HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-01-09, Page 6Wedneeda 9 2013 • Lakeshore Advance 5 opinion letters to the editor Alzheimer Society of Huron County to present Public Education Sessions: dementia 101 Dear editor: The Alzheimer Society of Huron County is offering a public information session "Dementia 101: An Overview of Alzheimer's disease and other demen- tias". This session is being offered to family and professional caregivers and the general public. Topics include infor- mation on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, a description of the symptoms of dementia, caregiving issues, and the availability of commu- nity services. Dementia 101 will he offered free of charge in the meeting rooms in the Exe- ter Town I call on Thursday, January 10 from 7 - 8:30. Free refreshments will be served. If you cannot meet us there, we are also hosting the meeting across the county in the following locations: CLINTON Betty Canino Centre; Saturday, January 12; 10-11:30 ung GODERICH United Communities Credit Union; Wednesday, January 16; 7-8:30pnm Community Room WINGHAM Maitland River Community Church; tesday, January 22; 2-3:30pnr "Education and awareness is a key tool when it comes to dealing with Alzheimer's disease," says Jeanette Sears, Public Education Coordinator. "Dementia is a tough issue; h is difficult to detect and diagnose. When it touches you at a personal level, it is difficult to accept. The earlier people become aware of the information and resources available, the better they can access the help they treed." To register or for more information contact the Society at 519-402-1482/1- 800-561-5012, by e-mail at Jeanette(il alzheimerhuron.on.ca or visit www. alzheinrer.ca/huroncounty . The Alzheimer Society of 1 luron County provides information, educa- tion, and support through individual counseling and support groups to per- sons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, their caregivers, families, health professionals, and the general public. Perspective on Lambton ShoresCouncil Achievements Dear editor: Many of us have received an email mes- sage from the Deputy Mayor that details the accomplishments of the Lambton Shores Council. Whether or not this message was endorsed by the 2010 council, we, as former councillors need to provide another perspec- tive on most of these claims and we need to continue to ask questions. • Concealing information -'there has been no disclosure of Council's claimed "new direction" even when asked munerous tinges by the public. 'this "new direction" claim has been used as the reason to terminate the CAO. Why can no one get an answer to this question? Why was there no public consulta- tion to develop this so called "new direction"? Why have there been apparent in camera leaks regarding the CAI) dismissal process and why do they continue to break protocol? • Lack of openness , transparency and democracy. 'There have been more "Secret Meetings" (in Camera Meetings) than at any time in Lambton Shores history, Criticisms of Council's lack of transparency have been cited in the Annual Report of the Ombuds- man and thcrombudstnan is currently inves- tigating this council. • Strategic Planning - After nearly two years of council -only meetings, unlike previous councils who did this via public consultation, 2010 council chose to gather no public input until the decision to post 0 goals on the web- site. Councillors took the lead on their own and rejected any professional advice as to the process. After two years' time, and after referring every question and issue that carte to the council table to strategic planning, all that has been accomplished are these eight motherhood goals. If you don't believe us, ask any member of this Council to produce a copy of their new Strategic Plan. • Economic Development- 'Ibis has always been an area for continuous improvement and for developing strong partnerships for all councils. Council blocked the Oasis retire- ment home project -a potential major employer, taxpayer and service provider to the elderly (their union issues are of no con- cern of this council), and reduced the sewage capacity of the proposed S'1'F project that would have provided capacity for future growth, and forcing Not So Pro Volleyball out of Lampton Shores just a few examples. '!hese potential tax dollars and revenue could help keep our taxes down across Lambton Shores. Council did establish an economic devel- opment task force that took six months to simply develop a recommendation to form a committee. 'The committee community vol- unteers were well intentioned and should be thanked for their time. however, the majority of Council rejected a 2011 (.AO report on a process that could have been effective and instead chose to go ahead without staff involvement and without any meaningful involvement of organisations and profession- als from the two economic organizations to whom we pay county taxes. Any specific directions -none! In addition the council endorsed a duplication of services by establishing a directory of businesses throughout Lambton Shores. 'These directo- ries already exist -through Sarnia Lambton Economic Partnership and through'I'ouristn Sarnia Lambton. Rather than duplicate a service we need to educate and encourage our businesses and community to effectively use what is there; however this advice was also ignored. • Debt Reduction Some councillors continually invoke Lambton Shores high debt as a major con- cern. Lambton Shores has always been within our debt ceiling set by the ministry and obtained over 60 million grant dollars for a variety of planned infrastructure projects - projects that are an Investment in the com- munity. Yes, Lambton Shores had to fund 1/3 dollars toward these projects and do this through low interest loans. Pretty fiscally responsible way to acquire significant com- munity assets! '!hese assets make Lambton Shores attractive for further investment and growth. Some 2010 council members have recently taken credit for reducing the debt from $21 million to $17 trillion. Someone should ask what deliberate actions did this council take to reduce the debt by 2096 . The truth is that these reductions were forecast by the previous Council because debt was being retired. This Council took no steps whatso- ever to reduce debt, they simply let the debt reduce on its own and now take credit for doing that! We wonder if this Council will still letters to the editor Bluewater Biz Ronn Dodge praises former CAO Dear editor: As the former Mayor of the Town of Forest, the council of the day (1980) were in need of a new clerk. After an intensive search and interviews, John Byrne was chosen for the position. A decision neither 1, nor the council ever regretted. Elected people have to remember that they have a duty to all ratepayers. Councillors with personal axes to grind, or represent "special interest" groups or act as yes people to at person who does not have the best interest of all ratepayers in mind; you fail as an elected official. As the (;AO, your important job is to work close with Council, seeing that we the elected understand the Municipal Act, the by-laws, the budget, and the need to protect the ratepayers, their properties and businesses. John had a great rapport with Council and staff. 1lis reports to Council with all the pros and cons were a valuable asset to council in their decision making. No decisions will please 10096. John's reports were the basis of great co-oper- ation with upper tier government, Pro- vincial and Federal, we obtained many grants and subsidies on sewer expansion and upgrades, a guaranteed water source, natural gas lines coining to the community, road upgrades, downtown revitalization, all these things help upgrade the value of the ratepayers property. Growth and stabil- ity help all. I can only apologize for this Mayor and Council, who saw fit to ter- minate you in this humiliating fashion. I know the man John is and he will survive. Our Municipality has lost a great asset in his personal knowledge and caring. The people of Arkona, (rand Rend, 'Ihedford, Forest and the people of the former Bosanquet Township are still important and now form the Munici- pality of Lambton Shores As responsi- ble citizens and ratepayers you will all pay the "bill'. You will have a voice on the next election day. I would like to thank John for his guidance and friend- ship over these last many years. Ronn E. Dodge Mayor of Forest 1976 to 1988 CONTINUED > PAGE 16 Dear editor: I'd like to bring back the Babe. Now that Ionian, Josh, (ayl and Paul have got the Farm Surveys going it's time for action on the I Iensall and Zurich BR +E. Babe would be just the guy to put on our BR+E'1'eam. If you didn't know, I;II+I: stands for Business Retention and Expansion. Our business owners and leaders told us what we need to do. Now we just have to get busy and (io it. Albert Charles "Babe" Seibert drowned in Lake 1 luron in the summer of 1939. But he won the Stanley Cup in 1926 with Montreal and again with the Rangers in '31 Anyone remem- ber when we watched N111. games in the winter? Babe was a three -tinge all-star. 1 le won the 1 fart Trophy and after he retired he signed on as coach in Montreal hitt died before the season started. Coming from Zurich and with his winning ways Baht would he a good one for our BR t E'l'eam. t le might go over to Easy Building Products on Airport Line and talk to theme about their expansion. 1 le would find out !now they are winning in a tough economy. Check hack here next week to see who will he on our all-star BR+E Teams. Mark Cassidy line Iakeshoreadvance.com Get all of your news, sports and more. Serving Grand Bend and surrounding area