HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-07-25, Page 6Wednesday, July 27, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 25
CF Policy Dlscrlmlnates Against gamine
Non -Afghan Veterans says Legion � e
Bob Butt, Director Communications
The Royal Canadian Legion
For the Lakeshore Advance
e Canadian Forces (CF) have
r d a message that appears to
at d the Legacy of Care Program
formally announced co -jointly by
Ministers Blackburn and MacKay in
September 2010.
The original program introduced
five initiatives (Barrier -Free Transi-
tional Accommodations, Support
Services while in Transitional
Accommodations, the CF Attend-
ant Care Benefit, the CF Spousal
Education Upgrade Program, and
Enhanced Case Management Sup-
port for Seriously 111 and Injured CF
When the program was intro-
duced, the news release indicated
that all injured sailors, soldiers, air-
men and airwomen, and their fam-
ilies would be eligible. Unfortu-
nately, this apparent wide eligibility
has now been restricted in some
instances to Afghanistan Only CF
members and their families.
Specifically, the Attendant (;are
Benefit, the Caregiver Benefit and
the Spousal Education Upgrade
Baht'f Faith
"Know vc' that God has
created in lean the ))ower of
mason, whereby man is
enabled to investigate
reality. God has not intend-
ed man to imitate blindly
his, fathers and ancestors,"
For intimation on devotional gatherings
call 519-238-8092
Come Worship with Us
Knox Presbyterian Church
2 Main St. Bayfield
Reverend Susan Moore
Phone 519-565-2913
July 31
Worship Service
at 11:00 a,m.
"A oink church with a great big heart"
Grand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen
Minister: Rev. Harry I)isher
Organist: Elva McIntyre
11:00 a.m.
Worship by
Rev. Keith Rameshwar
Sermon: "An Alternative World"
Special Music by
Beth Tedford
All Weld_,,,,,,._,
Benefit will now be restricted to
only those who have served in
"We are appalled that such bla-
tant (liscrimination is taking place,
says Patricia Varga, the Legion's
Dominion President. "It categorizes
seriously ill and Injured CF mem-
bers by theatre of operations," she
says. "That is blatantly unfair.
There are other CF members
proudly serving their country in
other far away locations," she adds.
"If they are unfortunate enough
to be seriously 111 and injured are
we to assume that the sacrifice that
Highway 21 at
Ausahle Cut
rh,ules,gtiveri•hca gtnail. 'twu
Pastor: Charles Ciingerich
Sunday, July 31st
10:30 a.m. Worship and
Sunday School (nursery provided)
"Summary of Christian Duty"
1111d -work service
Thursday 701p,nt,
they made in their service to Can-
ada is not as worthy as those that
served in Afghanistan?" she asks.
The Royal Canadian Legion is
strongly recommending that the
Government, particularly the CE,
VAC and Treasury Board reverse
this retrograde step in the ongoing
care of seriously ill and injured CF
"The Legion will continue to
serve all CF members, irrespective
of their theatre of operations. To do
anything else is pure discrimination
and grossly unfair and inequitable,"
she concludes.
St. Peter's Luthleran Church (ELCIC)
Zurich, Ont.
Rev. Nadine Schroeder -Km/ lu'
Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson
Se rotary Jennifer Schellenhcrger, Oflkt 519-23h-1697
Sunday, July 31st
7th Sunday Atter Pentecost with
Holy Communion
Service at 10:00 a,m.
Coffee Hour to follow service
Celebrating 150 Years in 2011
1861 - Generations of Faith - 2011
Grand Bend Church of God
Conte worship with us
Highway 81 and Gill Road
Phone 519-238-2142
Sunday, July 31
Charla Chilver
9:30 - 10:30 Adult Sunday School
10:30 - 11 a,nt. Coffee Time
11:1111 a.m. Worship Service
Wed. 1:30 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study
Everyone Welcome
Wheelchair Accessible
Zurich Mennonite Church
17818 YAaieh Henson Rd., West of
ww w,klnlpefleldcommon,ca
Load Pastor: 'Tito When),
7.MC • Pastor: Tom Roes
Sunday July 31
9:30 a.m. Worship Gathering
Pastor Tom Rocs
No Sunday School
for July and August
The Gathering Place
will bo meeting at various outdoor location
over the summer on the following dates
only: August 14, 28. Please contact Jenn
Ramer at cjrantekalhay.net for more infor-
mation on when and where.
Everyone Welcome
Zion Lutheran Church LC -C
it 148 Frederick St., Dashwood
Rev, John E. Trcmhulak
Sunday, July 31
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Class
11:00 a.m. family Worship
Everyone Welcome
www.hay/nct/-hnz hnz(' hay.nct
United Church
of Canada
Minister: 'Ducey Whitson -Hahn)
Sunday July 31
No Service
at either church
( t Ow Saviour,
thre Spam, Unto church
"The Lord your
God loves you."
(Deuteronomy 23:5)
,data Milt Walk du tee
Thom er (iii Haig (519) X1117
Reglaalder1'lilille Yep'(1119)114111
Church Service
Rejoice Together
I Iwy. 2 1 , North of Grund Bend
js_r. 519 -23d -24x9
s%THE- EKE Email: st.johns(a)hay,net
CAN CN1l�CN Web: www.stjohnsgrandbend.ca
Service Times
Services on the Beach!
Saturday Mornings at 9:00 a.m.
(Find us on the (i.13. Reach house)
St. Anne's, Port Franks:
Saturday July 30th
5:00 p.m. Worship Service
Sharia ('iupak, Summer Pastor
St. John's -by -the -lake:
Sunday July 31st
Seventh Sunday after PentecostVacation
10:00 a.m. Holy FucharistAugust
Sunday School
Youth Ministry Programs
"I leroes of Faith"
• ~ Youth Outreach
'" livery Sunday
at St. John's
during our 10:(X) a.m. service
- .....r
4 \ tt►N
.r , - ,-fi.
"Hometown Nazareth:
Where Jesus was a kid!"
Drama ('amp
Cost is tree.
22nd_ 2&' (9a.m. - noon)
Call 519-243-1418 to register
Faith to Call Home"
Grayhamc R. Howcott
6. "A Community of
The Reverend Father
Where: Forest Baptist Church
11 Pam Rom, heal ealnM
Whoa: 00=? 22 to 2$, 2011
Time: ! a.>rn. util 12 noon
Wko: Children ages 3 though to grade 8
Why: To have ha, play games, mala anis, slay soar,
have Bible sstwles, peat smelts lad amt an Meath!
NS ahs MEIN= N !et numonsua M rem 111-111 11111