Lakeshore Advance, 2012-08-22, Page 21Capital funds for Bluewater
Area Family Health Team
Lakeshore Advance
The Bluewater Area Family health
Team (BAFHT) has received capital
funds from the Ministry of health &
iing-Term Care (MOH1:1'C) to repo-
;te our HVAC (Heat Ventilation Air
Condition) unit. In 2009 the current
building was renovated for the BAFH'1',
unfortunately at that time the IIVAC
was not updated. The heating and
cooling system have extreme tempera-
tures throughout the building and do
not meet the needs of the medical
MNE Engineering is looking after the
HVAC project and Dave Davies Heating
will be the contractor. New high effi-
ciency furnaces, air conditioning, duct-
work and insulation will be installed.
The project is to start the first part of
October and will take approximately
three (3) weeks. Patients coming into
the clinic will be asked to proceed with
caution as they enter the clinic.
Bauer & Bauer were here in July and
insulated the north exterior wall of the
clinic. 'Ibis wall was cinder block and
was not insulated. The insulation cost
was covered by the MOIILTC.
The BAR I1' look forward to having a
clinic, which provides a comfortable
environment for both patients and
employees. The IIVAC project should
also improve our monthly expenses.
The BAFIIT have been in operation
for three years as of July 1, 2011 and
have seen many improvements and
changes. The BAFH'I' is Community
Sponsored and has a Volunteer Board
of Directors.
'Ihe BAR IT have two physicians, 1)r.
Michael Hurley and Dr. Lori Teeple,
both physicians are accepting new
patients. Registration forms may be
picked up at the clinic Monday to
Joanne King is our NP (Nurse Practi-
tioner) and sees patients for both Dr.
Hurley and 1)r. 'Teeple. All patient
information is on ENIR (Electronic
Medical Records). The BAEHT are
open Monday and Wednesday eve-
nings. As the BAN IT grows new pro-
grams are being offered to our
Alzheimer's coffee break at
Bluewater Rest Home Sept 14
Carmel Sweeney
Lakeshore Advance
Be sure to stop by the Bluewater Rest
I lome on Wed., Sept. 14 at 2 p.m. for a
cup of coffee and snacks in the front
lobby. The Alzheimer's coffee break
will be held there and everyone is wel-
come to attend.
St. Boniface C.W.L. will be having
their meeting on Tuesday the 20th
which begins with a potluck supper at
p.m. 10, 25, 50 and 60 year pins will
be given out to several C.W.L. mem-
bers that night. Patty limy and Martha
Overholt's group are in charge.
What a great play at the Huron
County Playhouse "Elvis" Blue Suede
Shoes, memories of the King with Ray
J. Blanc. Oh my gosh it was so good.
I. he lucky winner of the St. Peter's
�e.. .I. Quilt was won on September 14
by Christine Zawacki of Blue Haven
beach. 'Their C.W.I. is also having a pot-
luck supper in the parish hall on Tues.,
Sept. 13 which begins at (i p.m. The
president is Patty LaPorte.
The C.W.I. regional meeting wig be
on Sat., Sept. 24.
St. Peter's Lutheran Church held
their first meeting for the fall on 'Huffs.,
Sept. 11 with a good attendance. The
president is Michele Haberer.
The game of shuffle board will
resume for the month of September at
the Zurich complex on Thurs., Sept. 15
at 1:00 p.m. and on Mondays at 9:00
Congratulations go out to Carese
Bedard and Joe Deliont who were mar-
ried on Sept. 10 at St. Peter's Church.
Dinner and reception were held at the
Bluewater Complex with several rela-
tives and friends attending. Joe is the
son of Bert and (;lasing of Zurich and
Caresse is the daughter of Rick and
Patti Bedard.
Congratulations go out to Annette
and Bernie Denonune of Exeter on the
occasion Of their 50th anniversary.
Harold and Doreen Dietrich recently
celebrated their 55th wedding
Lottie (healer as moved to the test
home as Jean Geoffrey has moved to
Crediton to live with her daughter
Lawrence and Dianne Becker
returned last week from a 10 week visit
to all the western provinces, seeing old
frinds and meeting new ones. Had a
really nice time in the Okanagan Val-
ley, B.C. and then to Washington, (be-
gan, California, Arigona, 'Texas, and
eventually back home. 'Travelling by
motor home was a sightseeing
A warts welcome to Mr. Brent Lan-
gan who is the new principal at St. Bon-
iface school and Betty Beer - Vanrooy is
principal at the Zurich Public School.
Ashley Erb has returned to teachers
college at the university in Ottawa,
while her sister Stephanie has returned
back to her job on a cruise ship. Both
girls spent the month of August visiting
their parents, Phil and Laurie Erb in
Zurich and relatives in the area.
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