..... -CIAO fem a C5 c Teronto and Said.. ,... NI pan'.... -...71023 a. H. BREMER. Ageld,Wirighaut * OVER OS YEARS' EXPMENCE PATENTS SAGE MARS* DESIGNS COOVRIONTS *G. Anrone tending b. eketch end deeeriptlart tete reflexly ucerttun onr (mitten free sthether en inventem iii Probably. popish% SatomunIca. time toilet:Mne! te eonen. itANCImmi on Patent." sent tree. Wert teener for securingpsteate. Petente taken tbmeeh Munk* to, receltrdi rytteetuisetics, itit heat ware*, In um etilifit Rinelikat 1 A horesosium tuustietea weekly. Lamest ctr. truatien_peanY eteenitee Retreat Terme for Itlialgiaggt,leaer Pestles nrePeid. 1io14 by MUNtt &Coa..38r3afto,thv"' Newyork 1anOGIcet ,..... e at" .,- asbininoo, ESTABLIS ED 18713. TUE W,INORAlk, TINEs. ts etnersniellete EYEAY THURSDAY MORNING T110 -MUM Office Stone Itleele. WINeerAM, DAMMAM, Waage StineenreTION-el 00 per annum In ad.vonee,_81.50 if not op paid. ele paper dieoon. tinned till aU arrears are 1 aid, eeeept at the option of the pnblisher ADVERTISING ItIsTAB 231,Sfitar attoVERZSMENTs tme Year et 16 Mo eace luserttoe) Six Montes 1,10 1104 " 14 Three Menthe L00 (180 " One Month .54 (120 " One Week,.,....,.20 neem ana other similar advertisements, 10o Per Rue for first iusertion anti 40 per line for each subsequent irtiertion. Measured by a nonperiel settle, twelve lines to an inch, Business cards 0 six lines and ander, $5.00 per year. Advertisements of Situations Vacant, Situa- tions Wanted, litatises for Sale or to rent, Articles for Sale, etc., not exceeding eight lines, 250 each insertion; 41 for first month., 50e for each subsequent mouth. Larger ad- vertisements 111 proportion, Business notices 100ws type) 5a per counted ltue; as local or news matter. 10o per line eace insertion. Tal atnt Dsr.ilreKancr Is Method with sn extenaive assortment of all ralleisites for pend- ing, affording facilitiee not eqeatied, in the countyfor tuning out first elm Work, Large type and appropriate outs for all stales of Post. ars, Hand Bills, one, and the styles of choice fancy type for the finer elating et print ing, R. B. BLLIOTT. Prourietor and. Pnblieber ORS. KENNEDY & CALDER ormorameoreer Patrick and Omar° Ste. Pnotras: Offices 43 Resideace, Dr, Irenned7 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Irennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Byes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DB. BORT. C. RRONOND, M. R.C.S. (Eng) L. R. 0. P. London. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office, wfth Dr. Chisholm DR. H. X..ADAMS Late Member Rowe Staff Toronto General Hospital, Post Graduate London. and Dublin. Snccessor to Dr. T. re Agnew. Office Macdonald. Block. W. et. Mambly, B.se., 0.51. Wingbam, Ontario, Special attention paid to disease of women and children, having taken post graduate Work in Surgery, Barteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Herr resideuce, between, the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful. attention. Phone 51. P. O. Box 118. Dr. 1 R. Macdonald Wingharn, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office. DR. R.. PARK8R D.B.O.A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specialty -Chronic and nervous diseases Eyes scientifically tested. Glasses fitted. Tuesdays 11.30 a.m. 9 p.m. Office over Christie's Store). Consultation free. J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR -,--Chiropractic is successful in seek diffkault eases as insanity, Epilepsy. Asthma, Rheum t- tistn,Reodaclies, Conetipation, Oh rort Stom- ach, Liver and.Bowel Trouble,Fendle Trouble. Office in Knox house, back of Post Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. 'Phone 191, Office hours: 2 to 5 pan., 7 p.m. ARTHUR 4. tams , D. D. IL, L, D rt. Dotter of Dental snrgeryottha Pennsylvania DmIal College and lacentiate Of the Royal 041311ege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office jOiOlOOdmaid Block, Wiriebem, ce closed every Verdnesolay afternoon rota May 1st to Pot. lat. H. ROSS, a. D. S,, Lt. I). S. /Tenor gleeduate of the Royal College of Dental Sureloas of Ontario and Honor gradu- ate of the Mx varsity a Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry. ham, Ont, . 001es over H. E. /surd & Co's., store, Wing - Office closed awery Wedneedtte afternoon from May It to Oet. let. VANsTONA, Alm Meennamin, sotinelMon, )3T0 Private and Company temite to loan at loWeat ride of interestgenitalia* town hild tam, property troughs and sold. Officer, Stever15100k, Wingkera tr MORTON, altatilkitga, &b. Winebaitt, Ont, but)Lav HoLriEs ilarrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office: Meyer Illock,Wingimint. FARMERS , atidenytteti lierlug live Meth Or *thee articles they wisher; di CANADIAN P/ciric a eat Lakes Navigation Steamers will leave Port ficNicell Mon. flays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs., days and Saturdays td 4 p.m, commeac ing May 9111. tor SAULT -WIS. MARIS. PORT ARTfICR end PORT WILLIAM lobe Steemer oba, waling treat Port monsoon, eireappie aye will milt at Owen Sound,. leaving Fetid 10.10 Theo. salite dar- Steamshi I Express Will leeve Toronto 12.45 p.m. on seilivg das Melina dir%.et eounentlu Note steamers at Port fdpNieell TO WEWEERN CIA741)4 IN COUPOItT Vie.. CANADIAN PACIFIC) Perticulars as to Rail or Ocean tickets erom W A. Saldereon, town agent phoue 47; 3. 11- Seemer, station agent phone 7; or write m. LT. Murphy, D.P.A. C. P. ITT., Toronto, G AND TRUNK ItrEti'‘z Homeseekers Excursions Round trip tickets to points In Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan via Cbtcage. St Paul or Diallth, Oil sale each Tuesdey until October 37th, inclusive, et tow lases Through Tourist Sleepers to PNeturn- peg on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 pen. No change of ears. Through Pullman Tourist Sleep- ing Cars to 'WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto II p.m" No change of Cars. RETURN Wilt TWO tiONT115 The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route 'between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Edmonton, with excellent through service to Regina. Trains are now running into Calgary, Berth reservations and tull particular., front H. B. ELLIOT Town Passenger and Ticket Ageut. 'elione 4. W. P BURG - MAN, Station .Agent. 'Pixone 50. Or write 0, B. Horning, D.P.A , Toronto, 01.11. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the ked,,p,pe& Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2n4. Catalogue free. Enter any time, J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal • charteredAmountsat 17 Inee-Pdadval CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Become a specialist in business It offers more opportunities than any other calling. To reap the full measure of success you must have the best possible traiaing. This is Ontario's best Business School. We give individual attention. You may enter our classes any time. Three departmentse Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy Write at once for free catalogue. 0. A. *LACHLAN PRINCIPAL. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT Fran est** LIFE PLATE GLASS I A.CCIDEN T osuranee WEATHER :Ione:lied With a REAL ESTATE and WNW' LOANING Business. issuer of Marriage Licenses. Offiee over the Advance offic. WANTED. Good Local Agent at once to represent the Old and Reliable if Foothill Nursuries A splendid list of fn. it and ornamental stock fee Fall Delivery in 1923 and Spring Delivery in 191,1. Start at once and secure ex. elusive territory. We supply handsome free out- fit and pay bigehest com- missions. TA. btribottiditoer- " ti f parocula Vise the was for aisle In fitiTtecit. Our f e or on de net rs4 ei*Olgtettell WU toed it will be ittrente Indeed if " ygetsenstemee. Wealth' gtutetintee &f;ourneM: tyhaoeadttevt dupllee odsoometrltelMetbtee!enkresuretehoe*tevtytiTortou lhtlini Wuimettt*t*eAl, ey*SteOhnridee4 SiUDOwniimrton artioh oronto