HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-11-07, Page 216 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, November 30, 2011 LAMITON SNORES: Solicitor weighs In on engineer's concerns Lynda HIllman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance Lambton Shores council went in camera last week with the municipal solicitor to discuss the assertions from resident Gerry Rupke dealing with the north end Adhoc committee. Rupke, an engineer and former Lambton Shores councilor asked at the November 15th adhoc meeting, in open forum, during the discussion period about this group's terms of reference inquiring as to why they were doing the work the consultant already did? He asked if they were planning to evaluate options - for sewage treatment to Grand Bend and if they would be advising council on how to proceed. Committee member, deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis 1)agg answered the reason for the committee was due to the "serious misunderstandings that have arisen in this community." She said the "misunder- standings were a result of things in Dillon's (the consultant's) work" Davis Dagg said they want to come back with answers. As to evaluating options for sewage treatment to Grand Bend, Chair and spokesperson for the committee, Carl Belke said "yes" and Davis Dagg said "absolutely" Once that was discussed- Rupke suggested they go in camera. When they hesitated, he stated more than once he would continue with his concerns, in public, if they wanted him to. After making the decision as whether they could go in camera- the chair - Agreed to do so, From that meeting- council of the whole, with the municipal solicitor went in camera at the November 21 meeting to discuss Rupke's concerns, The municipal solidtor has offered advice that was scheduled to be heard at Monday's adhoc meeting. In three points, the solicitor advice was that: "There is applicable legislation that has to be considered (Professional Engineers Asso- ciation) when a committee undertakes a "review" such as this, especially if they do not have the necessary qualifications to under- take the review. The Committee needs to ensure that the report not be defamatory in any way, as that could result in a civil action. The report could challenge assumptions, the emphasis put on certain issue or future predictions, but not the application of engineering principles." He then explained the committee's role stating, "The terms of reference and duties of an advisory committee should be to report back with advice or Information on a topic for Council's consideration when rendering a decision, but should not make the final decision, as that is Coun- cil's role. The report should offer advice or recommendations only." And thirdly he said, "A report that evaluates need and identifies a "preferred option" may be prejudging the Environmental Assessment process, which is a compulsory process - this would negate the effectiveness and makes a mockery of and undermine the RA process." Resident letter Resident Bob Shuren wrote a letter to the conunittee expressing his concerns regarding that Nov. 15th meeting during discussion. He thought that Gerry Rupke's "deliverance was however not polite, informative or helpful. Mr. Rumpke's entire premise was to belittle the Committee, Since this was the first meeting that he and Mr. Ivey have attended it is diffi- cult to see how he could add anything of assistance to the Committee's deliberations." "Bear in mind that Mr. Rumpke has a tendency to be less than accurate, He stated in writing that Grand Bend was forced by the Ministry of the Environment to install sanitary sewers in Grand Bend. Mr. Rumpke said when challenged on his incorrect statement that he would look into the matter. Some time later Mr. Rumpke stated that he had it from a good reliable source that this was correct. Again when challenged as to the accuracy of his statement and receiving the approximate date of the approval of the project Mr. Rumpke failed to communicate further. All of this is in writing through e-mails. Simply stated, Mr. Rumpke should be more careful with his assertions, Someone may take the time to check out what he has to say and find it lacking as in the aforesaid situation:' Sharen said, "Since this was seen by some of those in attendance as a thinly veiled attempt to intimidate Committee members I would strongly suggest that each member seek Independent legal advice to protect your- selves as well as to know clearly what your legal situation is. lhe municipal solicitor com- petent as he Is can only present an opinion as to the effect that the information received on the municipal corporate body. The opinion would likely not apply to any individual, council member or hoard member," There will be a public Adhoc forum at the Grand Bend Legion on December 10th . Ali the minutes can be found on the municipal web site at http://www.lambtonshores,ca/ living/localgovemment/other_meetings.lmtm Local paramedic will take clean water to Cambodia LIVING IN LAMITON $MORES... AmekvtoM►mamtoilrlersef'rou(lrafeafy Adn lnistrelbn Deportment - TMJ ArnbNoom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NOW 1 JO Tel 1477.706 135, 516-796.233& Fax 516-7e6.2165, Email .AreteeaeatetsmWarhoreaia Nit ma Web SEM M www WnbaxIh0tNa HOTS= Of INTINT TO C0NsIDIR CLosINs A PORTION OF AN UNoPVISD ROAD ALLOwANCII Be advised that the Municipality of Lambton Shores flu received a request for the exclusive use of the northerly 33' of a porbon of the unopened road domino, between Conoessions 1 and 19 to Ipperwash and this proposal coal be considered at 700 p.m on panel cher 111421 t If the request is approved, it would Involve the 'dosing` of that portion of the road allowance The public Is hereby provided an opportunity to comment on the proposal and Council will consider and evaluate any Issues wend prior to rendering a decision More Information Is available by calling the Forest Office At 519.766.2335 Comments are to be submitted In writing prior to December 13, 2011 b: Municipality or Lambton Shores 7163 Amteleem Parkway Forest, Ontario NON IJO Attn. Mayor weber and Council Winter Snow Clearance & Removal wit vow caw.; - reaeeib,r til Mr pen" of wihL+w on Muw*W Elide e per i Med between the hoof of den a m and OO a m and lines we be Mailed lo orlendus Our (bninury SWAMI Ogee/Mum wegeoa operwn ap p eolM- vote coopeminn roi undone or amine pewee cal to by Yes Foloreereen1 011oers el Glenn flea - at 64114115 a Keith Cnrodord -1154364411 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town c Sanas wel M Menden. a1 the AnrxW Santa caw Prides In Mallard, SMmdty, Oecarnber 3.e at 630 p m Reese be advised that in order to atxoommodMe ewe parsdes road (*twee will be In enec! CHANGE IN START TIME for the December Vit' 2011 Council nleie'tm9: Attention Community Oroupst 2012 Grants int tambbn Shaer (bmengney Omni Afulicalon tam a now mellab s on the Municipal webeM at itug 1aettg tit Ore1.Ca A gairebon Urge we also avalr4M In hard copy al any 1 amblon 6home li nrtrpal dace ebmpbMd areac.eon Axrne met be euta wed try Oeoembel 31.1011 and can crapped oft al any t e1tb4ni SAaee Mundtai ofMI or reseed to The Murcpary of 1 aT ton Shorn (bnvornity Sarrcw Oopeit ere AIM fecteasla N Reeteseon aro leisure 9676 Port r Esti$ I. RN 1. Medford, ON NOM2NO a yar Irv$ any Qleaaae n, concerto about to glint apes elion tam of M giant eppl xroon proms, pease contact M Conwtxrtrry baryes OapwarwM n 1 6064145-1400 Ad Hoc Sewage Advisory Committee - Pubtic Meeting Please be whiled Mat the Ad tax Sewage AANfixy Committee well be howl%) a now meeting m Sal ntay (kw 10, '0I 1 a1 10 JO am m tie Grant HSM l igen Oet*NN w01 be posted on tie wetwt l as they normo avadabfe Lynda Hillman -Replay Publication or OMI Agency: Lakeshore Advance One family of seven, one bucket equals one year of clean water for the outlining communi- ties of Sienreap Cambodia. And thanks to Global Medic, local paramedic Curtis Daboll, and a team of 14 other volunteers a capacity building mission will help that area. Daboll, a Sarnia Lambton paramedic said their mission while in the country will he to organize and operate medical clinics, provide first aid training and coordinate the delivery and installation of Aqual'ur water purification units. Ile has purchased 60 of these units at a cost to him of $ iO per unit. Daboll is providing rural villagers who have been displaced by war and disaster with the single most basic element necessary to life -clean drinking water, Global medic is an operational arm of the David McAnthony Gibson Foundation (t)MGF). Ile is hoping the community will reach out and help with his fundraising goals to help pay for this endeav- our. 1 to would be pleased to talk to any group who would like to know more aborti this global action. 'Ihe scale of the global water and particularly the sanitation crisis is shocking and almost unfathomable to us who have the privilege of turning on taps all over our houses full of clean water and our pick of "thrones" on which to sit. 900 million people lack access to clean drinking water 2.6 Billion people have no access to sanitation. DMG1 was created in the spring of 1998 In honour of David McAntony Gibson, who tragically lost his life on February 7, 1998. A remarkable man who believed in taking the time to help those around him both near and far, Mr, Gibson will be remembered by his friends, family and peers as caring, Curtis Daboll checks out an AquaPur water system. compassionate and dedicated. In keeping with David's spirit, DMGF is designed to help those in need around the world by providing relief supplies and equipment, and has adopted "Serving the Global Community" as its motto. DMGF will launch programs designed to strengthen the delivery of emergency medical services in the Third world. These objectives will be obtained by the procurement of equiptnent, medicine, and supplies, as well as funding the delivery of training packages. The bottom line is simple: DMGF will strive to be an efficient aid agency that delivers the maximum amount of aid with a minimum operating cost. To donate the Zink is http://www.canad- ahelps.org/gp/14357 7b talk to Daboll call 519-312-9213