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McNair told council there
would have been no reason to
know they, being the sur-
rounding conununities, could
be effected as no objection
dune to be because of the
lack of residents in the Pinery
and South Bend Estates.
"'Timeline objections lapsed
and there was no one to
object," said McNair.
Again, as a point of order,
Bonesteel askej if McNair
was there representing Zone
4 as a litigation lawyer, or as a
Zone 4 ratepayer. 1 am not a
ratepayer in Zone 4, I am sim-
ply a litigation lawyer invited
here - representing someone
- not entirely a person or a
group," he answered adding
these questions have been
posted for some time and he
did not understand why there
were no answers. "Are you on
a retainer here tonight- are
you being paid to be here?"
Bonesteel asked.
"The firm has been
retained," he answered.
Councilor John Russell
said the questions of this del-
egation should be directed to
the Sewer Adhoc group stat-
ing that body was struck for
this type of questioning and
that this council trusts the
group to do just that. Bones-
teel said he presented the
chair of the Adhoc group, Carl
Belke, with the list of ques-
tions and was told he was
uncomfortable answering
some of them as they are not
within their mandate. It was
suggested that the chair, CAO
and mayor get together and
sort out which questions can
be answered by the Adhoc
group and what questions
should be answered by the
municipality. Councilor Ruth
Millan asked that this be in
consultation with the munici-
pal lawyer.
Weber told McNair they
were not shutting him off, was
there anything new he wanted
to add? McNair said they
would like an EA done or
redone properly with instruc-
tions to the public.
"I am confused. Are we
planning on building sewers
in Zones 3 and 4?" asked
Lambton Shores councilor
Martin Underwood, after
apologizing for being redun-
dant in this question. Weber
said, "No, not at this time.' "
Can you please repeat it so I
can hear it and so can the law-
yer- are we getting sewers in
Zones 3 and 4? Underwood
asked Weber who again
answered "No, not at this
time." "Did you hear that sir?"
he asked McNair.
Councilor Lorle Scott sug-
gested that Adhoc has three
more meetings before the
public meeting November
28th and December 5th report
of recommendations that
comes back to council, so
there was tirne to get these
questions answered.
As he concluded, McNair
also asked about a Ministry
letter and its directives that
came to council August 15,
2007. This three-page letter
under James O'Mara signa-
ture, formally the director of
Environmental Assessment
and Approvals Branch, was in
regards to the EA for the
Grand Bend and Area Sewage
Servicing Master Plan. McNair
said he would leave a copy for
new council members who
were not in power in 2007.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 3
Fight to the finish: Four golds and a Questions left unanswered
whole lot Of experience for Emily Mussio after a brief delegation
Lynda Hillman-Rapiey
Lakeshore Advance
Grand Bend's Emily Mus -
o, 11, is just back from
ain- a little heavier as she
donnes six awards- four gold
and two silver.
Last year Emily competed
in Portugal but says the com-
petition this year was much
bigger than in Portugal. "1
definitely had bigger and bet-
ter competition in each one
of the categories I competed
in. As well, the whole com-
petition was run much
smoother than last year. On
the final night, they had a
night show this year for Tears
Sparring events. I was asked
to be part of the team spar-
ring for the Under 12 girls this
year which was quite an hon-
our. I also had three more
events that I competed in this
year than last year. "
This year for Ernily, the
divlsons were: Extreme
Forms, Creative Weapons,
Freestyle Forms, Point Spar-
ring, Continuous Sparring
and T1eam Sparring. Last year
she competed in Extreme
Forms, Point and Continuous
sparring and she competed
each of the five days.
Four golds
Emily received a gold
medal in both her Creative
Weapons and Freestyle divi-
sions. The first day was forms
competitions and she had to
come in the top four in both
these divisions to be able to
move onto the finals. Emily
also received a gold medal in
Point and Continuous Spar-
ring. In point sparring she
had a by into the second
round. This meant she only
ad one fight to win to get to
ii: a finals.
In continuous sparring,
she had two fights on the first
day of fighting competition,
Submitted phobia
Emily Mussio In Spain
both of them very good com-
petitors from England and
Ireland, "1 was very nervous
for my Continuous fighting
because the Europeans can
compete in it in regular com-
petitions and we, in Canada,
don't due to regulations.
After winning both these
fights, I moved to the finals to
fight an American. She was
an easier fight than my two
competitors on the first day
of fighting competition," she
She also received a medal
in 'Team Fighting. 'Team
fighting is where the top three
fighters from your country
from different weight catego-
ries fight another team. "We
ended up with a Silver medal
in this competition. It was
quite an honour to be asked
to be part of the team fight-
ing and it was one dilly goals
to be able to do it."
Learning experience
In life's lessons- one for
Emily is definitely focus. "At
the Provincials, 1 was in first
place in my kata competition,
lost my focus and started chit
chatting to people around me
- and come the final round, 1
moved down to second place
because of it. At the Worlds, I
knew that 1 had to be focused
to bring my best. I brought
my best by finding my own
space and listening to music
on my iPod before competi-
tion and stretching. It really
helped me a lot. I definitely
learned how important focus
is at this level of competition."
What's next?
Emily will take some time
to unwind from all the dedi-
cation she has put in during
the past few months of train-
ing, says mom Cathy. "She
may attend some smaller
competitions, mostly for fun.
Next year, if she decides to try
out for Team Canada again,
she will likely begin training
in late January. She moves
into a new age category next
year 13- 17 year olds, so she
definitely has to work hard to
make the team if she
And when she got home...
"1 was pretty tired after 21
hours of traveling from
Madrid, but pulling into the
driveway was very exciting! 1
was so happy to see the signs
and decorations that the
neighbours had put up
around our house. It was so
kind and thoughtful - it was a
great feeling to have such
great support! It was also
exciting going back to school
. The teachers and students
were so supportive -
couldn't wait to get back to
see them all. "
"It has been a wonderful
experience going to Spain. I
had set my goals on receiving
a gold medal - but to get 4
was just amazing. 1 have
great coaches and get to train
with some of the best In the
world through Bernardo
Karate, and 1 am so lucky to
have this opportunity. 1 also
want to mention my tears
mate Sarah Houston who
also got to travel to Spain as
well. She competed in crea-
tive weapons getting a bronze
medal. The two of us had a
fun time! 1 also hope that 1
can encourage some other
students in our club who may
be interested in competition
to go for it." And for mom
"Emily once was told to
"Shoot for the Moon", by a
young lady named Megan
Mackenzie who is also a
World Champion in Bo.
Shoot for the moon she did,
and we are so very proud of
her hard work and
You aro cordially hunted by Me Subduable l%ron Steering Committee to have
your say ie the %tire el Hiroo County. Participate In a nrlow of lite priority
prolate of Me draft $estsiaabllfy Plea for Hurea County. We will also share
with you Me commealty recommendations from the Healthy Communities focus
groups held earlier this year. Come till us your thoughts.
DA: Wednesday November 16th
Location: Btyth & District Community Centre - upstairs
Date: Thursday November 17th
localise: HensaN & District Community Centre - hall
Thee: A brief Introduction at 7:00 p.m.
Arrive anytime between 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p m.
Krieg: A neighbour. a friend, a family member (this is a child friendly event)
Can't attend? The draft plan will be posted on
IrMW.MNaqualy. 0141•1M111AnrM the Welk of November 14th, 2011 Comments can
be made by email to: hpaelruel.MNwalr.et.