HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-08-01, Page 16Wednesday, August 10, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Sewage collection adhoc committee ready
to roll up their sleeves with work plan
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
isVkeshore Advance
Ihe Sewage collection system issues
advisory and ad hoc committee met for
the third time last week to discuss their
work plan schedule for the next four
months taking them to December. The
past council who felt there needed to be
a group who could be seen as an advi-
sory committee regarding any proposed
collection systems under the umbrella
of the municipality initiated this group.
Ads went into the newspaper asking
those from zones 3 and 4 (Southcott
Pines to the Pinery) to show their inter-
est through an application process.
After the selection process was com-
plete, those joining municipal members
mayor Bill Weber, deputy mayor Eliza-
beth Davis Dagg and councilors Dave
Maguire and Doug Bonesteel are resi-
dents of zones 3 and 4 Ernest Lewis,
Richard Faber, Carl Belke, Adrian Vro-
lyk, Ronald Haire and James Munn.
Before beginning the issues at hand,
chair Carl Belke announced himself
and Lewis would be taking a leave of
absence from the Zone 3 committee
until the adhoc committee was
'Ihis group said they are asking coun-
cil if they can expand their mandate to
include the taxpayer costs for the pro-
posed sewage treatment facility. They
said this would not infringe upon the
progress the Tri -municipal group is
working towards. 'Iheir motion to coun-
cil is, "'That the terms of reference of the
Ad Hoc Committee he expanded to
include that the Committee will review
taxpayer issues and concerns pertain-
ing to the S'I'F and the need for the
extension of wastewater services to the
residents and businesses of Zone 3 & 4,
as identified in the "Municipalities of
Lanlbton Shores, Bluewater and South
Huron (;rand Bend Area Sanitary Sew-
age Servicing Master Plan dated the
21st day of February, 2006 and slake
recommendation (s) to Council on
the need for such a system and the
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The project has been quite
controversial and there is lots of
good and bad information out there
that is of concern to residents.
— John Byrne
preferred option to service
these areas if a need
is established
The concern regarding this
request was that the criteria
to be chosen for this group
was that you needed to be
residents of zones 3 and 4
and that the matters would
concern zones 3 and 4. If that
mandate was to change- the
original criteria may not fit,
'Phis was scheduled to conte
up at council after the Lake-
shore Advance went to press
this week.
'The group talked about the
current Offal Plan (OP) that
is in its fourth draft. 1t was
discussed that most aspects
of the OP have some regard
to a sewer system. 'they won-
dered if there hands were
tied to the OP. At the last
sleeting Davis-Dagg noted
that the DRAFT Official Plan
wouldn't be presented to
Council until sometime in
October. Maguire noted that
the Municipality is somewhat
constrained by Provincial
Policy Statements that are
guiding municipalities to
develop new developments
on full servicing (sanitary
sewers). Davis 1)agg
explained they were not tied
to the provincial policy in this
case. Bonesteel pointed out
that the Official Plan is a lot
broader in scope than
the servicing of Zones 3 & 4.
Vrolyk echoed this opinion.
Weber suggested that the
Committee obtain a clarifica-
tion from the Planner on this
point Bonesteel said they
should invite the planner to
the next meeting.
CAO report
In a report deferred and
not discussed at the meeting
came from CA() John Byrne
as an overview of the STE and
Collection systems. "The
project has been quite con-
troversial and there is lots of
good and bad information
out there that is of concern to
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residents. As the committee can see the
continents about a $70,000,000 project
at $35,000 per household is causing
some alarm from residents, as is the
inference that the project is being driven
by Development. In this regard 1 thought
it important to stress the follow-
ing points," said the CAO. (The report in
its entirely can be found at http://www.
to see the work plan go to http://www.
This group will meet next in Septem-
ber with the date advertised on the
municipal web site.
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Public Information Centre 2 Notice
On behalf of the Municipality of Bluewater, Dillon Consulting Limited is currently
competing a Class EA and Preliminary Design of a proposed sanitary sewage collection
system to serve the Bluewater Iakcshore from Huron Road 83 to St. Joseph. Dillon's
recommendations regarding the proposed system will be presented at Public information
Centre 2 on:
Saturday, August 20, 2011, 10:00 a.m.
Bluewater Community Centre
15 East Street, Zurich, Ontario
1'he Public IntOrnation ('entre will consist of a tormal presentation at 10:00 a.ni.
followed by a question and answer period. If you require further information, please
Brent Kittmer
Utilities Superintendent
Municipality of Bluewater
14 Mill Avenue, P.O. Box 250
Zurich, Ont. NOM 2T0
Tel: 519-236-4351, Ext. 221
Fax: 519-236-4329
Janet Smolders, MC'LP
Project Manager
Dillon Consulting Limited
Box 426 London, Ont. N6A 4W7
Tel: 519-438-6192, Ext. 1268
Fax: 519-672-8209
jsmol_ders_ y dillon.ca
111c Frrt',knet o/ In/ ten ation and Protection of Privacy Act applies to information gathered for this project.
\Vith the exception of personal information, all comments will become pan of the public record.