HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2013-01-02, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda
Januar 2, 2013
Tom Skinner,
Assistant Water
Technician, and
Ross Wilson, Water
and Stewardship
sample soil for
nutrients using a
soil probe. Skinner
has a GPS unit on
his back - that
equipment is
used for getting
• GPS coordinates
t for soil nutrient
mapping (to
document where
the soil sample
was taken).
M..e „Hit •
'The Municipality of Lambton Shores
A wookly Update on the Municipal 1=vonts in your Community
Administration Dupnrtmonl /883 Amlolocom Parkway. Foost. Ontario NON 1.10
101 1-877-788.2335, 519-786-2335, Fax 519786 2135, Email adminrsir,8io wambtonshon►s ca
Visit our Wob Srto at www InmhtOnsMxOs c -a
Notice of Public Hearing of Municipal Council
General Amendments to tho Detached Accessory Building Provisions
APPLICANT: Municipality of Lambton Shores
Ploaso be advisod that A Public Hoanng to consldor tho shove noted application will bo hail 1+y Ih,+
Council o1 tho Corporation of the Municipality of Lambton Shoros at ale Thodford Village* Cornl.lo. ++n
MMn Slmol m 1hodford on
JANUARY 14, 2013 at approximately 7:10 p.m.
Persons wishing 10 speak to this application aro requested to notify Iho Clork on or boloro noon.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013, In ordor to bo placod on the Agonda, although anyone in
attendance will be given en opportunity to address Council on this malar
$ummary of the Application
The proposed zoning By-law Amendment Application proposes to amend
(a) Section 3 3.1 of Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 to change the maximum lot coverage allowed for
all detached accessory buildings or structures on a lot in any residential tore from 67 in' or
10 % of the area of the lot whichever is less to 93nr' or 10% of the area of the kN, whichever
is less subject to the following restrictions.
0 for buildings and structures of 67rn' of lot coverage or less a maximum height o/ !. t.
ntelres shdll be permitted ;and
li) for buildings and structures with lot coverage between 68 m' to 93 rn' a maximum
height of 6.1 metres shall be permitted
(b) Section 3.3 of Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 to permit all accessory building and structures in 1,0
located in the font yard where a lot abuts a watercourse. provided the ;unposed building or
structure is not located within the required front yard Currently. accessory buildings and
structures are only permitted in an interior side yarn and a rear yard
Should you require any additional infom,ntion, pionso do not hesitate to contact Path Richardson
at 1-877-788.2335 or 788.2335
Additional information relating to the proposod amondmont Is available for u,spxx:tio, during r.Ktuiar
offico hours at the Municipality of Lambton Sleros, 7883 Amtolocorn Parkway, Forest, 0010 ,
Any written submissions roganling this application should bo sort to tho attonl1Gn of Carol
McKonrio, Clerk, Municipality of Lambton Shores, 7883 Amtolocon Parkway. Forest. Ontario, NON
ANY PERSON may attend tho public mooting and/or make w itton or verbal rnpxosonlabon either in
support of or In opposition to tho proposed Zoning By-law Amoxhnont
IF YOU WISH TO BE NOTIFIED of 160 (1011slo, of Council 011 the proposed looil9 Fly -low
Anxlrxlnlol, you must make a written request to the Municipality of l ambton Slxxos, Attention Co. I
McKenzie. Clerk. Forost, Ontario, NON 1JO.
dews not mako oil submissions al a public mooting or make wrttton submissions to 1 ho
Municipality of Lambton Shoros before tho by-Inw is palssOd, tho person or public body is
not ontittxl to appeal the decision of the Council of Tho Municipality of l ambto, Shoos
to the Ontnno Municipal Board
(II) door not make oral submissions at n public ntaotng, of nurko wrlton submissions to Tho
Municipality of Lambton Shoros telae the by law Is passod, the poised o public body
may not 6n addexl as a party to tho hearing of an ippon! telae tho Ontario Municipal
Board unless. in tho Opinion of the Board, Ruse aro rens000blo grounds to do so
Patti L. Richardson, Senior Planner
Municipality of Lambton Shores
7883 Amtelocon Pkwy., Forosl, Ontario NON 110
Ph. (519) 788.2335 Fax (519)786 2135 1 rlll►1I pschoronlx►tblonsls rns UA
Iho Municipality of Lambton Shoos wIII
once again provklo Christmas tree drop
oft depots fan, January 2nd -1816
Depots aro kwatod at tho IollowusJ
Community Sovx.os Yards e�
9575 Port Franks Road -Northville ` �'
6276 Townsend Lino, Forest (old arena)
I or further information gloss' contact the Comrnunity
Sorvrco Dopartmont nt 519 743 1400 or 1-866.943-
Lambton Shores'
Residents - PLEASE NOTE:
Council wall 1v discussing nu
.. ` 1 3 Capital Budder/ .►l the
Thursday, January 10th rtle)e�ti,,;
Monday. January 14. 2013 Conn.. 1 Me'c•i
1 he next bucl+;c•1 nle•c>btty
J,utunry .1 1 .it 1 1111 p ret
Ail IO,ertHuu)S are ,at Ihtl
1hedlord \'iMac)'' Conlptlx
Property Assessment Notice
- Taxation Years 2013 to 2016
Property Owners should have received their now
Property Assessment Notico from the Municipal
Property Assossmont Corporation (MPAC) in tho
Inst couple of weeks.
Tho Municipality has scheduled two (2) days for
property owners to moot with MPAC 0 they
would Iiko to discuss their proporly assessment
valuo. The 2 dates schodulnd aro' Thursday,
January 24113 at the Grand Bond Municipal
Office (lower level) from 9:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m.
and Thursday. January 31113 at the Shores
Complex In Forest (lower level meeting room)
from 9:00 a.nt to 4:30 p.m.
with at rnprmsontativo from MPA(: To schodulo
an appointment, tho proporly owner is
required to call MPAC directly at 1-866-296-
6722. You must Indicate that you aro calling
to setup an appointment and for which
location/date. Please bony your a:c,osvmonl
notico to the appxantnwnt
Rural Stormwater
project installs
five new water
monitoring stations
management and advanced software developmr
Ausable Bayfield Conservation is working with Emmons
Olivier Resources, Inc., an engineering and environmen-
tal consulting firm that specialize in water resources,
watershed planning, and modeling; and Computational
1lydraulics International (Cl1), consultant in stormwater
management, wastewater and watershed modeling
"'Ibis project is creating new tools that give us more pre-
cise and detailed information to better manage stormwa-
ter impact in rural areas," said Alec Scott, RSMM Project
Manager. "'Ihe new monitoring stations are already pro-
viding better data. 'Ibis is important as we go forward with
best management practices and work to control runoff
and erosion. We will have a better idea of which projects
work best, the best places to locate those projects, and
what size the projects should be."
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ARCA) is
leading the RSMM water -quality project in partnership
with Maitland Valley, St. Clair Region, Saugeen Valley, and
Grey Sauble Conservation Authorities and other partners
of the healthy Lake huron: Clean Water, Cleat// Beaches
initiative. Project partners include provincial and federal
ministries, county departments, environmental and pub-
lic health agencies, and participating landowners.
The Rural Stormwater Management Model Project is
taking place in five priority watersheds along lake l luron's
southeast shores in a rural part of Ontario stretching from
Sarnia to 'I'obernlory. For more information on the five
priority watersheds visit: http://www.healthylakehuron.
The Rural Stormwater Management Model project is
funded by a $700,000 grant from the Ontario Ministry of
the Environment's Showcasing Water Innovation Program
and in-kind contributions from other partners. Invest
memwill total more than $000,000. The Rural Stormwat
Management Model will benefit water quality in the five
priority watersheds and help create a rural focus for
stormwater management that can be applied across the
province and beyond.
For more information on the Rural Stormwater Manage-
ment Model Project visit: http://www.healthylakehuron,
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