HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-08-08, Page 62Wednesda , Au • ust 31, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 5
From theCountryslde From the Tower
• conn Russell
Bipedal to Lakeshore Advance
Every so often a public figure throws
out a shadow larger than those around
him. The untimely death of Jack Lay-
ton and the subsequent outpouring of
public affection projects a feeling that
Jack's shadow was indeed larger than
some. It is rare in Canada for such
public feelings to be manifested and
even rarer that the the political
experts/pundits are without explana-
tion for our behaviour.
I think our behaviour can be
explained by looking at Jack's public
identity. He came across as someone
you knew or would like to know, Jack
had an innate ability to be in the
moment with individuals but also was
able to project that same effective feel-
ing to the public in crowds or on TV or
in the House of Commons. His causes
and his answers to questions were in
simple language and were bought into
by some who might otherwise not
support his political aspirations. He
knew that Canadians as a whole are
receptive to straight talk and he acted
likewise. Over time and many elec-
tions this resulted in him becoming
just Jack.
People have responded in this way
before to political figures who have
touched us deeply. The funeral train of
John Diefenbaker comes to mind, On
the other hand, the public adulation
for Pierre Trudeau in past times was
tempered by the solemn state funeral
upon his death. I see a more apt and
recent common thread in the political
career of Preston Manning. The lead-
ing of the people with a cause from the
fringes of political discourse to the
centre of national debate with talk of
common sense and a populist and
deeply personal lingo. Being able to be
identified with a cause is one thing,
making it the people's is another.
Jacks political career started in
,kronto where as a Councillor he was
Or the side of many 'left wing' causes.
some of these included inclusionary
policies for the marginalized, whether
they be poor or homeless, a social or
sexual minority or bike riders. He
fought for policies against violence
against women and his crusade on
that score has international implica-
tions. Before he even hit the national
stage, his social democradc roots were
well developed and deep.
When Jack became the leader of the
national NDP, some pundits wrote
him off as a municipal lefty with no
heft. He proved them wrong in elec-
tion after election as his message of
working together and talking through
solutions gained traction and reso-
nance amongst new supporters. The
fact that this happened during a
period of Liberal disarray and a build-
ing Conservative cohesion does not
take away from the message nor its
results. That Jack Layton became the
leader of the Opposition in the House
has its origins in the same roots of
planning, talking, building consensus
and partnerships honed in his early
political career.
One issue that seems to have gotten
little play since the election is that Jack
spoke eloquently many years ago on
the need for dialogue with the'Ihtiban
in Afghanistan. This was mocked In
the House as foolhardy talk and disre-
spectful to our troops fighting there.
Be that as it may, this difference in
approach to a war we were mired in
gained a large audience in Quebec
where such talk is considered reason-
able not treasonous. Jack's slow and
steady inroads in Quebec accelerated
as much due
to his unwavering ,truthful ,social
democratic and federalistic talk, He
walked his talk and the astute Quebe-
cols voted for him and his plank, and
him alone,
When we look back on Jack Layton's
career in the public eye, what will be
his legacy? Will It be the simple truth
that he led the NDP to Official Oppo-
sition status for the first time and was
gone before the fruits could be picked?
Will it be the human face that some-
times we saw in glimpses when the
public/private lives of a politician col-
lide?Tings such as his giving life to a
strong prostrate cancer message, walk-
ing the talk daily for minorities in nor-
mal business or riding his bike daily
and getting rid of his car. Will it be the
inspirational values for democracy
that he instilled in a new generation of
young citizens? I hope it is all of these
but mostly the last. We, as the ones left
to carry a social democratic torch for
Jack and his ideals, would do our
country and our local communities
well by creating forums for youth,
Places where voices that matter but
are seldom heard are given a hearing
and respect. That would be a living
And that's how I see it this week.
Scott Ruddle
Lakeshore Advance
"I ley I took swimming lessons,
1 can swine. I don't have to worry,
1 can't say it enough. People
over estimate their swimming
ability and swimming in the lake
is different than swimming in the
As I mentioned in article four,
at a pool we have clear water,
lines painted on the bottom, Zane
ropes to keep us swimming
straight, and buoy lines that mark
where the depth changes. if you
get tired you can hang on the
side or a lane line. Most people
seldom swim further than the
distance from where you landed
going off the diving board to the
side of the tool. This lends a per-
son to think that they are a "good
At the beach it is difficult to
judge distances across open
water, A 50m swim out to the
swim marker might seem pretty
easy, but then you have to swim
back. 'Ihat might sound simple,
but when was the last time you
swam four laps of the commu-
nity pool without stopping at the
end walls? 'Ihmw in some waves
and a current that drifts you a bit
and the challenge increases.
We do get some tri -athletes
that come to the each to train
and I've suggested that they
practice the following way. Jog
down to the north end of the
beach where the Oakwood
Estates start. Swint out to the
back edge of the sandbar and go
about ten feet beyond that. Now
swim south using the water test-
ing station and the pier light post
as direction markers. Hyatt get a
leg cramp or in any kind of dis-
tress you only have to swim ten
feet to stand up.
There has been an increasing
number of teenagers and adults
that we rescue each year. Many
had limited swimming skills or
were not able to cope with the
water conditions. I'd like to think
that 1 could tell people to stay out
of the lake and sign up for some
swimming lessons, but 1 know
that isn't going to happen. If you
can't swim very well, don't go
any deeper than your waist and
stay with a buddy. If you kneel or
sit down on the bottom you can
soak up to your shoulders to cool
off. lithe waves get much higher
than two feet only go to your
knees and stay with a buddy.
All of the regular rules apply to
adults as much as to kids. Stay
hydrated, drink water. Avoid
sunburn, wear sunscreen. Learn
the bottom profile, go slow first
time in everytime.
Here is a final sobering fact.
Almost half of all males (47%)
18-34 years of age that drowned
had consumed alcohol, accord-
ing to the latest National Drown-
ing Report. (Available at www.
lifesavingsociety.com) Alcohol
and glass containers on the
beach will get you a ticket. Bur-
led glass bottles can get run over
by the tractor that grooms the
sand each morning and leave a
pile of sharp shards for children
to step on. Impaired Judgment
and co-ordination can lead to a
tragedy when mixed with water
conditions you can't handle.
Please don't drink on the beach.
So please come enjoy the
Keach. Respect the water and
the other visitors. Save the alco-
hol for the patio afterwards.
Stay close and stay safe.
1)o you have any continents or
questions? !lave you enjoyed the
articles so far? Please e-mail the
Lakeshore Advance and let me
Relief in Goderich thanks to local organizers
Lakeshore Advance
Lakeshore Advance
The local communities have
Jumped on board to help the many
victims affected by last week's tor-
nado in Goderich, The list below
lets readers know where they can
donate and the upcoming local
Wednesday August 31- 'Lumba,
Uwe, and Community! Let's gather
for a cause, Wedndesday August
31. South 1 luron Rev CentreDoors
Open 7:O0pm - 8:30pm. Minimum
$10 cash donation or non perisha-
bles will be collected for the
Goderich Tornado Relief Fund,
Lots of ways to win stuff Will be a
terrific time! All proceeds will go
directly to Salvation Anny.
Can't save that date! Not to
worry 1 luron Motor Products has
also opened their doors to accept
donations. Feel free to bring dona-
tions to them at your
Friday, September 2nd
-Goderich Aunt tussles music
night fundraiser with their first
being last Friday with a huge
response. This Friday you will be
entertained by Mike Monaghan
and Patrick Powers.
You need to reserve a seat by
entailing your reservation. If you
can come but cannot stay the
whole night, please do so! aunt-
gussies@itay.net Tickets are lim-
ited. past and present staff to
donate your time these nights.
$10.00 will get you in the door.
'there will lw lots always to donate
and lots of flan prizes to he won. All
money raised these nights will be
donated directly to Salvation Anny
Goderich, Age of Majority.
Monday September 5th-- Come
out to the last Gables Jam Night of
the summer to enjoy some great
music and support those impacted
by the tornado in Goderich. $5
cover, open donations will all be
given to the .Salvation Army, which
will go directly to the town of
Goderich. It's a great time for a
great cause! Age of Majority,
Saturday Septetnber 17th- South
Huron Recreation Centre will host
Legends help Goderich. Mulit-
award winning tribute acts will
take to the stage at 7 p.m. Tickets
are $20- $25 at the door. Call 519-
236-9908 for details of contact
Donations can also be dropped
off at Grand Bend Legion and
1 iuron Motor Products Food and
Clothing, water are top priority at
the moment, but any items
donated are gratefully accepted
and appreciated. Non perishable
food including baby food'lbiletries
(toilet paper, shampoo, tooth
paste, tooth brush, etc) . Diapers,
formulaClothing (all sues, all ages
for men/ ladies / boys /girls/
babies)Plntes/ eating utensils.
Children served by Big Brothers
Big Sisters have lost their homes
and ALL school supplies in
Goderich. Please help and report
this folks, Donations can be
dropped off at Community Living
in Dashwood or at myFM studio in
Exeter. Or if you know me and
close by 1 can pick up / drop oar.
Donations need to be in by Sun-
day. Please 11e1I) in any way you