HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-08-01, Page 2Wednesday, August 3, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 17 classifiedextra.ca t ,111,1( 1,1 l,Ii ( i t ,in 1 111���1 tt lltitc'c 1 pt Int ,i11(1 I,1-,tiIfl1.\I not \\' 011. Place it on classifiedextra.ca Phone: 1-888-786-7821 Online: lakeshoreadvance.classifiedextra.ca POND, 6 x 3 feet ap• prox„ new pump, plus water plant. Blossom - kW Rose of Sharon 4-5het tali, 12' and 9i 19238.8349 Call Ant!titles S Art Collet trhles ANTIQUES - Portable writing fin $ 00,: dresser with mirror $75.; Canadian Eski- mo soapstone oari Walrus with Ivory tusks $120„ Jade bird $10,00, Antique aware parlor table $45„ Solid oak round 4A' codes table $300., Cottee table with re- movable ova y Gla 011 lamp M in excellent condition. CAN Grand Bend 519-238.6948 atter 6 p.m, Garage Sales F lea Market% AAYFIELD Country Flea Market, Sundays, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the fair grounds, Lots of unique Items, antiques, furniture, books, tools, sports and plants, - no contract. Phone 519- 482-7921. KNOX BOX MEGA SALE • Giant Garage/Yard Sale, Knox Presbyterian Church, comer of East St., Goderich, Sat„ August 6, 8 a,m. • 1 p.m, Super bargainsl Dogs MALTI=NHIH TZU , 8 weeks, raised very small and lovable, En- joy car rides. $500. Amberley 395-3341. REGISTERED Golden Retriever pupa, born June 14/11, vet chocked, tattooed: r�a�y to July 29, - 19.283711, Hav CUSTOM ROUND BALING4 11 wide by 3.6 ft high (John Deere) net wraps, acid appllcation available. phone Scott Corwin 519.233-3378 or 519.233.9297 mg KA •��• ME Vista k1 ‘c•‘‘ I'riett41 in Ike l'la„ilincl, Boats, Motors Marinas & Supplies FOR sale 12' Futura Zodiac Mark 2C FR, Boat bag included. Asking $1500. o.b.o. SS Props with Merc. Hubs, 21P Cleaver, 21P Mirage Plus, 23 Mirage Pius. Like NEW $400.00 each. Cali Grand Bend 519-238-6948. Apal tment� 1 t 2 BEDROOM apartment, 156 Main St,, Dashwood. Nervy decorated, Newly ppaainted and hardwood Itoors $650.00 per month tor 2bd. 1 bd $525 first and last required. Hydro heat and garbage Included. Call 519-237-3510 GRAND BEND two bedroom apartment for rent yearly. Close 10 downtown, utilities ex- tra. First and last, $750 per moonnath. Laung. dry a519-238-5802. H GRAND BEND, lake - view, luxury, one bedroom suite for rent September 1” to June 30'', Private entrance, parking, gas fireplace, *mutts bathroom. 5950. per month. No pets, non-smokers please. 519-238-8518. ONE 2 bdrm. Main St. Grand Bend: 6780. per month, utilities In- cluded, fridge, stove, no laundry, year round, first and last. One 1 bdrm, a1r conditioned, no laundry, furnished, yea monthly or week y , Call Liz 519-2 -2512 Storage Space for Rent STORAGE TRAILER RENTAL 400 square feet of stackable storage per 48' trailer, Short and term ra, and deliver pickup Call TTK Transport Inc. Goderich, Ontario. 519-524.4331 STORAGE space with loading dock available in Thedford. Low rates. Contact Ron Gilpin 519.476.0498. House For Sale Cottages/Chalets Seasonal Rentals FOR RENT 4 Cot- tage/homes available for rent September 1 to June 30. Jillian James Bluewater Cottage Rental. Call 519-236-9999 GRAND BEND winter rental, Sept 15/11. Fur- nished urnished 2 bedroom cottage close to amenities, parking No pets/smokers, $750 in- clusive. References. Call 519-238-5978 or 519-660-0185 WINTER RENTALS available Sept. 15. Small 2 bedroom cot- tage $700., 4 bedroom $850 large 4 bed- room house 61,000 Including utilities. Call Brian Taylor 973-219-3098. Business Services HANDYMAN Need an odd job done? No job too email. Bob Dietrich, 12 Mary SI. Zurich, Phone 519-236-4989. Please leave mes- sage. STEAM CLEANING, of carpets and uphol- stery. Fast dryiying Call Nils Swenson 519-296-4721, "HONEY DO" prorty maintenance - t tome repairs, odd jobs, grass cutting, trim- ming, e psronposw removal.l. maintained GlennPfPfaff 519-237-3835 Doors & Windows WINDOWS • DOORS Call ler a free esti- mate. Sales, Service and Installation. Blue - water Windows & Doors, 145 Huron Rd., Goderich, 524-1250, e- mail sales 0 bluewater• windows.ca or 48 Ontario St. N., Grand Bend, 519 -238 -Door (3687), a -mall biuewa- tersales 0hay.net, www.bluewaterwln• dows ca Pallem House For Salk General Help Wanted GRACE Tiansport Inc. is expanding) We provide sound career opportu- nities to experienced professional AZ drivers with a safe driving record. FAST card is an asset. We offer a new Meet ot equipment, dedi- cated truck assignment, competitive rate of pay, benefits and regular home time. Bulk Division: Perma- nent, lull time. Van / Flatbed Division: Single, Team, Owner Operator Oppor- tunities. Please email resume to Kathy O gracetransport.com or fax to 519.246.1300 People needed to work from home online. 6500 -64500 Part-time and Full-time. Call Sheila at 1-877-440-5288 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 Email: placeit.sun@classifiedextra.ca •-a.twelNl :.aw+:r....w._, �- .t ,.+ .:� �.:.,tf&, :.-.,, . �•.mL.�.+: �, y, .t.n ,a _ y .:�.YNli iii_ .mai y,�.�i ia.. General Help Wanted General Help Wanted Now that you know more about cystic fibroids, won't you please help? Sperling's Propane is a growing, Award Winning energy marketer providing reliable propane service, appliance sales, installation and guaranteed 24/7 service to Customers throughout southern and centra! Ontario. NIGHT LOADER/LOCAL DELIVERY DRIVER FULL-TIME, NIGHT -SHIFT A Full-time, night -shift (Sunday — Thursday) night loader position in Blyth. Night -shift premium. Qualified applicants will be responsible indi- viduals with a professional attitude, 3 -years DZ driving experience and a clean driving record. Responsibilities will include fueling, loading and washing all bulk and service vehicles, as well as over -night pager calls for propane fills. Excellent salary and benefit package. Applications will be accepted until 5 ..m, Au.ust 5 2011. Sp ii Inikl S Propane Co Lttl e S r) 1-1 i 11 g s 1, 1 , , .r House For Sale px• v 5- ReallEstate.com 519-2314100 House For Sale NPedlara oMar of Rowe • • iladitailsr sto. rte, . . Auction Sales Auction Sales Auk tion ti,rlrti 7'Wilight Auction Sale Household items -Tools LlMower Forest Fairgrounds Jefferson St. Forest, Ont. Thursday, August 11 0 5 PM Refrigerator, E/ Stove (Both Good), Bar Fridge (Small) Micro Wave, China Cab., Cornor Shelf, K/Table & 6 Chairs, Library Table, Wardrobe, C/N's, Dressers, Beds, Chest of Drawers, Chesterfields & Chairs, Day Bed, Computer Desk, Enter. Centre, Patio Table & Chairs, Selection of Smalls, Blankets, Linens, Pots, Pans, Dishes, and other articles too numerous to mention. Collectibles: Treadle Sewing Mach., Mobil Oils Gasoline Sign, 2 Wall Telephones, Child School Desk, Sauerkraut Board, Ford Steering Wheel, Steamer Trunk, Pictures Guitar, Miscl: Tools: NCompressor, Counter Top. Leaf Blower, Table Saw, Lincoln 180 Welder & 35 Ft. of Cable, Rod, Wheel Barrel, E/Chain Saw, Step & Ext. ladder, 50' x 12" Nigh Garden Fence, 3 Sets R/H of Gott Clubs c/w lntec 450 Driver, Pigeon Cage, Eleet. Cord & Tools. 32"x 80" Steel Entrance Door. Dog Cage. Lunch Served c/w pies: Elliot -McGregor & Associates Auctioneers Dougal McGregor Roger McKay Forest, Ont, Lakeside, Ont. 519-786-2222 519-349-2459 www.auctionsfind.com/elliotmcgregor. We accept additions. Thinking Auction your place or ours. Down sizing we can help. yourhJimoments fimomentsca For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 e-mail: obituarles.d yourllfemoments.ce All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 e-mail: mllestones,sun4t)yourlltemoments.ca Obituaries In Memoriam Thanks Births Celebrations More Conning Events Coming Events 26TH BAYFIELD ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE, Bayfield Arena. Friday, August 5th. Evening Gala 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Includes Irve entertainment and refreshments. Tickets $10 In advance, until Aug. 4, at the door $12. Sat., Aug. 6, 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Sun. Aug. 7, 10 a.m. - 4p.m. $5 per day. Cato open. Sponsored by Trinity Anglican Church. For information call 519-565-297.1 trfhttychurch.httyfleld oncn/antlquefair html I THE OLASSIFIEDS