HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-08-29, Page 42 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, September 21, 2011 She was in it to win it and she did Lynda HIllman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance • She went into the competition to win it- and win it she (1i(1. Jor- dan (;lark, whose grandparents Ed and Betty Nuttall live near Grand Bend won So You Think You Can Dance Canada- taking home more than $100,(1011 new Chevrolet (:raze. A small-town girl with big-time personality, Jordan (:lark has danced her way into Canada's heart The fourth season began in mid June with (:lark Working it to the top 22. Silts was so excited she knew she was on her way to big things. Ily the time she made it to the top six -there was no stopping her- she was in it to win it. Betty says it was exciting to he at many of the tapings to watch the process. She spoke of one of When: Thurs. Sept. sand 9100-7100 Fri. Sept. 23rd 9:00-7:00, Sat. Sept. 24th 9100-4:00 Where: 640 Main St S Exeter, ON 510435-0363-000465-3476 Inlo®hmpexeter.com Huron Motor Products must clearout our 2011 models to make room for our incoming 2oi2's. 90 vehicles must be sold during this event!!! •FINANCE RATE/ as tow as •% toe up to ya months on select vehicles *EXTRA twee TRADE IN ALLOWANCE on ALL vehicles purchased at this event only *Over 100 Optimums pre -owned vehicles drastically reduced tor this sale **EXTRA BONUS --EVERY CUSTOMER WHO PURCHASES DURING THIS SALE WILL RECEIVE A FREE GPS NAVIGATION SYSTEM* * •AIR TOUR SALES CONSULTANT TOR OXTAIL& Jordan with her family and her boyfriend. the group dances that had to be done ten times until it was perfect. And that is exactly the way Jordan lives her life. 11er grandmother said she practiced and prac- ticed and practiced some more until It was perfect. This 19 -year-old contem- porary dancer from Totten- ham, near New Market, claimed the top prize at the Sept. 11th finale after earn- ing the better chunk of 1.6 million fan votes. "'Thank you so much!" were the only words a shak- ing (;lark could muster after host Leah Miller (who was impossible to miss in a sparkly 20 -pound Vanna White dress) read the results after Sunday's Season .1 wrap- up on (:1'V. "Oh my God! ... 1 can't even breathe right now." Following the show, Clark said she has yet to figure out what she's going to do with the cash. She's not the only prize winner; runnerup Melissa Mitro, 23, of Rich- mond 11111, Ont., also drove off with a car, while several other members of the Top ti which also im•lud(d Mon tread's Christian Millette, Stouffville, Ont.'s Lindsay l.euschner, lluispantsis, N.II:s Klatt Maur and Thorn- hill, Ont.'s 's Sham' Simpson won $5,0011 at piece. "It was so exciting," said Betty, "'t'he're were so many happy tears. It was an emo- tional experience from begin- ning to end." She said Jordan has always been an enter- tainer- thinking back to her granddaughters Jordan and her sister Maddison playing at the Lake near her Grand Bend home. Betty says after the show Jordan with her ntont Connie and dad (:len were invited to a party and then there was an after -after party with the choreographers. She had interviews with (:1 it no radio, Canada AM, the Marilyn Dennis show and was invited to the 'Toronto International Fihn Festival ('TIFF) fashion show and to the Chis Brown concert. "A whirlwind ut activity for this red head. Back at the arena in Tot tingham, Betty says the arena was set up with jumbo screens and the "young dant ers in the crowd went crazy when she was proclaimed the winner," said this excited grandmother. Back in 'I'ottinghant on Sunday the town (lid it up right for their newest star. Betty said a great time was had by all at the party for Jor dan. She was piped into the community centre, accolades by the mayor on behalf of the town. She said people waited two and a half hours in line to get her signature and pie tures taken with her. To be photographed with Jordan, people paid $5.0(1 and all proceeds \vers donated to the Women's Shelter. "She was so gracious with all these young people, to whom she is such an 1nspira tion, she spent time With them signing autographs all ) having pictures taken " She told her grandnaothea to stake sure to thank (;rand Bend. "'To all my grandparents friends, family, neighbours, acquaintances ,and buss nesses who supported and voted for me in SY'TY(,D(:. 11 has been an amazing Journey for me - a (dream conte true. 'Thank you to Lynda 1lilln►an-Rapley of the Lakeshore Advance for her encouragement and enthusi- asm during this special time in my life:" With files from l.1Nl)SFY WARD ,QMl AGNN('V