HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-08-08, Page 314 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, August 10, 2011
County of Lambton looking for owner of dog
"For God did not send his
Son into the world to condemn
the world, but to save the
world through him."
(John 3:17)
QM! Agency
Lakeshore Advance
The County of Lambton Commu-
nity Health Services Department is
seeking the owner of a dog that bit a
woman, age 58, on Thursday August
4th between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
in the Southcott Pines subdivision on
Maple Street, in Grand Bend.
The woman was walking alone
through the subdivision when the
dog approached her and chased her
The dog is described as a 9 month
old mid -large sired dog, and stnokey-
grey in colour. The dog was not on a
leash when it bit/scratched the victim
on the upper back area. No informa-
tion about the owner or dog has been
obtained to date.
If you have any information relat-
ing to the owner or location of this
animal, please contact the Commu-
nity Health Services immediately at
519 383-8331 ext. 3577 or toll free
1-800 667-1839 ext.3577. If the dog is
not located and the health status of
the animal cannot be verified, the
woman will need to receive post-
exposure rabies vaccine.
For more information about Lamb -
ton County, Visit www.latllbtonon-
Dog rescued from hot
van- owner charged
Lambton County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers
were called to the Pinery Provincial Park - Beach Area 1 on July
31, to assist the park wardens with a dog that had been left in a
hot vehicle for an undetermined amount of time and was in
distress. Witnesses initially saw the animal around 6:30 p.m.
and when attempts to find the owner failed, a window was
smashed by park officials to gain entry and the dog was reg
cued. Lambton OPP has charged 39 year old Jonathan BAHT.
from Mississauga with Animal Cruelty. Ile will appear in a Sar-
nia court at a later time to answer to the charge.
Please do not leave animals unattended in vehicles when it
is hot. Vehicle interiors draw the heat and sometimes opening
a window is not adequate to allow the heat to escape quickly
enough to keep the animal cool. Leaving water for the animal
is not a proper solution either. Have consideration for your
pets and just don't leave them locked in your vehicle.
Baha'i Faith
"Prejudices cif Religion,
Race or Sect destroy the
,fc)undation of Humanity. All
the' divisions in the world,
hatred, war and bloodshed
an? caused by one or other
of these prejudices."
For information on devotional gatherings
call 519-238-8092
Come Worship with Us
Knox Presbyterian Church
2 Main St. Bayfield
Reverend Susan Moore
Phone 519-565-2913
August 14
Worship Service
at 11:00 a.m.
"A kik duarh with a great big heart"
Grand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen
Minister: Rev. Harry Disher
Organist: Elva McIntyre
August 14
pope alloor...•
11:00 a.m.
Worship and Special Music by
Gloria Wilbee
"Colouring Outside the Lines"
All Welcome
Highway 21 at
Ausable Cut
cluaks,gmgencha'gmail a,m
Pastor: Charles ClingeAch
Sunday, August 14t
10:30 a.m. Worship and
Sunday School (nursery provided)
Message: "The Work of Cod"
(John 6:29)
Midweek service
Thursday 7:00 p.m.
St. Peter's Lutheran Church (ELCIC)
Zurich, Ont.
Rev. Nadine Schroeder -Kraut lt�'
Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson
Secretary Jennifer Schellenberger, Office 519-236-4697
Sunday, August 14th
9th Sunday After Pentecost
Service at 10:00 a.m.
Coffee Hour to follow service
Celebrating 150 Years in 2011
1861 - Generations of Faith - 2011
Grand Bend Church of God
Come worship ti1'ith as
Highway 81 and Gill Road
Phone 519-238-2142
Sunday, August 14
Speaker: Rev. Brian Laidler
(interim Pastor)
9:30 - 10:30 Adult Sunday School
I0:30 - 11 a.m. CotTce Time
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Wed. 1:30 p.m. Prayer & Bibk Study
Everyone Welcome
Wheelchair Accessible
Zurich Mennonite Church
17818 !lune h licnwll Rd.. Y*st ot" Zurich
w ww.ktngstkldcommon.ca
Lead Pastor: lam Doherty
ZMC • Pastor: Tom Roes
Sunday August 14
9:30 a.m. Worship Gathering
Stu Blyde
No Sunday School
for August
The Gathering Place
will he meeting at various outdoor locations
over the summer on the following dates
only: August 14, 28. Please contact Jcnn
Ramer at ejramcr(alhay.nct for more intbr-
mation on when and where.
Everyone Welcome
Zion Lutheran Church LC -C
f 148 Frederick St., Dashwood
Rev. John E. Trembulak
Sunday, August 14
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Family Worship
Everyone Welcome
www.hay/net/-hni hnz(4'hay.nct
United Church
of Canada
Minister. 'Ducey Whitson-Bahm
Sunday August 14
Joint Service at
10:00 a.m.
at Calvary United,
Everyone Welcome
Church Service
Rejoice Together
Hwy. 21, North of Grand Bend
Email: st.johnsN'hay.net
Web: www.stjohnsgrandbend.ca
Service Times
St. Anne's, Port Franks:
Saturday, August 13th
5:00 p.m. Worship Service
Sharia Ciupak,
Summer Pastor
St. John's -by -the -Lake:
Sunday, August 14th
Ninth Sunday
Idler Pentecost
10:(X) a.m. Morning Prayer
Youth Ministry Programs
"I leroes of Faith"
Youth Outreach
Every Sunday
at St. John's
during our 10:00 a.m. service
"Hometown Nazareth:
Where Jesus was a kid!"
Vacation Drama ('amp
('ost is free!
August 2211d- 26th (9a.m. - noon)
Call 519-243-1418 to register
"A Community of Faith to Call Home"
The Reverend Father Grayhame R. Bowcott
Parents! I*
These ,
' 'wnrita.'Mw Ord
Dates .
Where: Forest Baptist Church
11 Prim !bw, Twat Maio
When: AUGUST 22 to 28, 2011
Time: 9 a.m. until 12 noon
Who: Children ages 3 though to grade 8
Why: To have faa, play pan, Lake tufts, slag nags,
have Blila shotes, gtaal snacks aad meat ant Erlaads!
Cont: FREE
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