HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-01-09, Page 76 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, January 9, 2013 His voice sounded just like my nephew's says aunt CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 1 There was no doubt in this aunt's mind this was her nephew and she was going to do what ever it took, even if it meant $2,500 to help hint. Luckily, Jeff had just read another OPP warning in the Lakeshore Advance telling readers the clangers of what is called "'i'he grandparents scant:' in this case it was the aunt scant --hut same premise. • "it was his voice," insists Gail, explaining she answered the phone where her nephew called her by name and said it was "her favourite nephew calling;" "Which, one?" She asked, stating she had many. When he said his name she relaxed and listened to his story. She had just sat beside him at Christmas dinner with the fancily and was positive this was who he said it was, 1lis tale began with a story that he had flown with some friends to Montreal for New Years Eve, had rented a car and had too much to drink. Ile said he was charged with impaired and thrown in jail and "it was rough in there" Ile said the charges were dropped hitt there were a whole lot of fines he had to pay and that he had managed to raise half of The Municipality of Lainbton Shores LIVING IN LAMBTON SHORES... A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community Administration Department 7883 Areleleoom Parkway. Forest, Ontario NON 1Jo Tel 1-877-786.2335, 519.786-2335, Fax 519-786-2135. Email adminislrabondiambtonshuros r,1) Visit our Web Site et www Iemhlonshcxos ca Notice of Public Hearing of Municipal Council RE: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION ZO.1012012 General Amendments to the Detached Accessory Building Provisions APPLICANT: Municipality of Lambton Shores Please bo advised that a Public Hoartng to c0111R1Of the above nolod application will bo hold by Iho Count it of tx, Cxpxxntxn of 11e Mum(soggily of 1ambon Shores al the Thodford Yell go Complex on Maui Street x1) 1 hodlor i an JANUARY 14. 2013 at anuroxlmately 7;10 o,mt Persons wishing 10 speak 10 this application are requested to notify the Clerk on or before noon. Wednesday, January 9, 2013, In order to be placed on th" Agenda, although anyone in attendance will bo given an opportunity to address Council on this matter 8ummary of the Aoolkatton The proposed zoning By-law Amendment Applucabon proposes to amend (a) Section 3.3 4 of Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 to change Me maxrmu rr lot coverage allowed for all detached aa•essay hiikbrlgs a structures on n kit 01 any reskderlt,M zone Iron 67 m' of 10 % of the area of the kit whichever is less to 931)1' or 10% of the area 'lithe leu, ehx•hover is loss subject to the Wowing restrictions, 1) for buildings and strictures of 87m' of /of coverage Of less a maximum height of 5 5 metres shall be permitted .end k) for buildings and structures with kit coverage between 68 n' to 93 m' a maximum Might ol 6 1 metres shay be penn8ted (b) Sael,on 3 3 of Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 to permit nit accessory building and structures to be located n the fnvrt yard where a lot abuts a watercourse. provided the proposed building a stn,cture is 007 located within the roqured Mont yard Currently. accessory birth -logs m,1 structures are only 'emitted k1 an mtenor side yard end a rear yard Should you require any additional Information, please do not hesitate 10 contact Patti Richardson al 1.877.786.2335 or nib 23.1!, Addlbonel information relating to the proposed amendment is available for inspection during regular office hours M me Municipality of 1 aintNrn Shores, 7883 Amlelecom Parkway, Forest. Ontario Any writien submissions regarding this application should bo sont to Iho nitontion of Carol Mehemet, Clerk, Munxypat6ty of l egohlon Slwr"s 78413 Arntekxorn Parkway, Forest, OMmo, NON 130 PLANNING ACT INFORMATION ANY PERSON may attend the public mooting arxf/a make wntton or verbal representation ntation either in support of or n oppnsilxn to the imoposed lin niJ Ily IAw Amendment IF YOU WISH TO BE NOTIFIED Of the decision of Council on the proposed Zoning By law M1014 110111 yam must make, n einem motorist to tlho Municipality of Larebton Shores, Attention Carol McKenzie, Clerk, Forest. Ontario, NON 130 IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY: (I) docs not make oral submissions at Is public meeting or make written subnnbsnns 10 The Municipality of 1 amblorn Shoms before the by-law is passed. Ihe person or public body is not entitled lo appeal the decision ot the Couocd of Tho Municipality of 1iunbin Shores to the ()Hann Mum .gonl Board (8) does not make oral submissions M a public mooting, or make written submissions leo The Munkgpality ol 1 ambles Shores before the by liw is passrxt the person Of public body may not be added 115 n party to the hearing of an ap proal before the Ontario Munrcipel Board unless. n tho opinion n oI 1ho Board, there are reasonable grounds 10 do so DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF LAMBTON SHORES THIS 27'd DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2012. Patti 1.. Richardson, Senior Planner Municipality of L amblon Shores 7883 Amteiecom Pkwy , Forest, Ontario NON 130 Ph (519) 786.2335 Fax. (519) 766.2135 Emal psoweraramotlMstmince IN ADDITION Council will be considering the following matters at the January 14th. 2013 meeting; 7:30 p.m. • Zoning By4aw Amendment Application ZO.1112012 for Bruco Hiscott for property located at 9983 Northville Crescent 7:40 p.m. — Zoning By4aw Amendment Application ZO.12/2012 for Michael & Jonna Beemink for property Iocalai at 9 Water Street Full copies of 6e notices for those applications aro avallatlo on the Municipal wobslto or by calling the Forest office at 7(18.2335 or 1.877.786.2335 Property Assessment Notice - Taxation Years 2013 to 2016 Property Owners shoukf have received their now Property Assessment Notice from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) len the last couple of weeks The Municipality has scheduled two (2) days for property owners to moot with MPAC d they would We to discuss their property assessment value. The 2 dates scheduled aro Thursday, January 24113 at the Grand Bend Municipal Office (lower level) from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and Thursday, January 31113 at the Shores Complex in Forest (lower level mooting room) from 9.0011.m to 4:30 p.m. An APPOINTMENT I8 NECESSARY to meet with n roprosontatrve from MPAC To schedule an appointment, the property owner Is required to call MPAC directly at 1.868.298-0722. You must Indicate that you are calling to setup an appointment and for which location/date. F'leaso bring your assessment notice to the appointment Lambton Shores' Residents - PLEASE NOTE: Muluict,ly .I,lnll,ll y 1,1 2013 n\ t 1 .11 1 110 (h 1I the stoney including damages to the rental Car, Gail asked hilts why he had not called his father and he said he did mit want to get into a big thing over the phone with his dad and that he would call hits the following day. Gail then heard sirens in the background and someone telling the nephew "his time was up"- he had to end the call. Ile said his lawyer would be in touch. Moments later a man named Rich and Steinberg called the (;rand fiend couple and explained to Gail she needed to send $2,486 through West- ern Union and she could do that at a Bank of Nova Scotia and or the Metro grocery store, it had to he cash. (;ail explained they did not have a Bank of Nova Scotia here and the lawyer listed one in Exeter and one in Gode1'ich. Ile said she was not to tell Western Union where the money was going to and to not tell her hank what was happening. "'Inhere are a lot of scants out there'," said the lawyer, calling himself Stein- berg, " You have to be careful out there." Ile told them to put the money in the name of Ake a n a y a Gannon- John. 'Ihe lawyer then said he had to go as he was wanted 11c court and would call back. "'This was very well planned out," Gail stated adding they had answers for everything. By this time, Jeff carte in from outside where he was taking lights down, Gail explained the phone call. Ile told her it was a scant- quoting the polite art1('It' he had Just read. "No," she said, "It really was sty, nephew, 1 know the voice" From the OPP Protect yourself; remember scammers are counting on the fact that you will want to act quickly to help your loved ones in an emergency. Never send money to anyone you don't know and trust. Verify the person's Identity before you take any steps to help. Scammers usually want you to keep things confidential; this should raise your suspicions. Don't give out any personal Information to the caller. Investigate by asking the person questions that only your loved one would be able to answer. Verify the story. Ask yourself; does the caller's story make sense? Educate your relatives, friends, and neighbours about this scam. \Vht'It Stt'ittllt'rg called back the coo Isle hewn to ask questions, asking tot phone numbers and company names. 'the lawyer said no one was at his office to answer the phone as staff was on hol- idays. 11e said again that he had to go but wutild again call hack. In the meanwhile, the I)ietrich's called the Montreal police who were very Itt'Ipit II. it was confirmed that there was no one by this name arrested. 'I hey also tried to find the lawyer's office in Montreal and when they called the number they found it was On answering machine. 'then they began staking calls Io find shah• n(phew.'Ihey did nut want to betray his trust by telling his parents just in case this was true, S(7 they Calle other relatives to find out where the young Ivan had spent New Years Eve, They then Called his boss when they I't (' 101(1 he had 1)(eI1 away for a flew days with work. In the end they did speak to their nephew who 1(71(1 111(91) he was nowhere near Montreal over the holidays and none of this happened. Ile (1i(1 0(10)11 to his relatives though that just last month his Computer had been hacked and he had to change all of his passwords. When the lawyer called hack to see if everything was in place, they told him 00, as their nephew was not in Jail. 'thee Conversation quickly ended with the lawyer hanging up, "We feel violated, we feel angry," said Jeff explaining people need to heed the warnings of the police because this scam is real and they were almost out $2,50( because of it. What should I do If I have been scammed? You should report the matter immediately to the Canadian Anti -Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501 or online at www.antifraudcentre,ca As well, you should report the matter to the OPP at 1-888-310-1122. Although it may be difficult to recover the money you have lost to a scam by reporting the scam to authorities, you are warning other people about the scam and minimizing the chances of the scam spreading further. 1)