HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-10-31, Page 5Wednesday, November 16, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 9
Bluewater chooses partially built Grand Bend sewage treatment plant
1111 Lakeshore sewer
dr project off
the table
option, which (:our. (Gillespie
favours, it could still buy hack
into the plant within 10 years
and access its 21.4 per cent of
sewage allocation.
Vanessa Brown Coun. Gillespie's motion to
OMI Agency withdraw from the plant and not
pay the capital cost didn't
Faced with the unlikelihood of receive enough support, how -
the Lakeshore sewer project ever, and lost 7-3. Deputy mayor
!toiling into fruition at this time, Klapp and Conn, Becker voted
.,luewater councillors narrowly in support.
voted 6-4 in favour of a partially Coun. I lessel said councillors
built Grand Bend sewage treat- should keep in mind their
meat plant. municipality has the highest
In a recorded vote held Nov. 7, projected growth in lluron
those who voted yes for the County, particularly along the
smaller build option were dep- lakeshore where the proposed
uty mayor Paul Klopp, Corals. sewage collection system has
John Gillespie, George Irvin, been studied,
Janisse Zimmerman, Kay Wise But deputy mayor Klopp said
and mayor Bill Dowson, their consulting engineer Bill
Couns. Tyler Ilessel, Dave Boussey advised them that the
Roy, John Becker and Geordie smaller build option would haut-
Paltner were opposed. dle their area's sewage flows for
Council reviewed six con- about 15 years.
struction companies' quotations "We'll let the next generation
for the Grand Bend Area Sewage pay for the upgrades," he sttid,
Treatment Plant at its regular The lowest treatment plant
meeting last week, and was tender came from K 811. Con -
asked to recommend either a struction, of London, in the
partial or full build option to the amount of $18,5 million for the
tri -municipal committee the first phase and $4.6 trillion for
next day. the second phase, totalling $23,2
In an interview last Wednes- million for a fully built plant. The
day, Bluewater's utilities super- highest quotation came in at
intendent Brent Kintner said $28.7 million.
Bluewater's and South Huron's Council last Monday also
tri -municipal board represents- voted unanimously to not start
tives recommended the cheaper the lakeshore collection system
partial build, while Lanlbton until government grants become
Shores favoured the full build available.
"1 would hope that we would
only go with a partial build,
because it will do the service for
our area," said deputy mayor
Paul Klopp, "Dillon (Consulting)
said it would."
Mayor Dowson said he prefers
the full build option. Ills vote
broke the 5-5 deadlock and
tipped the scale toward a partial
build "to get this thing going"
Bluewater has three options
regarding the treatment plant
project. The first is to proceed
and pay its share of the capital
.costs - pegged at $1,3 million for
.he partial option or $2.3 million
for the full build option - up
front. An annual ownership fee
of $220,000 will apply as well.
'Ihe second option, according
to Kittmer, is to withdraw from
the plant for a maximum of 10
years but still pay its share of the
capital and annual ownership
costs. This option would allow
Bluewater to continue to sit on
the tri -municipal board with
South Huron and Lampton
Bluewater's final option is to
withdraw for a maximum of 10
years and withhold payment up
If Bluewater chooses the latter
Without sewers along the
iakeshore, Bluewater would not
send any sewage to be treated at
the new (;rand Bend plant.
Coun. Gillespie questioned
why, then, would the municipal-
ity pay more than $1 trillion in
capital costs to have it just sit
there waiting for Bluewater to
contribute sewage.
"it wouldn't make sense for us
to do that until we had our col-
lection system in place'," he
Council has yet to determine
who will pay for any costs. Water
and sewage systems are typically
user pay, said utilities superin-
tendent Brent Kintner, but there
aren't any users hooked into the
system at this point.
Deputy mayor Klapp said he
would not support charging all
residents of Bluewater for capi-
tata and ownership costs.
In a report submitted to coun-
cil, Kintner also outlined the
municipality's financing costs
over a 20 -year period. Bluewater
would borrow the money and,
as such, pay up to $1.1 million in
interest for the partial build or
$1.9 million for the full build
option, both over 20 years.
The three municipalities have
until Dec. 31 to commit to, or
exit, the treatment plant project.
Bluewater Triage (;entre
The Bluewater Area Family
I lealth'leam (BAN IT) is looking
to designate its Zurich office as
an alternate triage centre should
Bluewater ever experience a dis-
aster like the August tornado
that struck the Goderich area,
In a delegation before council
at its Nov. 7 meeting, BAH IT
administrative lead Anne
Brabender suggested an approx-
imately $:1,000 donation would
allow the board to purchase sup-
plies and equipment to operate
as an effective triage centre.
The family health team
recently installed a gas genera-
tor to keep the clinic running
when the power goes out.
"in the event of a community
disaster or power failure the
clinic could be utilized as a med-
ical triage centre, as the gas gen-
erator would operate the entire
clinic," Brabender wrote in a
report to council,
Mayor Bill Dowson and Bay-
field Councillor Geordie Palmer
encouraged Brabender to sub-
mit a grant application. Coun.
Palmer also suggested the family
health team appeal to the county
for funding as well.
"'Ihe fact that you identify it as
an alternate triage centre might
be beneficial in your application
to the county to top the ante
making sure we have alternates
other than large centres," he
Looking for Information
Zurich Councillor lanisse
Zimmerman has requested
information regarding a Targe
WSIB claim made by a Bluewa-
ter firefighter between 2007 and
(;our, 'l.immerma n's Oct. 17
motion for details, such as what
happened and if anything has
been clone to make sure the inci-
dent doesn't happen again, was
"On further reflection, I'm not
sure why 1 even had to have a
motion. As a councillor, I feel
that 1 should be able to obtain
information just like the rest of
the councillors," Coun. Zimmer-
man said during council's Nov. 7
Coun, Zinun'rman explained
she doesn't want to know the
firefighter's name or the details
of the claim, only if corrective
measures have been taken so it
doesn't happen again.
But Coun. George Irvin and
mayor B111 Dowson both said a
council meeting is the place to
ask questions, not individually
request information from the
chief administrative officer
"This is one council sitting
together who all need to know the same
answers to the same questions so it
doesn't get interpreted different down
the road," Dowson said.
(:AO Lori Wolfe said the information
will be addressed to all councillors.
Municipalities have a responsibility
to identify the cause of a workplace
accident and keep a record of steps
taken to correct the problem, Wolfe
wrote in a WSIB report submitted to
council on Oct. 17.
Mayor Dowson's election expenses
Bluewater's compliance audit com-
mittee has appointed Froese forensic
Partners t.td, to audit nutyor 13i11 Dow -
son's election expenses.
Dornier councillor and Bayfield resi-
dent Jim Fergusson in the summer
applied to have 1)owson's election
expenses investigated. 'Ihe committee
granted his request.
On Oct. 27, the committee appointed
the firth and set a maximum budget of
$25,625 plus taxes, as well as an hourly
"1 don't think we anticipate it being
very much work," Bluewater's chief
administrative officer Lori Wolfe said.
Bluewater will pay for the audit,
Wolfe added.
ater pasxIon
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