HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-11-07, Page 1120 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Stratford unveils `Superstar' cast
For the News -Record as Pontius Pilate, Mike Nadajewski Laurin Padolina as Rachel, Stephen
The cast is being confirmed for the as Peter, Paul Nolan as Jesus and Patterson as James the Lesser, Kat -
Stratford Shakespeare Festival's pro- Josh Young as Judas, with Marcus rina Reynolds as Esther, Jaz Sealey
duction of Jesus Christ Superstar at La Nance as Caiaphas, Lee Siegel as as Thomas, Jason Sermonla as John,
Jolla Playhouse. With lyrics by Tim Simon Zealotes and Aaron Walpole Julius Sermonia as James, Jonathan
Rice and music by Andrew Lloyd as Annas. Winsby as Phillip, Sandy Winsby as
Webber, Jesus Christ Superstar is Also in the cast: Matt Alfano as Andrew and Jennifer Rider -Shaw
directed by Artistic Director Des Thaddeus, Mary Antonini as Eliza- and Matthew Rossoff as swings.
McAnuff' and will run in the Play- beth, Karen Burthwright as Ruth, This groundbreaking rock opera,
house's Mandell Weiss Theatre from Jacqueline Burtney as Mary (Mar- which reinvented musical theatre
Nov 18 to Dec. 31. tha's Sister), Mark Cassius as Mat- for the modern age, tells the story of
The cast will feature Bruce Dow thew, Ryan Gifford as Bartholomew, the last week of Christ's life. The zeal
as King Herod, Chilina Kennedy as Kaylee Harwood as Sarah, Melissa with which Christ's followers are
Mary Magdalene, Jeremy Kushnier O'Neil as Martha/Maid by the Fire, hailing him as the Son of God
Local knitters have 'baby brain'
For the News -Record trigger for infant abuse,
Huron County knitters which is frustration with an
and crocheters have had inconsolable crying infant.
babies on their minds the The initiative is part of the
past few months. They have program, Period of PURPLE
been busy making caps for Crying. Families of babies
all babies born to Huron born in local hospitals
County families in receive a DVD and booklet
November. about normal infant crying
It's part of Click for Babies, and the dangers to reacting
named for the distinct sound to the frustration of a crying
of knitting needles "clicking" infant by shaking.
together. Ontario hospitals "All babies go through a
and health units have part- normal period of increased
nered on the project to raise crying in the first few months
awareness about the leading of life," says Marilyn King,
30 The square
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All babies go through a
normal period of
increased crying in the
first few months of life
— Marilyn King,
Public Health Nurse
Public Health Nurse at the Huron
County Health Unit. "The goal of the
PURPLE program is to help parents
and caregivers find ways to cope with
the frustration of caring for a crying
infant so that they never react by shak-
ing or otherwise harming their infant"
The Huron County Health Unit is
distributing the homemade purple
caps to local hospitals and hospitals in
neighbouring counties who deliver
becomes a source of dismay to his
disciple Judas Iscariot. Fearing that
this tide of religious fervor will pro-
voke brutal repression by the occu-
pying Romans, Judas must make his
fateful choice between faith and
The Stratford production, which
closed on Nov. 6, received glowing
reviews across the board. The Globe
and Mail said, "This production is
an absolute miracle," while the
Toronto Star called it "the best show
you'll see this year." "A sparkling
production literally pulsing with
life," wrote the Toronto Sun; and
Variety enthused, "McAnuff has
managed to come up with a vision
that is faithful to the original but
manages to make it seem fresh to an
audience in 20117
Following the Playhouse run,
Jesus Christ Superstar will open
Broadway at the Neil Simon 'Ihea
on Thursday, March 22, 2012, with
previews beginning March 1.
Tickets are available online at LaJol-
IaPlayhouse.org or at (858) 550-1010.
Iluron County babies.
King says the word PURPLE is an
acronym, which describes to new par-
ents in an easy to remember way all of
the characteristics of normal infant
crying. She says it also is a reminder to
parents that this period of increased
crying doesn't go on forever. The let-
ters in PURPLE stand for:
Peak of crying - The baby may cry
more each week, peaking at two
months, and then Tess at three to five
Unexpected - The crying can come
and go, with no explanation.
Resists soothing - The baby might not
stop crying no matter what you try.
Pain -like face - 1t may look like the
baby is in pain, even when they are not.
Long lasting - 'the baby might cry 5
hours per day or more.
Evening - The baby might cry more
in the late afternoon or evening.
For more information go to the
health unit's website: www.huron-
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Book events
for Bayfield
For the News -Record
The Village Bookshop is among the
Bayfield businesses getting into the
swing of things for Christmas.
Soup's On in Bayfield, a delectable
collection of soup with taste testing on
site, is set to run from 11 a.m. till 1 p.m.,
Nov. 16 at the Village Bookshop. The
cookbook contains recipes from Bay-
field restaurants, friends and neigh-
, bours. All proceeds from the cookbook
will be used for the maintenance and
cultural outreach by the Bayfield '1'c►wn
hall heritage Society. Advanced orders
on the $20 book are also welcome.
Local playwright Paul Ciufo's c•cle-
brated work, The Killing Snow, is now
in print. 'Ihe Village Bookshop is host-
ing a book launch at 5 p.m., Dec. 4, at
the shop. The event will feature read-
ings from Ciufo,
Eric Coates and Duncan MacGregor.
Free admission includes refreshments.
Last but not least on the list is a Fam-
ily Christmas event set for 3 p.m., 1)ec.
18, at the Bayfield town hall. Among the
activities are a reading by Jan Brett from
the book, Notre for Christmas, and
music by the Glee Sisters. Admission
$5, and participants are encouraged tc'
bring a donation to the food bank.
Rating: PG (Course Language)
Novotnbor 25, 25, 27 & 29th
Starring: Paul Giamatti,
George Clooney, Philip Seymour Hoffman
(10 AH
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