Lakeshore Advance, 2012-08-22, Page 126 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Roof looks like `ghetto city' says councilor
Lynda Hillman -Replay
Lakeshore Advance
Lambton Shores councilor Lorie Scott
told council the Port Franks community
centre roof looks like "ghetto city". In her
plight to get the roof fixed so it looks pre-
sentable- council agreed, since it is esthet-
ics and not leaking- they could wait for the
2012 budget talks to get it fixed.
The Port Franks Roofing project was
approved last year. The approved contrac-
tor was Elric Contractors in the amount of
$27,967.50; the budgeted estimate for this
project was $64,000.00.
In a report to council, it states as per
Schedule A, the total roof was not complete
within this contract. The portion of the roof,
which was left intact, was completed three
years ago, as it did require an emergency
repair. The office, which is located under
this area, did experience some water leak
damage which staff will be repairing this
Staff has been requested to review the
possibility of replacing this section of roof
due to the fading colour of the shingles and
its contrast to the new roof that was
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Karen Cameron, Human Resources
7883 Amtelecom Parkway
Forest, ON NON 1J0
Lambton Shores' Volunteers
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16 Alien Street, Medford
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infrastructure Services Community Services Department
The Municipally of Larnbton Shores, Northville Office, requires an Administrative Assistant - Infrastructure Services
on a Temporary Full -Time Basis for approximately 4 months.
This position is responsible for administration of the day to day activities and services of the department and Municipality
as well as administrative support to water, wastewater systems 8 solid waste management services The Assistant also
administers and maintains the Department's records, engineenng drawings and other documentation related to capital
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Interested candidates are asked to submit a resume, by hand, mail or email, Including relevant expenence by 4 30 pmt,
September 23rd, 2011 to Ms. Peggy Van Mier$o-West, Director of Community unity Services
Municipality of Lambton Shores
9575 Port Franks Road, Thedford ON NOM 1,10 (519)243-1400
pvmwestiftlambtonshores ca
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considered not aesthetically appealing. The
estimated quote for this additional work is
$10,434.00 plus HST.
The 2011 Capital Program has had one
unexpected project this year with the
water proofing work on the existing roof of
the Legacy Centre in the amount of
$65,336.60. This project was funded though
the surplus amount from the Port Franks
Roof Project and the remaining was funded
through the Recreation Reserve Fund.
Staff says currently there is not sufficient
money within the project to complete this
portion of roof due to the transferring of
funds to complete the Legacy Centre Roof.
Scott said, "We have a roof that like ghetto
city- it looks terrible and I am not impressed."
Cou ncilor Doug Bonesteel said the money
was there and they chose not to use it, as they
needed it elsewhere. "We need to make a
wise move and fix it," he said. Councilor Ruth
Illman said they are not even through this
budget fear and they are spending a lot of
money. It makes me nervous. It is important
to fix this but not urgent. We can look at in
the 2012 budget."
"There are patches of three different cf
ours and the message we are sending is that
we don't care," said Scott. "They (the people
in Port Franks) are saying, 'look at this -why
didn't we just keep it leaking?' It looks
Both deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg
and mayor Bill Weber said they had been
there many times and had not noticed the
roof. The mayor said he took a specific trip to
see that it was on the west side behind the
tennis courts.
Councilor Dave Maguire asked what the
difference was if they are over budget this
year or next, "Just fix it" he said. Since it is not
leaking, the motion to refer to the 2012
budget was carried:
Phragmites bigger than Lambton Shores
Lynda HIllman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
Councilor Lorie Scott says there is an
urgency to start dealing with the influx of
phragmites in the Port Franks and Ipper-
wash area and although other council mem-
bers agreed there is a problem- they are also
aware this is too big a problem to be dealt
with without upper tier and partners. Lamb -
ton Shores council was reacting to a public
meeting in Port Franks late last month.
At council last week Scott said she wants
municipal staff to begin training to be able
to deal with some of the immediate issues.
She used Huron Kinloss as an example of
what can be done. Councilor Ruth Illman
said Lambton Shores is far bigger geograph-
ically than Huron Kinloss and they need to
lobby the province.
Mayor Bill Weber said he was at the meet-
ing and agrees with Illman that the province
needs to be in this action. he said he had
just come back from a - 3,000 km trip and
there were phragmites all the way. "1 am not
saying we can't do this but it is bigger than a
Lambton Shores program." Scott said there
were plenty of the weeds on municipal prop-
erty, "Waiting 'till next year is too late- we
need to send out staff out. We are going to
lose more and more space- the longer we
leave it," she said. Because of the lateness of
the night Illman asked what can they realis-
tically do. "We can't commit to something
this major at 9:40 p.m.," she said.
Weber said they are now getting e-mails
from people in Grand Bend with the issue
there too- on a smaller scale, and they need
a report so they can best manage the prob-
lem. Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg
asked if there was something tangible they
could do- they needed to know who wanted
to do the training. Councilor John Russell
reminded them that staff had just finished
with a busy summer and would soon be
plowing snow. "These people need
vacations. Ile said they need a plan and to
look into the public sector.
"All 1 want to do to start with training,"
said Scott, "We need trained people to han-
dle this. 1 am not asking thein to jump out
and combat all the phragmites- we are leav-
ing it too late."
Russell said this is bigger than what we are
talking about, "We need a plan- this, (the
training) should be part of a plan- the future
won't be fun -the key is a plan rather than a
Weber said they had to get the Drainage
superintendent as well as Ausable Bayfield
Conservation, the county and other agen-
cies involved for the long term.
Phragmites was already in the budget ses-
sions and they are currently working at the
beach areas of the Ipperwash -Port Franks
area. "We have the mapping done, we are
doing something. We need to take our time,
make plans, get a report and do this right,"
said Illman. Councilor Underwood said they
have already seen what happens when this
council jumps ahead." We don't need knee
jerk reactions. We have heads of depar
ments and that's what they do. Let's let tht
do their job," he told council.
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