HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1914-05-21, Page 1THE VOL. 2101 101001.M.18~4101.0.01.1"Mil.".....40.001,0". 1 No. 2 Folding Brownie $5.00 We carry a fine line of Brownie Cameras, Kodaks, Premo's and Supplies Cameras are priced from $2.00 and upwards Kodak weather is with us—the nicest season of the year, Why not take a Kodak with you in your rambles? It makes an ideal third party—never in the way, You secure snaps of friends and scene e that in future years will be very highly prized, J. W. McKIBBON DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN "27so Ston4 _____________ GARDEN ,dsto,TOOLS We bave fGar- den Tools such as: Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Digging Forks, Sprinkling Cans • Etc., Etc. a--"A---v Garden Hose We handle the best lines of Garden Hose I e.5 ---0411-D Coal Leave your order early for your supply of Genuine Lehigh Valley Hard Coal. es--1/111-gl Rae 116 Thompson Hardware Merchants Phone 27 Cbv istie's Grocery PHONE 59. Store opens 7 a.m. Closes 7 p.m , Agent for Fleischman's Yeast. PINEAPPLES The Pineapple eituation is most Uncertain this year. This is the time fOr preserving, but large importers are not getting the stocks, Whether they will be eheaper or not it is impossible to say. Expect Shipment To.Day All Orders will be carefully attended to, WINGHAM, ONTARIO THURSDAY KAY 21 1914 $1 A YEAR 11\ ADVANCE Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers East Huron Libera s. The annual mee ng of the East Huron Association will 'flats held in the Town Hallo Brussele, cal Tuesday, May 26th, at 2 p.m. A large attenden ce is asked for. General Move in Winghant, Ag. The past wee4as seen a number of families move tp new homes. W. J. Greer has movedeffeets to the house recently vacated' by Dr. Moon; H. E. Ricker takes thehouse vacated by J. C. Kayser; N. T. Sinclair to the house va- cated by Mr. Maker; John Quirk to the house vacated by Mr. Sinclair and C. P. Smith to the house vacate I by Mr. Quirk. New Rector Appointed. X The Rev. Edward Gladstone Dymond, for the past five and a half years Rector of Markdale, hap been appointed by his Lordship the Biabop of Huron, as rector of St. Paul's Church. /Mr. Dymond has been locum tenens of St. Paul's since the removal of Rev. Mr. Croly to Port Burwell and has already won the regard and affection of the congregation, with which he gives promise of becom- ing very popular. Mr, Dymond will remove his family to town in the conrse of a short time. Hough -Baker Wedding. A quiet but pretty wedding took place in the Methodist Church, Kansas City, Ark., U.S.A., on Tuesday evening, May 12th, when Miss Goldie N. Baks;r, of that city, was united in marriage to Mr. Rolland Heugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Baugh, of Wingham, the nuptial knot being tied by Rev. Mr. Hotter. After a short honeymoon .Mr. and Mrs. Hough will take up residence in Kansas City, where Mr, Hough has secured a lucrative position. Oddfellows Service. The members of Maitland Lodge, I.O.O.F., and visiting members to about one hundked strong, attended Divine Service inathe Methpdist church on Sunday evening last,. when Rev. J. W. Hibbert preached a special sermon from I Samuel 20, 17. The pastor on - ed with words of welcome and praised them for the work they were doing, and welcomed them upon the common ground, "the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood if Man." While it seemed easy to sty "I believe in the fatherhood of God,' yet more was con- tained in that doctripe than first appear- ed, for the fatherhpod of God implies that we accept Hini as our Creator, it implied a revelation of His love in the gift of His Son and consequently leads us to say, "We love God because He first loved us." Bratherhood cannot be based upon a cash basis, but upon the principle of love* antal the speaker out- lined the story of Jonathan and David and the good Samaritan as underlying principles of brotherhood. First we recognize a brother an; secondly, we bend our shotilder to bear his load and count no sacrifice in recompense for our labors. The West Shore Railway. In strong language, charging fraud, misrepresentation, gross negligence, shifty evasion, reiterated falsehood, shameless cynicism and calculated cun- ning, against John W. Moyes, promoter, D. McIntyre, chairman of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Hoard, handed out by the finding of that body last week on the investigation into the af- fairs of the Ontario West Shore Rail- way, The full weight of the board's finding is directed against Mr. Moyes for his attitude at the inquiry, his fail ure to give adequato or aecurate testi- mony, and his manipulation of the funds secured from the sale of bonds of the railesay company guaranteed by the municipalities of Goderich, Kincardine and Huron. The tenor of the judgment is no sur- prise to those who followed Mr. Mehl - tyre's attitude during the course of the investigation, althOttgh the comments he makes ate probably as strong as have over been delivered in a jedieial pronouncemeat. This concludes, so far as the board is concerned, the first in- quiry conducted under the special pow- er coaferred by the Legislature two years ago, and IS en added implement Us the many !misers; already possessed by the board, which is more easily avail- able than the lengkby procedure requir. ed by procuring a Toyal commission. It is stated hi Toronto that the mun* ieipalities affected by the defeult of the railway and the fraud of Moyes will taW legal proceedings against him as on as the necessary arrangements eat tr be niade. Since the repoA was handed out a warrant has been issued for the arrest of 'John W. Moyes. Big Cut Rate S le, Mr. J. II. Baker is holding a big cut rate sale of d .37 goods, ready-made clothing, boots ilpd shoes, groceries and chinaware. Tl sale will start on Thursday, May 4st. See large advt, on another page Jnnd posters for full particulars. Football Match. The High Saha 'I football tea nn played the semi-final ma ch with Berlin in the town park on Sat' rday afternoon last. The game was ry evenly contested and the score sto 1 to 1 until within a few minutes of ti e, when the visiting team scored, ma : ng the score 2 to 1 in favor of I3erlin. heHigh SC11001 team goes to Berlin onlSaturclay next for the final game. Conservative Convention. The annual meeting of the North Huron ConservatiVe Association will be held in the lown Hall, Wingharn. on the afternoon of Wednesday, May 27th, when officers will be elected and a candidate will b&selected for the com- ing Provinsial election. Addresses will be delivered by C. R. McKeown, IVI.P.P for Dufferin; A. a. Musgrove, M.P,P. for North Huron, and others. Victoria Day Rates. The Grand Trunk Railway System Will sell tickets at reduced rates for the Victoria Day holiday, Single fare, good going and returning Monday, May 25th. Single fare and one-third, good going Saturday and Monday, May 23rd and 25th, valid for return up to Tuesday, May 26th. Purchase your tickets and get full information from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent at the Times office. Office will be open evenings' for convenience of those wishing to purchase tickets. Base Ball Club Organized. At a meeting of the base ball enthus- iests the following officers were elected: —Hon. president, L. F Hinkley; presi- dent, L, Kennedy; vice-president, R. A. Currie; cap On, M. Telfor; secy- trees, R. J. Brooke; committee, C. Geddes and M. White. There is an abundant material in town for a good team, and a snappy ball team is assured for the season. The team plays an ex- hibition game ii Mitchell on Victoria Day. Lacrosse Notes. At a meeting of the O. A L. A. Dis- trict Committee to arrange some changes in several of the groups was held in Toronto op Monday. Wingharn, which was previously grouped with Clinton, Seafortho and Mitchell, but ow- ing to these places having no teams this year, has been placed in group No. 5, consisting of London, St. Marys, Wood- stock, Brantford and Wingham. Ely this it will be seen that the boys are in fast company and good lacrosse may be expected. Dominion Day Celebration. The preparations for celebrating Dominion Day in Wingham, are being rapidly pushed to completion and the various committees are working hard to make this the biggest day ever held in Wingham. A. firstSClass lady balloonist has already beep engaged for the occasion, while an effort is being made to secure the farnons West Zora Tug -o - War team, which has held the champion- ship of Western Ontario for some years. Lacrosse and base ball matches will also be arranged with outside teams. From the above it will be geen that the cele- bration committee is gin earnest, and that a big day may be expected. The Greyhound Trips Mr. E. H. Ayer, the veteran Travels ling and Excursion Agent for the White Star Line of Detroit, paid hie annual visit to Wingham last week, arranging for the annual excursion to Detroit, which takes place from Goderich, June 12th, returning June 156. This givee a person a longer stay in Detroit than usual, and any person who is in- terested in Bre Ballo wili have an op- portunity of seeing to good .games of baseball between Detroit, who are lead- ing the American League, and New York, on Saturday and Detroit and Poston, on Sunday, these games Will be Well worth going td Detroit to gee, especially when such, a low rate as $1.50 from Goderi.h is obtainable. Mr. Ayer is getting to know most of the people in this diftriet as he has ben at this business for nineteen years and has been coming up tide way for twelve successive years but he seems to be preparing for his rotirernent as he was eccOmpatiled this time by Mt. C. F. Hielnian, son of the manager, vvho will likely take his work shortly. 111111111111MINRIMMI Excellent Selection of CHILDREN'S SHOES Read our ad. oxs. last page W. It WILLIS & CO al171111311111201=11111111111411111=1111=11111111M1111101 The Wornan'f Institute. The annual. meeting of the Wingham Branch of tha Woman's Institute will be held on Thfirsday, May 2lat at 8 p.m., in tha, Council Chamber, The subject for this meeting will be, "Our Year's Work*" by the President, Offi- cers will be elected for the ensuing year. A full attendance of the members is urgently remiested. An Old Resiclent Dead. There passed away on Wednesday last, an old and respected resident of West Wawanrh in the person of Airs Mary Alton, 7lict of the late Jeremiah Alton in her eighty-seventh year. Mrs. Alton, whose maiden name was Mary Caesar, was barn in Tipperary, Ireland, and came to this country with her hus- band many yeers ago and settled in Wawanosh where she has resided ever since. She is snrvived by nine children. four sons and five daughters to mourn her loss. Heating. A postcard addressed to us will secure free of charge the services of our chief heating engineer, Mr. W. D. Varey, who will give yhu the most modern and up -to date ideas of heating, and what it would cost to make alterations or install h new outfit an your home, school, or church. As we manufacture a full line of these „goods and install them direct from the factory, you vill secure first class work at fectory cost. We make a specialty of heating. The Western Foundry Co., Limited. Phone No. 85. TO CREATE A MONOPOLY. To give oae Canadian company a monopoly iti t6e Canadian market was the frankly admitted purpose of one of the many tariff increases announeed by Hon. W. T. White in his recent Budget speech. Mr. White was quite open in his statement that it was believed that a particular taritf change would enable one company tasll all the caustic soda required in Canada. Until Mr. White got into his High Protectionist stride as Minister of Fin- ance, caustic sedas and hypochlorite of lime were admitted to Canada dutyfree. Without any tariff protection one Cana- dian company was able to supply one- third of Canada's eaustic soda require- ments. But that vyasn't enough. With a duty levied upon, these product e' the company believed an could supply not merely one-third of the Dominion's re- quirements but the other two-thirds as wer. So the company whispered to the Finance Minister and the thing was done. Duties were impcieed and Mr. White frankly admitted that with the aid of the duty the company would probably be able to furnishthe full Canadian supply of caustic soda. Put in another way, the Borden Gov- ernment, through Mr. White, has legis- lated to give one company a monopoly in the Canadian market. The Govein- ment has used its ',power to give mono- poly privileges to One group of its High Protectionist frien4s. To create a mon)** in caustic soda manufacture may or may not be a very serious thing in itself though it is certain that the tariff change will bring an in crease in the price exacted from the Can- adian people for this particular commo- dity. But it is a serious thing when it is frankly admitted by the Government's spokesman that tho tariff is revised tip - wards for the express purpose of giv- ing one company a Monoply. Inevitably, the maintenance of a High Proteetionist tariff fosters monepolies and mergers and trusts and udder these eircurn- stances, to establieh and enforce such a tariff is bad enough; it is infinitely worse when there 5 the bold admission that the tariff is increased simply and solely for the express purpose of enab- ling friends of the tovermnent to have the heme market as a special profitable preserve for theingelves. If there were no other proof, this' one incident would be sufficient in itself to show that the present Government is a Governmett with which the &mires of Special In- terests- take precedence over all else, to the detriment and lois of the Cana- dian people. A semi-monthly pay day for all rail- way employees in Canada is likely to come intO effect Vt.ith the passirig of the amended railway aet, whieh is ,now being eonsiderect but will not, it is said, be passed until early in the next session of Parliantent. esAtt'aes PERS") NALS Dr. Gillier, of \ Teeswater, was in town on Tuesday. Miss Lime Kennedy, of Toronto, is borne for the stunts' vacation. Mr. John II. -Voting, of Winnipeg, is visiting with his paTents in town. Mr. Alex. Ritchie, of Neepawa, Man., was calling on old friends in town this week. Mr. D. G. Small, of Grand Rapids, Mich., is visiting his mother, Mrs. A. Small, of town. Mrs. Flood and Mies Meanie Flood, of Toronto, spent the week end visiting Mr, and Mrs Wm. Armour. Mrs. Bert Elliott and babe, of Saskaa toon, Sask., are spending a few months with her parents, Mt, an Mrs. Chas. Knechtel. Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Davidson and Miss Jean Davidson, of Wroxeter, visited for over Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Elliott. Mrs. M, W. Armstrong is in London this week, attending the annual meet- ing of the Woman's 14issionary Society of the London Conference. Mr. Malcolm Stewart, wlao has been in the employ of Messrs Walker & Clegg as upholsterer, left on Saturday.to take a similar position in Buffalo. Mr, Tedorf, who has been in the em- ploy of Walker & Clegg for the past year, left on Saturday to take a position in a furniture store in Listowel. Miss Burgess, who went to Toronto a few weeks ago to undergo an operation, returned home last week, and we are glad to report is much improved in health. Rev. William Lowe, of Lucans a for- mer popular rector of St. Paul's Church, is spending his annual holiday with Mr. Joseph Dawson in the Alps, and meet- ing old friends in town. Mr. Richard Anderson, of Donald, is visiting with old friends. in Wingham. Mr. Anderson intends leaving for Win- nipeg about the ist of Ale, where he will spend the stammer months. Dr. W. J. Moon, V.S. and Mrs Moon left town on Thursday last. Mrs. Moon will visit in Hamilton for a time and Dr. Moon goes to New Liskeard, where he will probably locate. Dr. and Mrs. Moon made many friends during their residence in Wingham and many regret their removal. We wish them success and happiness in their new home./ CHURCH NOTES. The Presbytery of Maitland and the Presbyterial Society met in Kincardine on Tuesday of this week. Mr. A. C. Riley will preach on the following subjects in the Baptist Church on Sunday next: Morning, "What is Life?" Evening, "The Eternal Quest," Regular services next Sunday in the Methodist Church. It being Victoria Day the evening service will be of a patriotic nature; the pastor's subject being, "Memories of Victoria the Good". AU are welcome. Owing to the Rector's absence from town for a few days he is obliged to cancel the service on Ascension Day in St. Paul's Church, Next Sunday evening special reference will be made in the sermon to "Victoria Day." Preparations are being made for a big crowd at the corner stone laying of Melville church at Brussels on Monday, 25th inst., at 2.30 p in. Rev. Dr. Mac- Donald, of Toronte, will perform the important ceremony and will give an address, followed by other speakers and musical program. Tea served in the TOwn Hall. YThe annual Sunday School Convention of the Deanery of Huron was he in St. Thomas' Church, Seaforthiel-• with -eighty -0e dele- gates in attendance. Interesting pa- pers were given by Miss Fish and Miss Marchland, of Exeter, which were re- plied to by Mrs. C. M. Walker in a a paper on "To Prove that the Sunday School does not help the attendance at the Church Services*" Also a paper was given by Rev. J. C. Potts, M.A.„ of Clinton. These papers brought lip some interesting discussions which were of benefit to alLyThe following dele- gates represented St, Paul's congrega- tion: Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Walker, Miss Cornyn, Miss Lizzie Plenty, Miss Mabel Swarts and Miss Fred e Vanstone, Next year the convention will be heid itt Wingharn. Miss Plenty was appointed secretary of the Deanery for the vim - Ing year./ Wilfrid McRae and Alfred Drake. employees of the waterworks depart. ment in Guelph, were instantly killed. by the eaving in of a trench. NORTH HUBON LIBERALS. The annual sneeting of the North Huron Liberal Association will be held in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday fternoon, May 22nd, commencing at 2 o'clock, when officers are to be eleeted for the ensuing year and a candidate will be selected to contest the riding for the Provincial Legislature election. Prominent'Liberals will be present and deliver addresses. Every Liberal is in- vited to attend this meeting and it is the desire of the officers that this be the best meeting of Liberals ever held in the riding. North Hunan is good fighting ground and with a good candi- date in the field, the Liberals should be able to send a supporter to N. W. Row- ell to Toronto. Let there be a grand rally of Liberals in Wingham, on Fri- day. May 22nd, THE TEMPERANCE ISSUE. In regard to the temperance issue in the impending Ontario General Elect- ions, the Christian Guardian in its cur- rent issue says: "As we understand the question7tre issue between the political parties upon the point is very clearly drawn. The Conservative party stands for law en- forcement and the further use of the local option provision in the Liquor Lic- ense Act; but they do not believe in, and will not grant, any radical temper- ance legislation, unless compelled to do so by the decisive vote of the people. The Reform party stands clearly and definitely for the immediate abolition of all bar and club licenses, leaving all the present shop licenses intact, but to be dealt with by local vote; a majority of voters to rule either for or against the license. Now this ds not all tem- perance people have been asking for, andit is not all that the Provincial Leg- islature could do in the matter; but it does include two very important de- mands Ontario ternPerance men have been making for a decade or more. Under such circumstances the man who puts temperance before party seems to us to have a pretty clear course mark- ed out as to how his vote should be cast. "Mr. Rowell's policy with reference to the liquor question should • appeal strongly to every temperance man, not because it is Mr. Rowell's policy, but because, so far as it goes, it represents the temperance policy of Ontario for years past. To reprobate this policy now would seem to come dangeronsly near to declaring previous declarations insincere. We would not try to be a conscience for any man, but as the matter looks to us, in a straight contest between a Conservative who stands by his party policy on the liquor question, and a Reformer who stands by his party policy on the same issue, the ardent and honest temperance voter does not seem to have much ground to hesitate." WHERE THE LIBERALS STAND. "The first objection we !lave to this agreement is that although it purports to be a unification of the Canadian Northern System, itis no such unification —the twenty-eight companies are still in existence and will continue as they are to -day. The next point is that the guarantees that we have are absolutely illusory, that the mortgage we receive is absolutely insufficient. "I said a moment ago, and I repeat, that this enterprise must go on. It has been conceived for the benefit of the Canadian people. We require this rail- way. It must not go into liquidation, but we should have the control of it, Since we nanst go into partnership with the Canadian Northern Railway let us see that we are the master, not the servant. Let the agreement be modified; letthe resolutions be modified. Put, sir, as they stand at the present time they are not conceived for the benefit of the Canadian people; they are coficeived altogether for the benefit Of the firm of Mackentie and Maim and Of the Canadian Northerti Railway. "There is this consideration to be borne in mind by the Prime Minister; There are interests which are transcen- dent, and the primary one of those transcedent interests is that of the eountry. I have to repeat that the in- terest of the country is riot served by the present resolution, and as they stand it will be the duty of the Opposi- tion to oppose them from first to last., (From the speech of Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the Government's proposals to aid 1VIatkenzie and Mann by a bond guaran- tee of $45,00,000—thirevised Hansard, Page S20.)3 „ , . 1111010111. %Vs ' WM VI It We are showing lines of Shoes for men, who appreciate the rich THE BEST MEN'S 1 SHOES MADE ililltu. 0 • refinements of high class Foot- wear, Shoes seleeted with the greatest care from the best Shoes made. Selected for the purpose of giving the Man who desires 1 Shoes of Quality - jest what he wants. Tbe finest of selects d leath- ers the perfection of Shoe Making. Shoes of Quality and exclusiveness. $3.00, $4 00, to $5.00 High or low eat models If you are Making for some- thing choice in Footwear, Sir, you'll find it here. BELNO- Y.TJE S00E4 HERS To RE IttleAtiiso LW. GEER THE SHOE MAN EEICE05=comm 1 r...,...,.........„,,,,•Wiws, Fine Farm For Sale' .111.410• 1141•113111.2.1....•••=jimill We have just had placed in our hands for immediate sale on account of the failing health of the owner, one of the finest 10 1 acre farms in the County of Huron. The farm is well fenced with wire and drained with tile, and'inas'on it a large brick house and splendid barn with cement stables throughout, is well watered and has no waste land. All clean and in a high state of cultivation. Five acres of maple bush. Close to market on good gravel road, R. D. and telephone. TERMS: Half Cash, and Balance at 5 pr cent. It always pays to buy a good Farm, so don't miss this opportun- ity to get one at a right price. Wind an Weather Insurance Storms are doing great damage an around us. Are you protected. We are agents for the "Hartford" one of the largest and strongest companies in the world. Rates are about half of those of the local companies, and no premium note. Ritchie & CHM REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1A.MITri, ONTARIO. j - SEEDS of all kinds Clover, Timothy and all kinds of grass seeds. Mangolds and T urnips Seed Corn, the best by test Garden Seeds We can supply any of the above seeds. We have the best obtain able. HOWSON & BROOKLEHANK Phone 40 PURE SEEDS 11111111110201111111.11111111119111111111X1111111111111 COLLEGE MNION../1.01••• AT I -1011E Thousands of ambitious vow a peo- ple are fast preparing in their own holnes to occupy lucrative positicos as atenograph et s, bookkeepers, telegraph- ers, civil servants, in feet every sphere of Business Activities. Yon may finish at tollege if yen wish, Positions gnat- anteed. Enter eollege any day Indi- vidual instruction. itxpert teachers. Thii ty year's experience. Largest trainers in Canada. Seven colleves. pedal course for teachers Affiliated ,with Commercial eakich- tor.5, Association of Canada. Summar Schaal at the famous Spotton Busloads College, London, IWingham Business College 'Geo. apatton, W. T. Morse, Preeithett. Prinripal.