HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-08-08, Page 156 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, August 17, 2011 Short term rental Issues continue to plague residents and municipality Lynda Hillman-Rapey Lakeshore Advance Something needs to be done about the negative impacts associated with short term rentals in (rand Bend, but not at the expense of those who work by the rules. "We need to look at some of the options," said 1.at nbton Shores clerk Carol McKen- zie. She told council the negative impacts associated with some of the properties in l.annbton Shores being used as "short term rentals" have been a frustration to resi- dents and staff alike. "The majority are no problem- but some are causing problems to our residents." "An inordinate amount of resources are expended by both the I.ambton Shores by- law officers and the Ontario Provincial Police to regulate the "bad behaviour" of some tenants, and the "slob mentality" has at time resulted in residents being unable to enjoy their own properties," she said. Over the years, various remedies have' been put in place, however, the problems persist. "The actual tact of a short terns rental is not necessarily the problem, as many property owners offer their homes for rent for a range of time periods without caus- ing any significant impact on the commu- nity. The problems arise when a dwelling is rented to a group of people who are dis- respectful of the community," said McKenzie. When a property is used primarily for short terns rentals, and is a "place of lodg- ing" that is offered in return for payment, it is a commercial operation, and if the it The Municipality of Lambton Shores LIVING IN LAMBTON SNORES... A weekly Update on the MunIcrpel Fvsnts in your Community Administration Deportment - ?SU AnMNeoom Parkway, Forest. Ontario NON 1 JO Tel 1277.768-2335.510411062335, Fax 510465-2135. Email sornerstretionelemblorwhores as Vint ow Web Sae N www tembla,Mrorse FOREST WORKS DEPOT RELOCATION - MUNICIPALITY OF LAMSTON SHORES MUNICIPAL CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PROJECT COMMENCEMENT Ths Municipality of lemban Shores 4 planning to replace 6» sleep Forest Work. Cresol rusted al 12 Ann Street In Forest ins swap need 4 eppeoxfmMky 75 years oho, le situated within a rwgsr,IW wean and moue's moor electrical, mechanical and sb„dure upgrades The preferxv 4 a co,Mnel a new Wons Depot in nonresidential area Mown the Forest con.mu My %%ati lSrnstive saes we berg considered Ths proposed played le berg planed under Schedule 6 of en Municipal Cas EnvlrormsMM Assessment (Class EA) the Aknwvps17y o1 l rnbl n Shores is M proponent bpnel Aseoaates we pealed OoneA4ms Arrangements tor a Public Information Centre who be announced once further payed won Is compieled As pan of M Class F A planning moors, w ss. public Input and cormnenl N Invited, and who be included N ens Claes EA doalmsnYKan If you have questions about the gy ed. wou41 Me to be added to M mailing rel kr Claw EA notion, or wain Me 40 view a copy of the Uu k pal Claes E,m unm. Nsl Asea item, obsess oruNacl the Peopga1 L Nampo N Spiel AsextisI. JNr1 M Apr4l, P Eep , Proisd Framer. Sprits Aseavad.e London l "reed 165 Yoe* Sleet, London, ON NIA IAb Phone 5104E2.4100 Far 51143343.51 F+na4 pN+asptlel co i1Ms NO MI Mord Arose ft tett. by Ow Mi"ekwally et LaaMlen !Area. Peppy Von MIr4o W est Dintroa of Community Serooms hka*opalry of Lambkin Snores 6615 Pod Franks Road, RR et, Thedtad. ON NOM 7140 Phone 511E243,1400 Of Toll Free 6809431400 I. 5102433500E nail pwnwesteismbloriehoru ce 2011 FINAL TAX MILLING lbs anal 7011 Perverts Ts. Wens hove awn Issued Olt Inslektent d - doles of Aped 31' end 4kw.Mw 7011 OPTIONS • OPTIONS • OPTIONS foe Your OMYaa)IMO. 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"in order to successfully deal with the issues, it is crucial that any regulation proposed be well researched, clearly stated and legally enforceable, and that resources are available to enforce the reg- ulations. in order to achieve this goal, it will be neces- sary to have a clear under- standing of what all the issues are, the legislation that is available to address the issues, and any restrictions on the ability of the municipality to enforce the regulations" Therefore, in order to commence the process, the following are recommended Council actions: a) '('hat investigating the issues pertaining to Short 'Perla Rental Accommoda- tions be deemed a munici- pal priority; b) Approval of the allo- cation of resources, both staff and financial, to assist in the researching of issues ■ and developing options for solutions; c) An Ad floc Advisory Committee be struck, com- prised of members of Coun- cil, the public and staff, with a mandate to review the options currently in place for regulating Short Terni Rental Accommoda- tions or Shared Residential Accommodations and make recommendations to Council on the need for such regulations and a pre- ferred option or options to implement. Staff resources will need to be dedicated to the project, and will require assistance from the Build- ing, By-law and Planning Departments as well as out- side resources such as Fire, Police, Community Health Services, etc. Draft terms of reference is attached for review and comments. These issues are not unique to the resort areas of I.ambton Shores, as col- lege communities such as the City of Oshawa, and resort communities such as Wasaga Beach and the Town of Blue Mountains have similar issues, and these municipalities are also working with the community to determine methods of addressing the concerns of the residents. (See appendix # ii for a brief summary of the different initiatives) if a committee is struck, these and other examples can be research further to determine the best "1.anlbton Shores' solution" and the accepta- ble level of regulation for our community. Council agreed McKenzie's motion except for the public participation on this committee. Coun- cilor Doug Bonesteel sug- gested they begin with council and staff and come to some conclusions. " l think this is a contentious issue and we need to get going on it right away. if we involve citizens it won't start till January. We are not ready for citizens yet. You have to be careful what citi- zens you bring in. Bones- teel said he and councilor Dave Maguire are working with a citizens group who are keeping theta abreast of current issues. A member of the gallery said they have to make sure this does not become a "police state" with too many restrictions. "We want our visitors to still come here for a week at a time so they go to our restaurants, grocery stores, liquor and beer stores and visit our merchants. Day trippers usually don't do that." Council agreed to the report without the resi- dents- for the time being. . 5 II! 11.4 REEKai Located 10 minutes north of Grand Bend in The Bayview Subdivision 33994 King Street RR 2 Zurich NOM 2T0 519 236-4262 Plot join us for our Second Anniversary Greek Garden Party Angst !0, 2011 Complementary Wine & Food Samples I'.Iltcrtailllllcllt & Door Priers '+bas. • - •~—W:. 011B lttl ta -♦ `---•--_��--,rte v 1.) 1