HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-08-08, Page 64Wednesday, August 31, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7 Ricegroup request tri -municipal board Lynda Hellman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance Additional allocation for the Rice Develop- ment carne to the Tri -Municipal Board last week with lA ntbton Shores and South 1 luron being the municipalities at the helm of this question. MOP t Rice Group is anticipating the development of 75 dwelling units, upon registration oldie west half of the SutxiivisIon. Rice Group advises that they will require 82 n13 of capacity in the Grand Bend Sewage Treatment Facility. Cur- rently Council has allocated 60 m2 to this devel- opment. Calculations done earlier this year indicate that there appears to be approximately 36tn3 of unallocated capacity in the (;rand Bend Sewage Treatment Facility. Staff recom- mends that Council endorse the additional allo- cation and direct staff to request that the (*rand Bend Sewage Facility Board grant 22n13 of addi- tional capacity to the Rice Group, subject to the development proceeding by June 2012. At the Tri -Municipal meeting, the two munic- ipalities said they could deal with this and Bluewater mayor Bill Rowson said his a division of the Rice Development Company in order to ensure that Phase 5 has long terns municipality was fine not being part of these Inc. and is comprised of 25 single family condo- access to the storm water management facility talks as long as they were informed regarding minium units. and the municipal storm sewer extending from decisions being mode. A number of issues arise from allowing a Phase 5 to the facility, the Municipality must development outside of 1,aunbton Shores to uti- also enter into an agreement with that division lire a municipal storm water management facil- of the Rice Development Corporation inc. ity In the Municipality. Since the lands will not developing Phase 5, which provides for this long he paying taxes in l,aunbton Shotes, they will not term access. The subdivision agreement will be contributing to the long terns maintenance provide for the execution of this agreement. costs of the facility, Since the lands are owned Rice Group is proposing to construct by Rice the issue of a contribution to the long upgrades to the park proposed in the Rice Sub - term maintenance of the facility has been part division. Lambton Shores Infrastructure Design of the negotiations for final approval of their Guidelines and Construction Standards require l.anlbton Shores subdivision. Storm water that parks be graded anti seeded. In addition flows from Phase 5 represent 10% of the capac- the standards require that street trees be planted ity of the facility, h is Staff's recom,neuda- along wad allowances at aril approximate spay - tion that a onetime lump sutra contribution be ing of 1 tree per 20 metres. Rice are proposing made for the future maintenance of the facility. m enhance the park beyond the standards of 'the monies will be kept in an interest (rearing the Municipality, by enhancing landscaping, account which will assist in replenishing the constructing walkways, installing two a(('('(unt ovt't' th(' long terns. Staff calculates the benches and a park sign with armour stony. yearly contribution to maintenance at $850/ .I he value of these upgrades is approximately year for Phase 5 atul suggests that a 20 year time $19,800.00 Rice is r e q u es ti ng t ha t frame be used to calculate a on' -time lumps surra payment of $1;,0(X). laumbton Shored council meeting !.anlbton Shores senior planner Patti Rich- ardson has been working to satisfy the condi- tions of approval. I expect to bring a report to the next Council meeting requesting that Coun- di grant final approval to the west half of this development (which is comprised of three psoases) and grunt an extension to the draft approval on the balance of the lands until lust' 2014. A number of issues needed to be addressed in order to allow Council to grant final approval to the west half of the subdivision, The storm water management facility required for the Sulxdivision, evhich will become a municipal facility, has been sized to ucconl- nwdatte the tion phase (Phase 5) of develop- ment 111 Grand Cove (:states, which is located within the Municipality of South Huron. Phase 5 of Grand Cove Estates is being developed by THE EMERALD ASM BORER (EAB) is killing ash trees throughout Ontario. Help protect our trees! EAB has been detected in southern Ontario. The following counties are in the regulated area: Essex (1), Chatham -Kent (2), lombton (3), Middlesex (4), Elgin (5), Huron (6), Perth (7), Oxford (8), Norfolk (9), Wellington (10), Waterloo (11), Brant (12), Haldimand (13), Hamilton (14), Niagara (15), Halton (16), Peel (17), Toronto (18), York (19), and Durham (20). EAB regulated area in southem Ontario EAB is a destructive insect that spreads to new areas when infested wood is nlovod. By federal Ministerial Order, anyone moving ash tree materials or firewood out of these 20 counties without written permission from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency may be fined or prosecuted. DON'T MOVE FIREWOOD For more information, visit www.htspectimgme/posts or call 1 -$I4 -4143-f017 A,'Camden Food p�e modems Inspection Agency d'dee ailments Canada CONTINUED > PAGE 13 L'AGRILE DU FRENE est en train de tuer des frenes d'un bout a I'autre de ('Ontario. Aidez-nous a proteger ces arbres! La presence de I'agrrlc du hone a Me detectee dons le sud de ('Ontario. Cette zone reglomentee englobe les comtes suivonts : Essex (1 ); Chatham -Kent (2); lambton (3); Middlesex (4); Elgin (5); Huron (6); Perth (7); Oxford (8); Norfolk (9); Wellington (10); Waterloo (1 1); Brant (12); Haldimand (13); Hamilton (1 4); Niagara (15); Halton (16); Peel (17); Toronto (18); York (1Q); Durham (20). Zone reglementee du sud de ('Ontario Lac Huron 1..\r\ `Lac Ontario :1 Lac Erie) L'agrile du fiene est un insecte nuisible qui se propage dons de nouvelles regions par le transport de bois infeste. En vertu d'un wrote tmnisteriel federal, toute porsonne deplacant des produits du freno ou du bois de chauffage 6 partir de ces 20 comtes, d aloins de permission ecrite de ('Agency canadionne d'inspection des aliments, est passible d'une omende ou s'expose d des poursuites judiciaires. NE DEPLACEZ PAS DE 1015 DE CHAUFFAGE Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site wwwJIsptcNON.BI.ce/pkyftravappgr$ ou composez le 1-1611-444-6017 ' 1 itoFood des aliments Inspection Agency Canada