HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-11-28, Page 11Wednesday, December 21, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Former Coronation Street stars hit the road...
Lakeshore Advance
Lakeshore Advance
Coronation Street is stronger
than ever.
Since it first broadcast on
December 9,1960, it's been one of
the most financially lucrative pro-
grammes on commercial television
and the world's longest -running TV
la serial currently in produc-
Over the years, it's covered a
number of storylines that have cre-
ated dispute, debate and public
Fans of the British TV soap will
be excited that four 'Coale' icons
will be touring Ontario this spring,
offering their unique stories and
secrets as only they can. A Q & A
session is an integral portion of the
event. '(here will be 100 VIP MEET
& GREET tickets available.
cock, he made his debut in 1996
as a butcher's bicycle delivery boy.
He encountered many disasters
along the way. In 1999, he mar-
ried and became a widower when
his wife was murdered. In 2002,
they had a son, Joshua, who Ashley
believed was his. Tests later reveal
otherwise, and he went on to marry
Claire, the nanny. Ashely died in
December 2010 during a tram
crash, saving his friends with the
viaduct later crushing him to
JULIA HAWORTH: As Claire Peacock,
she first arrives in 2003 as a
nanny to Joshua Peacock, after his
mother is murdered. A romance
develops between Claire and Josh-
ua's father Ashley, and they finally
marry on Christmas Day 2004. Her
storyline, initially intended to
include a child abduction plot, was
re -developed but criticized for
being a vehicle supporting a politi-
cised corporate campaign and
encouraging social action/volun-
teer work benefiting Mental Health
and 'Women In Crisis' issues. Due
to these contoversles, the Peacock
family was axed from the story with
Claire making her last appearance
on January 14, 2011, after tricking
police and escaping to France for a
life as a fugitive.
McDonald, one of the twins,
deputed In December 1989.11e was
the brains of his family, but had a
lot of trouble dealing with the stress
within it. He finally pulled out of
their craziness, finished university
and moved to Spain in 1997. Ile
reappeared to attend his mother
and father's remarriage in 2000,
stopping off long enough to have a
short fling with local 'hipster"1'oyah
Battersby. He also returned to be
best man at his brother's second
marriage in 2004.
KEN MORLEY: As Reg Holdsworth,
he joined the cast in 1989 and
quickly became a favorite of view-
ers as boss of the llettabuy super-
market. Ile fancied himself a ladies
man, had a penchant for telling tall
tales and a combustible nature. Ills
vanity was legendary, and he cut a
swath through the single women of
Coronation Street. In one of his
Zurich Christmas concert a musical delight
Carmel Sweeney
Lakeshore Advance
For many, the Christmas
season is difficult either by
grief or the loss of a loved one.
Everyone is invited to attend
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
hl(le Christmas service on
Wed., Dec. 21 at 7 p.m. An
opportunity will be given to
quietly light a candle in mem-
ory of those who will be espe-
cially missed this Christmas.
The children will be out of
school for the holidays from
Mon., Dec. 26 to Ian. 9.
'Ihe school crossing guard of
Zurich wishes to thank the stu-
dents and staff of the Zurich
Public School for their
thoughtful gift of a lovely poin-
settia plant.
The last Christmas concert
at the Zurich Public School
took place 1)ec. '1 with a full
gyne attending of parents, fanc-
ily members and friends of the
students. The musical play
with all the children taking
part was really good. Principal
Betty Beer-VanRooy thanked
everyone for coming out.
Canned good items were col-
lected at the door for Blessing,
along with money sent to
(;o(ierich Relief Fund through
the penny sale and basket
Mary -Lou Denonctne of
Zurich along with her sister
Patricia and family members
from London travelled to Scar-
borough to visit their uncle
Ben 1l(1niliton.
'Ihe children and spouses of
Martha Overholt enjoyed their
annual family pre -Christmas
Suit Sale h.,., $199
Open Boling Day
\Ioil., Dec. 26 • lO:lill - 11)111
11\1 \ ' 1 " . l , t :111(1 Iio't1(I 319- .!;S 6163
()pc!' 7 (1;1\ - lu.tt Ilt�tttl(I
dinner and get together at their mother's
house Sat., Dec.10.
Ashley Erb is home for the Christmas
holidays from university in Ottawa. Ashley
is visiting her parents Phil and Laurie and
fancily !limbos.
Several members of the hlopp family
from the Zurich area attended the wed-
ding of Andrew Earle and Shannon
Sweeney in London Dec. L7..l he groom is
the son of Linda and Bob Earle and the
grandson of Donna and 1 let'b Moil) of lt3
Ron and Fiane Duchartne, Zurich along
Last Minute
Stocking Stuffers
• (:rand Bend themed
Calendars $10
• Cookbooks $30
• Photographs framed from $25
Open: Mon. -Fri. 9.6pm
This Sat till Noon
22-81 Crescent St., Grand Bend
with daughter Lisa and Rob Miller and
family of Exeter enjoyed spending from
Dec. 10 to 1; in (Manua, Florida stoic Dis-
ney World.
The brothers and sisters of Pat Regier
got together recently at his home., R3
Dashwood along with their spouses for a
delicious meal and fun time visiting. 'Ihe
event was hosted by Pat's wife Evelyn.
more memorable scenes, Reg, des-
perate to consummate a relation-
ship, burst a waterbed with its con-
tents deposited to the shop
below. Reg left the street and his
heartbroken wife behind in 1995, to
start a new life with Yvonne who
was pregnant with his child.
Ifyou go:
When: Wednesday Mixch 28th
Where: Huron Country Playhouse
Phone: 519 238 8000
Meet $ greet 6:60pm - 7:15pm
doors 7:15pm
Show time: 8:00pm
Call Lakeshore advance or Huron
Country Playhouse for ticket details.
The fancily of Laurent! Corriveau held
its pre Christmas dinner and holiday cel-
ebration in (;odericic Sun., Dec. 18 with all
her children, spouses and grandchildren.
Son Peter arrived from Vancouver on the
18th, as well as his children from Califor-
nia along with son Doug from Calgary.
Pam McNeill and baby Mya (10 months
old) of Fredericton, New Brunswick are
home for the Chisnnas holidays to spend
time with her parents pat and Evelyn
Regier and family. They attended a get-
together on 1)ec. 17.
The New Office Hours for
The Lakeshore Advance will he as hollows...
Mondays - 8am - 4pm
Tuesdays - CLOSED
Wednesdays - 9am - 4pm
Thursdays - 9 am - 4pin
Fridays - 8am - 4pm
58 Ontario St. N., Grand Bend PH: 519-238-5383
VAX: 238-5131 EMAIL. Iadvanccla'bowcsnct.cunt