HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-08-08, Page 43Beach 0' Pines road issue deferred akeshore Advance Lambton Shores Council would like to see loose ends tied up before they agree to resolve the outstanding road issues in Beach O'Pines. Lambton Shores, Beach O'Pines and Huron Woods (LS, HW, BOP) are attempting to resolve the outstanding road issues related to the private road system, Beach ()'Pines has been a gated commu- nity for more than 80 years. 'this community has paid for road maintenance, insurance and utilities since the beginning. Two por- tions of this road system are the issue at hand; one being Huron Place, a road deemed to be a public road in the 1980s as a means to allow for development. The designation was never withdrawn following the construction of the homes. Beach ()'Pines Association continued to maintain this road throughout the years. The second section of Beach 0' Pines Road that is a "public road" is at the very end of that road adjacent to the Pinery Provincial Park boundary. This portion of road was owned by Ausable Estates Limited and was sold to the Municipality in 2009. Again this section of road was acquired because of the owner's reluctance to sell it to the Beach 0 Pines Homeowners Associa- tion unless certain other issues were resolved relating to the Huron Place section of road, the granting of utility easements to the Municipality etc. The BOPA has agreed to those other conditions and has agreed to reimburse the Municipality for its costs (purchase and legal) associated with its acquisition of this property. In order to correct this situation it recom- mended that the "public road" designation be removed from these two locations and the road revert back to its "private road" status. One of the issues they needed to address in implementing this change was to ensure that the access rights of residents of the Huron Woods subdivision, Beach 0 Pines he protected. The lawyers for all three parties (LS, E3OPA and the MCA) have all reviewed and agree to the proposed transfer, Not so cut and dry Councilor Doug Bonesteel said this has been a controversial issue and now the two communities want to work together. He said The Municipality of Lambton Shores LIVING IN LAMSTON SNORES... A weekly Upd.le on th• Munlcapal Ev•nts to your Community AdmlMstr•tbn Department - 1603 Ar Mlecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1 JO Tei 1 x17.1664315. 519-166.2335. Fax 519.102135. Email edrnawstratinOlanmpkrWhowes ca VMII out Web Sae al wwk lembi nsh.ne re FOREST WORKS DEPOT RELOCATION - MUNICIPALITY OF LAMBTON SHORES Municipal Class Environmental Assessment NOTICE OF PROJECT COMMENCEMENT Ib. MvwcipMly of lanWbn Sho114 is planning to replace ted m.mtrp Fowl Works Depot. located N 12 Ann Street In Forint The sooting Depot Is ow\mi n Lely 75 yea* ohs. a situated within a residential area. and resew** and structure! upgrades TM preference Is to crou1 edDefrhl m a nM n stra new Ws requite* mrya elwi h wal wee wn the Forest ororlrnonay Several &lemVv..rtes w berg cons fend The pw.mposed {Insect is Derng pWxed under Schwdule a of ted Municipal Class Environmental Asesse eel (Class FAI The Municipality of liernbkn Snores 4 the proponent 5061 Associates re meet( consultants Anengernents to a Public InhymeM) Centre Mt be ennounced once Whet papal rine* is completed As pan of the Class EA planning process. pub's' !n$'ut and oow.nenl we invited. and will be included in IM Class EA Aatm»nlennn 11 you have pueekns 'Doul the protect would Me lo be added hi to mailing b1 hr Class EA notices or would la e M view a copy o1 the Municipal Class Environmental Amassment, please mallei dm Protect Engine' al Slow( Associates John M S{wIN P Eng . Pitied Engineer Sprtet Associate* l orWon L ogled 1M Vas Street. t orldon, ON 149A IM Phone 519172.1100 Fat 519.4119351 E .nae )Nwnespel co iAM NOTICE Issued A•btist 4. 7091. by Mie tlAlMcpaspr el lerabfon shores Peggy Van M4ito-West Director of ConwMy Services Municipally of Lambkin Shores 9515 Pat Franks Hoed, R R et. Thedford, ON NOM 7N0 Phon• 6197411400 or Tot Fee 006.43.1400 Fell 6194434600 E rnM arnivieweelembionehoreelos 2011 FINAL TAX BILLING Ito am 2091 Pnu{wty Ts. Noises Nvs been w.ur.1 woo nSlMvvnt An deem rel August 3I" snit M.»n.lw S0. 209' OPTIONS • OPTIONS • OPTIONS ITS not l.. UM lo ngn up to one o1 our ire auttuvi ed pelnenl plan* hr 90.05 w uM4es The toren aro on oar website and in our offices 11 you dont Rhe In use pte•audicrinni pavnvenls then contd., ...,ng electrnic banking or 951pw.0lle banking h led d out al your gleno* institution COMMUNITY GROUPS l anibl n Shoves 4 accepting submissions her Me .sop M u9xmwnrp events in ted community hon any community stoup or orgemtatkn thr omu000 in the Thep and retying In L Ibsen Shores newsletter Please subm4 events her September . October 4.0 Noosed*, We are also interested in any suggestions her art.'lss from community groove A Mlrp In ted newe4tta wed be al no cel and provided space is available we wed M lo odor% as many lets*. as e' ran Please sand events and sugyesAns kw articles In AsM1y an, Facilitator ol Recr'ah11 Anil leisure M 1a. al 519 243 3500 or 'mar 0ynt/424rtkldnitIV07 c4 rn 9 ler then Fd. Avg 74, 7011 Manning , ha L►mblon shores coutcs we tr COneolsrreg the Maw"' moon, x111* Sept 6, 3011 Council rneetep 1 ie p m - lone ay -4w AaenMamnt Appheet4n 7044/7011 Por Keay e David Mud ends - 1016 Nunn Dohs IM act* ants re mousesry an amannsn is, lousy II taw 1 2 03 R. change ate toning m M note! •. appme elely d 9,s pntety ROM dee R0NMMW k 1841 bre 5en Tnwavmental Pnr.sOnn 9latrd if 913 /One to prohibit dere ..ent end me elevation on those lends repulsion ht M C,veenw0m Authority ern looted MOs, s dynamo orb 1:10 p * - Offs*& Plan Amendment Appllo4ion Od43/7111 a telly pilaw Amendment ApaeMNen 7044/611 ter 1lerlat a Clneensph asdeeley M spoken* are rec)*weRry ens endne,t n M AgnlA,ra pones in M l an1No Stove, (Waal ban In pen'# 11,4 neon N a new mellow! 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R, Mrm In ma 11nea1krd ala / onset Anes t ,.... ,on. nn a 5N W or pee Poi bases. pomally seining' and weekends TM rr./rryelly minded arwmm.rwne elle. ht ant InU beverages and a ninety of short order tool items The Concession 5ISr1 prepares hod handles neer,. ant Hers M ep 4 .'. l and Pe oance14101 area to ensu* Moans. cordons mete MOwtp lamp ala toVMm*y menus n nue customers 10 be '*nidus a Concession Worker non neve sneaerr welcome WM. Mae F.permrwe n ne wore snooty is an semi Please serf a resume end tone Slew to es alctsse noted Pelee M Yin Into fleple , 10. 2011 IAawnpeety d l ambo n Storm damn Cameron Hunan 0.snnes 1543 Anerenm Penmen F dot ON NON 120 Lambton Shorn' Voiunteels ars invited to Attend the S`" Annual VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION t11 4 Thu rs., Sept. 29"' 030 p.m. The MMIMIM antra NOWA HALL N Men MM TNerad imit) 13tVh we Ieettlel et WMNeay, ewe 14,6011 W. ibigtaltaabfirili00 14O0 443t400 Lambton Shores Community Groups bre invited to participate in the Comaswdty Engasawbent Expo September 14"h 700pm -9OOpm the Shores Recreation Centre 7663 l4 *Nrc m Play . Forest 111,0 t WV 9r1Yveko rd*.ae N enerrerwy end re.nA vitalism T,mnu*y Orate We noted Si era up a fates nes lofty elM Shoes dung M Me want 10 mod n.1*1 Pe l *Kan Shim iNrknA s.•ey, typrs,M.,. toy Sent l' Pang 51►213 f Atm n emee ewrfOWmbkwW.vma res he had no issues with the conveyance but bus concerns with costs to the memberships and costs to the taxpayers. Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg asked what the value of these roads are to Lambton Shores and also what were the legal and survey costs during the negotiations. CA() John Byrne said a nominal fee -one or two dollars- was paid. "Nothing signifi- cant", he said adding BOP will reimburse the transfer costs. Ile said there is no change in value since it was transferred. The costs come to under $7,000. Davis Dagg asked if this included the beach access. Byrne explained the access was not part of this negotiation. They were highlighted only as a general reference on the map in the council agenda package. l le explained the legal fees during this time were for municipal pur- poses for both communities. "The legal advise was shared by all three," Byrne said referring to HOP, HW and the municipality. Ile said this was not part of any kind of adversary litigation. Councilor Lode Scott asked what the value of the unopened road was. "'There is no assessed value. It is built on sand with a thin layer of asphalt," said Byrne adding its being transferred back the same way. "It is a piece of land- how much is it worth?" she asked. Mayor Bill Weber said there is no access to this road. Scott feels they should he mak- ing money on this transaction. Bonesteel said they should defer this resolution until the September so they can get all the "strings tied up" 1le said this would give them the opportunity to meet with the two groups. woo wisest* owe Councilor Martin Underwood said value of land can come in many ways and having public access to the towpaths is invaluable. Davis Dagg said there are obvious benefits to Lambton Shores and to Beach 0 Pines. She asked if BOP would be involved if sewers come to zones 3 and 4. "I want to know these answers," she said. From Huron Woods Community Association President Lily Pinarello reported to coun- cil stating at a special meeting held on Friday, August 5, the Huron Woods Com- munity Association board of directors received unanimous direction from the membership in attendance to support the option of Blanket Authorization to register on individual deeds, (the same pedestrian rights of way as we have over other Beach 'O Pine roads) over the proposed private Huron Place, including the small section at the Pinery Provincial Park boundary, referred to in the Byrne's report, at no cost to the individual nor the association. Furthermore, we request an opportunity to present a proposal to the Council members regarding legal costs incurred in researching this issue. "Should Council move forward with the conveyance, we would continue to facilitate this process and look forward to working with the Municipality to make sure every- one in our community has been notified," she said. Beach 0' Pines Association president Peter Coleman declined comment regard- ing this meeting. VOA ° Lynda Mohan -Raped* Lakeshore Advance Meet and greet ft was a meet and greet for Lambton County warden Steve Arnold (shown here centre with Lambton Shores mayor 8111 Weber) at the Legacy Centre in Thedford earlier this month. For others It was ani opportunity to check out the new Centre that opened in late July.