HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-11-07, Page 22Wednesday, November 30, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Giving with Heart: Jim and Jacquie Southcott's perpetual contribution
to the Grand Bend Community Foundation through life insurance
Grand Bend Community Foundation
Lakeshore Advance
Ihe Grand Bend Community Foundation has
eceived another important bequest from a local
couple. 'Ihe bequest comes in the form of a life
insurance policy, which will benefit the commu-
nity in the future, and for many years to come,
This bequest of a life insurance is an excellent
example of how grateful citizens can "pay back"
the community they have grown to love. It is not
uncommon for retirees to find that an old life
insurance policy has become surplus to their
requirements, and therefore can be donated to
a worthy cause, such as the Community
This generous bequest has been made by Jim
and Jacquelyn Southcott. 'Ihe Southcott family
has been deeply involved in Grand Bend for over
100 years; in fact, since the time the original
Ausable River was diverted directly to Lake
Huron. That was when Jim's great grandfather
bought the tract of land which has now become
Southcott Pines. 'Ihe land eventually passed to
Jim and his brother Jack, and their cousins Bob
and Don. In the early 1970's the four partners
created a master plan for the Southcott Pines
sub -division, which they subsequently
developed in several stages.
This is really an ideal way for
us to give back to Grand Bend,
which has become such a
wonderful community for our
— Jim Southcott
Jim and Jackie retired to Grand Bend five years
ago. Over the previous 30 years, Jim had founded
and developed his own machinery -moving
business in Toronto, and he and Jackie raised
heir family there. What a difference the couple
,las made in Grand Bend in Just five years! 'Ihey
were founding members of the Partners in
Learning organization, and have remained
active in its programs. Jackie has been a dedi-
cated volunteer and participant in numerous
important organizations, and is a member of the
Port Franks Camera Club, the Women's Probus
Club, and Secretary of the Southcott Pines
Homeowners Association.
Jim has been an active mernber of the Rotary
Club since he arrived and served as President in
2009. He was co -Chair of the very successful
fundraising campaign for the Beach Enhance-
ment Project, but he is perhaps best known for
the splendid parades he has organized for Winter
Carnival and Canada Day celebrations. Jim is a
director of the Grand Bend Community
Foundation and was recently honoured as one
QMt Agency
Jim and Jacquie Southcott
of the "Community Leaders of the Decade"
whose energy and enthusiasm have added so
much to the quality of life in our community.
So it was a pretty easy decision, Jim says, to
donate an existing life insurance policy to the
Grand Bend Community Foundation. "'This is
really an ideal way for us to give back to Grand
Bend, which has become such a wonderful
community for our retirement," Jim says. "We are
confident that the future leaders of the Founda-
tion will find good uses for the proceeds of this
policy after we're gone."
Jim has good reason to be optimistic. The
Foundation has already granted more than
$800,000 to numerous projects to enrich our
community, including snaking major grants to
the Beach Enhancement project, the Commu-
nity Health Centre, the schools and sports facili-
ties, and many other projects supporting youth,
seniors and the environment. 'Ihe Foundation's
funds are permanently invested, with a portion
of the income used to support the community.
Pat Morden, Chairman of the Foundations
board of directors, stated "'Ihe Southcotts have
made so many contributions to our community,
and with this gift, they will continue to do so
long after their lifetimes. On behalf of the whole
community, 1 thank them from the bottotn of my
Are you interested in being part of Grand
Bend forever? Call us at 519-238-2190, or visit
our website at www,grandbendcommunity-
foundation.ca for more information. Be sure to
speak to your financial planner, lawyer or
other professional advisor about your plans,
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Notice of Completion
On November 3, 2011, the Municipality of 1(1uewater Council adopted the 1 nv ronineina1
Screening Report prepared for the proposed liighvvay 21 Corridor Sanitary Sewage ('olleclion
Systeni. The Service Area for the collection system is shown on the reap The collection system
consists of the following components:
• a 1or. 'ni un located in an easement along the east side of Highway 21
• a low pressure sewage collection system servicing all of the subdivisions in the lakeshore
Service Ana. The system will to constructed in four phases from the south to the north.
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Since the indium ary municipal and per lot cost estimates prepared for the proposed collection
system are high, the 1'nvironmental Sereening Report recommends that the system not be con-
structed until Provincial Government funding is available. The Municipality intends to use the
report as the basis tor seeking funding.
The ('lass 1?A completed 1or this project billowed the requirements tit the Muntc1pal ('lass EA
(2(K80, as amended) for at Schedule "B" project, as documented ut the 1 itvirunn i'ntal Screen
ing Report. A copy ot the report is available tor at 30 -day review period twin November 21 to
December 23, 2011 at:
Municipality of liluewater
14 Mill Avenue, P.O. Box 250
Zurich, Ontario. NOM 2'TO
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
'The report is also available on the Municipality's website at wwvv.town.bluewntcr.on.ca.
'The Municipal ('lass 1:A entitles any person who has significant concerns about the project to
request the Minister of thc Environment to issue a Part 11 (Order to change the status of the project
front a ('lass EA to an individual environmental assessment. The procedure for requesting a fart
11 Order is:
• first, the person with concerns discusses them with the Municipality of Itluewatcr
• if the concerns cannot to resolved, thc person may submit a written request for a Pan 11
Ondcr to the Minister of the Environment at 135 St. ('lair Avenue West, 12th Floor, Toronto,
Ontario, M4V 1P5 by December 23, 2011, copied to Brent Kluwer, Utilities Superintendent,
Municipality of Blucwater, 14 Mill Avenue, P.O. Box 250, Zurich, Ontario, NOM 2.n).
Ole i,rrd,vn „/IrtJoraratrnn and 1'run'ction„ of I'rivucv Art applies to intomnarron gathered tor this poled
With the exception ot personal information, all conmients ss ill become part of the public tecornl,