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Here's hoping the "new direction" is forward
"Cheers to a new year rand another chance
fir us to get it right." — Oprah Wi►1 fury
2012 was a year of challenges. We look back
to see Ontario municipalities as they continue
to struggle, attempting to make the changes
they promisee( tax- payers while still balancing
the learning curve.
Unless you live in a cave, you had to be pay-
ing close attention to the world of politics in
2012. last year had to be the one of the most
controversial years -especially in this reader-
ship area. Before the 2010 municipal election it
was clear the people in Ontario wanted
change -and change is what they got. Never
underestimate the power of experience and
Lambton Shores decided almost half way
through the four- year term -to go in a different
direction. We, the public are still not clear what
that means except that a long-time CA() is
gone—but for the sake of the 12,000 people
here, we hope that direction for 2013 is forward
as a team.
last week, Lambton Shores deputy mayor
Elizabeth Davis-1)agg sent out, via e-mail, her
version of a "Year in review". For those who do
not follow local politics- it may have looked
like this was one heck of a year for this council.
For those who have been paying attention
since the beginning of amalgamation- there
may have been some raised eyebrows.
in the past, staff would draft a year-end
report for council to consider at an open meet-
ing.'ihat did not happen, yet, and the deputy
did say this review was her own opinion (free
agent and all). the review was not brought to
council at an open meting. Mayor Bill Weber
told the Lakeshore Advance it (the review) was
sent to council members during the holidays,
requesting feed back but the mayor did not
reply, "As meetings by email are not Ion of our
protocol"'the document, sent to a whole lot of
people and the media, went viral before the
next council meeting of January 14th.
Society is becoming lees and less transpar-
ent. People no longer know w'he're decisions
that substantially q(fect their lives are taken,
nor by whom, nor how. Georg Henrik von
Catch phrases in this area for 2012 were
"special interest groups", "open and transpar-
ent, "truth, "capacity and "give the people a
voice" The latter has become a
reality in the last part of 2012 as
residents from the entire com-
munity of voters began to speak
out and they certainly want to be
heard. So, lets start with open
and transparent. Mille 22 reg-
ular meetings for the second
year of this council there was 29
confidential -no public: allowed -
in camera nuetings.1 lmmmm.
Comparing that to the 22 regular meetings in
2t)08 -that being the second year for that coun-
cil -there were 18 in -camera meetings.
I•Ven the strategic plan meetings allowed for
no public consultation. We are fairly sure we
have never seen that before. We are not even
sure that is okay with the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs, the Ontario Ombudsman or the rate-
payers of Lambton Shores. Then there is the
communication survey. That was a carried
motion in August to put that survey on the
municipal website and to date 105 people of
12,000 (the population of Lambton Shores)
weighed in. Not much of a gauge there. Also
for 2012 there were 14 Freedom of Information
requests, one Ontario Municipal Board hear-
ing and eight Ombudsman reviews.
Refusal to believe until proof is given is a
rational position; dental q f all outside of our
own limited experience is absurd. Annie
This was a year of unanswered questions.
Spore residents said they waited way too
long for answers and recent questions that
have not been answered includes the Nov,
13th meeting where CAO John Byrne faced
the axe. January 25th he will be officially fin-
ished with the municipality. And the rea-
son... "So council can go in a different direc-
tion". Seems like an answer on the whim -so
rate payers continue to ask...What is that
direction? When was that discussed at a
council meeting? Was there a motion in
open council stating that? Shouldn't that be
something from the Official Plan? What was
the dollar figure for the legal representation
in regards to the CAO dismissal? What about
the leak --where people on the street and the
media were made aware of the forthcoming
dismissal of the CAO an hour (some say
weeks) before the CAO was informed? The
of Time
Lynda HIllm
Editor, Lakesh
Change Your "Weighs"
Grand Bend CHC
Alt' VOL tune of dieting... 1)o you hate your
body; crave a healthier relationship with
fonel.,.wonder why ,you "just can't lose"... Do
you wish yotl could "Fat \Vhat You Love and
Love What You fiat" without guilt or
Do you know what you "should do" but
motivation lacks... Do you want to make
changes... Would support fion others and an
empathetic counsellor help... Is health your
focus and weight loss a secondary benefit...
Are you ready to make yourself and your
health a priority - not for the short term but as
a way of life that promotes health and heal-
ing... 'Then the First Step: !Width), Lifestyle /
Weight Management program may be for you.
Developed as a Primary Care initiative at
GBA CI IC, First Step is registered with the
newly formed Canadian Obesity Network
(CON); and incorporates the latest research,
hest practices, and guidelines for the treatment
of overweight / obesity. it uses state of the art
methods and tools, including: MA testing
(body composition), Motivational interview-
ing, intuitive Eating, Cognitive Behaviour
Therapy (CBT), Stress Management, Emo-
tional Brain Training (1:13'1'), Positive Body
image, and promotes a Health At Every Sire
(IMES) concept.
First Step is a comprehensive, multifac-
eted, and multi -disciplinary progra 1 ,11 offers
individual counselling, small group and
ore Advance
deputy mayor continues to
deny this ever happened.
Where so much of the general
public were on the receiving
end of this leaked information -
it is difficult to understand
why this council don't want to
satisfy the lack of transparency
concerns --and not with an
answer that "it is up to the rate
payer to go through the code
of conduct to complain department." Why
wouldn't the council deal with the dor
And how much over budget were the 1..t,,
costs in 2012? We do know Lambton shores
budgeted around $31,000 for legal fees. By
the end of 2012 with the last bills not
expected until the end of the month, the cur-
rent costs for legal are $87,624.55 (with a
$20,000 deductible) so, $67,625.00 for legal.
And...What does this council believe that
being a "free agent" meims?
Any party which takes credit for the rain
must not be surprised if its opponents blame
it for the drought -Dwight Whitney Morrow
Blue Flag, Communities in Bloom, Grand
Bend Rotary Trail, Debt reduction—former
council, former council, former council,
former council. All of these achievements
began with former councils and flourish -
because of what the former councils initiated
and what staff does now. As for debt reduc-
tion --It is true the debt went from $21 million
to $17 million these reductions were forecast
by the previous council because debt was
being retired. This council took no steps what-
soever to reduce the debt; they simply let the
debt reduce on its own, and that will continue-
-as the previous council said it would.
'Phis council can be credited for Forest's 'X'
Park --it is the first amenity in Lambton Shores
that is being paid with 100% taxpayer dollars.
The Legacy Centre, The Shores complex, Grand
Bend's downtown, Grand Bend's beach, Arko-
na's splash pad - all thanks to substantial dollars
from the public donations as well as govern-
ment grants. 'the new 'X' park—not so much.
'1'o check out the Deputy mayor's Yle 'PP
Review click onto: http://us2.campt..ori-
2&id=121 ft5e476
maintenance support. it uses 0 holistic
approach - body, mind, emotions, spirit; with
client -centred goals. The program emphasizes
healthy lifestyle habits. It is not a "dieting pro-
gram." it accommodates specialized food
plans. The multi -disciplinary team includes
dietitians, social workers, and certified fitness
instructors. Entry is by medical referral.
If you are ready to change your "weighs"
please call to learn more about this innovative,
respected program.
We offer many pmgraums... Drop by the cen-
tre for a program listing, or view www,gbachc.
ca . We can help...
Cheryl Ashick-Englert, B.A., M.Div.
GBA CHC, Healthy Lifestyle
Counsellor, 519-238-1556 #237