HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-08-01, Page 722 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation raises more than $4,100 for
South Huron Trail through Gord Strang Memorial Golf Tournament
ARCA for the Lakeshore Advance
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Foundation (ABCF) took over the reins
of the Gord Strang Memorial Golf
Tournament this year and the organiz-
ers say they are very pleased with the
success of the sixth annual tourna-
ment. Participating golfers, donors and
volunteers helped raise $4,187 for the
South Huron Trail through this year's
tournament, the organizing committee
announced this week. The tourney has
now raised more than $28,000 in its
six-year history.
Dedicated community volunteers
had committed themselves to hold a
charitable memorial golf tournament
for five consecutive years to honour
the late Gordon Strang and to raise
money for the accessible Mac -
Naughton -Morrison Section of the
South Huron Trail. The volunteer com-
mittee honoured that commitment by
holding a successful fundraiser and
enjoyable community event between
2006 and 2010. The Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Foundation organized
the sixth annual tournament in June
2011 with the help of the original
organizers, who also volunteered.
"We would like to thank everyone
who helped the tournament success-
fully support accessible trails and
remember Gord's conservation leg-
acy," said Ernie Miatello, Chairman of
the Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Foundation Board of Directors.
The Gord Strang Memorial Golf
Tournament brings together two of
Gord's great passions, golf and the
MacNaughton-Morrison trail. The
organizing committee held a wrap-up
meeting on Tuesday, July 26 and
announced the $4,187 profit made
from this year's tournament, thanks to
sponsors and participants.
The organizing committee will
follow up the success of this
year's event with a 'FUNdraiser'
golf event next year to be held
on Monday, June 4, 2012 in sup-
port of the South Huron Trail.
The late Gordon Strang was
one of the people instrumental
in the development of the Mac -
Naughton -Morrison Section of
the South Huron Trail and the
money raised from the tourna-
ment helps to support his leg-
acy. The South Huron Trail is
one of many Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Foundation
projects benefitting the people
and environment of local water-
sheds. The foundation was
incorporated in 1974 as a regis-
tered, charitable, non-profit
organization whose aim is to
promote conservation projects
in the Ausable Bayfield water-
sheds. For more information on
the MacNaughton Morrison or
Morrison Dam Conservation
Area sections of the South
Huron Trail, or other Ausable
Bayfield Conservation projects,
visit the conservation authority
website at abca.on.ca
Best score at the 2011 tourna-
ment was Jim Hayter, Larry
Wein, Bruce Robertson and Arn
Mathers. Closest to the Hole for
women golfers was Joanne
Wareham and Closest to the
Hole for men was Jerry
MacLean. Longest drive for
women golfing was Joan Stuart
while longest drive for men golf-
ing was Arn Mathers. 'Most
Honest' went to Carol Rideout,
Sharon O'Toole, Joan Stewart
and Grace Steeper. ^is
The organizing commit"
invites businesses and individt -
als to be event sponsors for next
year's fundraiser. For more
information on how to support
the Gord Strang Memorial Golf
Tournament, and photos of this
year's tournament, visit gord-
They're so adorable when they're having fun.
(So are the kids.)
At Timbits Soccer, everyone gets into the game.
Kids make new friends, and parents have fun
cheering them on. Your local Tim Horton: is
proud to support over 200 boys and girls who
play Timbits Soccer In Grand Bend and Parkhill.
O Tim Norton*, 2011
The fIst-o.lI.MAN 11m'
If . . • . . 1
The organizing committee for the Gord Strang Memorial Golf Tournament announced this week that this
year's tournament raised $4,187 for the South Huron Trail and that plans are underway for a fundraising golf
event on Monday, June 4, 2012. Shown in photo (left to right) are: Bob Laye, Tosh Yamamoto, Rob Snell, Am
Mathers, Karen Pfaff, Al Taylor, Susanne Strang, Brian Homer, Sharon Pavkeje, Jim O'Toole, Tom Prout.
Cyclists ride 150 km to help end MS
Lakeshore Advance
Participants of the RONA MS Bike Tour -
Grand Bend to London raise over 51.125
Toronto, ON - July 25, 2011. Over 1850 cyclists
pushed themselves to the limit this weekend,
riding from Grand Bend to London and back as
part of the RONA MS Bike Tours. Over $1.125
million In pledges was raised, which will fund
services for people affected by the disease as
well as research into the cause, treatment and
cure. Riders begin their journey at the Pat Blake
Conservation Ares in Grand Bend and were
aided by rest stops and mewls along route as well
as cheering family, Mends and supporters,
united in the fight to end MS.
Bin and ABales have been top fundrais-
ers of over $10,000 for several years and are
incredibly passionate about beta part of the
*o+tr.ment to end MIL *Wheal* first storied
doing the Bike bur 11 years ego we knew little
about MS and had no one in our iomily or free
prompted me to try out the Grand Bend tour as
a tour leader, knowing my love for cycling. The
first question we are always asked is if we have a
loved one with MS. We are thankful to be able to
say no except for the many friends we have made
through our fundraising. We are constantly
amazed by how many of our fellow Canadians
are afflicted by this disease. We are hopeful of
helping to find a cure in our lifetime. We love the
camaraderie and sense of purpose in doing the
tours and look forward to seeing old friends in
Grand Bend, Niagara and Toronto year after
*The commitment to ending multiple sclero-
sis that is shown each year by the cyclists, volun-
teers. donors, and sponsors across Ontario is
remarkable,' said Yves Savoie, President and
Chief etiwuttveOfficer ctt e MS Society dam -
ads and President of the MS Sodety's Ontario
Division. "Te RONA MS Bike ebur is one dour
most sign#flcsnt fundraisingtnidattves and we
are ah to everyone who was a part dyes