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Elvis Is coming to Grand Bend
Katie Brlckman
SMI Agency
For 15 years, Roy LeBlanc has
been an Elvis impersonator. Ile
has won many competitions,
contests, and concerts for his
ability to become The King.
LeBlanc will be bringing the
sultry voice and quick gyrating
grooves to the Huron Country
Playhouse in (rand Bend on
August 17th to perform Blue
Suede Shoes: Memories of the
"It is a funny, fun, and dra-
matic play that is now staged
for production," he said from
his hotel room in Memphis
after winning another Elvis
competition at the Bard Roeyk
Blue Suede Shoes is a musi-
cal tribute that is told through
the eyes of Elvis' lifelong busi-
ness manager, Colonel Tom
Parker (played by Chris
Mcliarge) and the show covers
the career of the superstar from
the Sun Records beginning to
the Vegas triumphs. The play -
concert will get the crowds
singing along to some of Elvis'
greatest hits, including "Love
Me Tender'; "}found Dog",
"I leartbreak Hotel", "Viva Las
Vegas" and more.
LeBlanc first performed this
play last summer at the Light-
house Theatre in Port Dover
and the cast from that produc-
tion will be performing this
summer. The play was created
by Chris Mcllurge and Colin
Stewart and the four piece band
also become characters in the
"The play has come a long
way since it begun," LeBlanc
said. "'There are over 40 songs
and 16 costume changes in the
two hour play."
LeBlanc has travelled all over
the world performing in fairs,
contests, concerts, festivals,
and casinos and is excited to be
able to perform in one place for
an extended period offline.
"I have been a stage per-
former for years, but this is dif-
ferent and there is more to
think about in theatre," he said.
"The fan base is larger than
when he passed away,"
The auto worker at Ford Tal-
bot in St. Thomas got into music
after high school when he sung
karaoke in Vancouver and was
asked to perform at a wedding.
Since perforating at a couple of
weddings, things quickly snow-
balled from there for him, In
1999, LeBlanc won the world's
largest Elvis contest in Colling-
wood and has since been the
host for the past nine years.
"1 got bored of doing the
same thing so 1 got more outfits
and songs, it got a life of its
own," he said.
LeBlanc is fortunate that he
has a similar profile of Elvis,
that he only has to dye his
blonde hair black and incorpo-
rate make up to retake hien
resemble The King every night,
as well as creating that
"1 appreciate the people that
appreciate Elvis," he said. "Elvis
was one of the greatest enter-
tainers of all time."
The impersonator is excited
to be able to perform in
Ontario, especially In place so
close to house,
"It is a fun ride for the fans of
Elvis, it is a fun atmosphere,"
LeBlanc said.
The play will run eight shows
a week and three weeks (Aug.
17-Sept.:I) in Grund Bend, 'Tick-
ets for Blue Suede Shoes can he
ordered by calling 1-055-37'2-
The King
Roy LeBlanc poses with
his guitar as he gets
set to play Elvis In the
upcoming Blue Suede
Shoes concert tribute
at the Huron Country
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 15
t i ilii vv
Public Infirmarian Centre 2 Notice
On behalf of the Municipality of 11luewater, Dillon Consulting Limited is currently
completing a ('lass FA and Preliminary Design of a proposal sanitary sewage collection
system to serve the Ultimata Lakeshore from Huron Road 83 to St. Joseph. Dillon's
recommendations regarding the proposed system will he presented at Public Information
('entre 2 on:
Saturday. August 20, 2011, 10:00 a.m.
Bluewater Community Centre
15 East Street, Zurich, Ontario
The Public Intontuttion ('entre will consist of a tonna) presentation at 10:(X) a.m.
followed by a question and answer period. 11 you require further information, please
Brent Kittnter
l►hlities Superintendent
Municipality of I1luewater
14 Mill Avenue, P.O. 13ox 250
enrich, Ont. NOM 2T0
Wel: 519-236-4351, Ext. 221
Fax: 519-236-4329
I?Ri�IlSit1CI(SaiS21YU bIuewuttr,srtl,�i1
Janet Smolders, MC1P
Project Manager
Dillon Consulting Limited
Box 426 London, Ont. N6A 4W7
Tel: 519-438-6192, Ext. 1268
Fax: 519-672-8209
the FreeJ.rm o(1,ilorm,rrurrm amid Proternwi of istAIW ,Ire applies to information gathered for this project.
111th thr exc.-peon of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
Source: Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, 2011.
Meda Vas /Nns>rwl, MPP
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