HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-07-25, Page 120 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hope Is In the air as walkers strlve for Parkinson's goal of $3 mIlIlon
prepares for its
16th annual
Lakeshore Advance
Sarnia-Lambton, September
10th, 2011 - Across Canada, walk-
ers are filled with hope for a better
tomorrow as they collect pledges
to help those living with Parkin -
sons in their community. More
than 13,000 walkers and 2,000
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volunteers from coast-to-coast
organize and take part in this
Since 1990, Parkinson Super -
Walk has raised $20 million to
fund vital research, education,
support and advocacy, on behalf
of the over 100,000 Canadian's
with Parkinson's disease and their
400,000 family, friends and car-
egivers. In 2010, SuperWalk raised
a record $2.8 million.
The SuperWalk for Parkinson's
is Parkinson Society Canada's
(PSC) largest fundraising event
and will take place in more than
90 communities across the
country. The 2011 SuperWalk
hopes to raise $3 million to help
fund support services, education,
advocacy and research for over
100,000 Canadians living with
The Sarnia-Lambton SuperWalk
for Parkinson's will be on Satur-
day, September 10th, 2011 at Sar-
nia Bay Marina 1n Sarnia.
Carolyn Conners, (:EO of Par-
kinson Society Southwestern
Ontario says, "It is hard to believe
that what started out as a small,
single family walk for Parkinson's
evolved into a national event that
attracts family and friends from all
across Canada. Parkinson Society
Southwestern Ontario began with
one walk in 1995, raising $11,000
and has grown to 11 volunteer -
driven Walks. We are proud and
appreciative of our Southwestern
Ontario community for raising
$2.2 million since our beginning.
Clearly, this demonstrates the
power of volunteers and is proof
of the communities' growing sup-
port and need for better services
and further research to help our
Parkinson's cause."
Parkinson's is a slow, progres-
sive, neurological disorder that
makes the simplest task, like
If your non-profit group or organization would like to list
their event on this page please contact Cindy Maxfield at the Grand Bend Community Health
Centre 238-2362 or fax 238-6478 by the third Monday of the month prior to the event being held.
Our thanks to the advertisers who made this page possible.
What's Happening August 2011
"Interesting I.ambton. The People and the Stories". Lambton Heritage Museum 8 km south of Grand Bend
11-5 pm daily. 519-243-26(8) www.Iclmg,org . Regular museum admission applies.
"Red Cross Standard First Md and CPR" Grand Bend Area ('IIC , 69 Main St East Grund Bend in the
Community Room. Contact instntctor Steve Clemens at 519-238-2035. ('ost $120.10 for two day program. ('PR
only on Tu'sday Aug 2nd from 1-4:30 , cost $35.(X)
"Savanna Strollers Pinery Park Walking Program" every Wednesday we meet at the Lambton Heritage
Museum 8:30 a.m. (Please note new summer time) Contact Cindy Maxfield at 519-238-1556 ext 231 for more
info, or cheek out the Pinery Park website www.pinerypark.on.ca
"St John's Matters" meet every Wednesday at 10 a.m. St John's Anglican Church Grand ilend
"Cooking for One or'i\'o" Grand Bend ('H('. 1 1:30-2 p.m. in the Community Room. (.earn how to scale down
recipes, freeze portions and make new friends! ('all Miranda 519-238-1556 ext 212 to register. www.gbachc.ca
"Canadian National institute for the Blind Low Vision Clinic" Grand Bend Area Community Health ('entre
Adult Day Wing 10 - 2 p.m. 1)o you have vision problems and would like some help accessing services, aids
and advice;' Please join ('Nil) staff here every second month for help managing your vision loss. Contact ('indv
Maxfield at 519-238-1556 ext 231 for more information.
August 20th & 21st 11 ani to 5 pm -Free Admission to 1.anthtun Heritage Museum for all residents of Warwick. Bruoke-
Alvinston and Dawn I?uphemia. ('roof of residency required. 519-243-260(110r more information.
Noon to Spin - Meet Your New Curator - 1.aurie Wehh - 1.;unhton 1leritage Museum - Free Admission for
residents of Warwick, lirooke-Alvinston and Dawn Euphentia. 519-243-260) for more information.
"Huron Country Playhouse Guild monthly meeting" Sand Hills Gulf ('Iub with speaker Christina Davy, on
lltrtle Research in the Pinery Park. ('all Marguerite at 519-238-2331 for further information. Guests and new
members are welcome.
"Blood Pressure Clinic" Grand Bend Area Community Health ('entre 2-4 p.m. in the Adult Day
"Men Can ('ook" 10-1 p.m. Grand Bend Area ('HC. Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a tasty healthy
lunch for $5. Contact Miranda at 519-238-1556 ext 222. www.gbachc.ca.
NOW to October 2011
Special Exhibition: Interesting Lambton - The People & The Stories
Lambton Heritage Museum, 8 kni south of (;rand Bend - 11 am to 5 pm daily
519-243-2600 www.iclmg.org . Regular museum admission applies.
NOW TO October 8, 2011
Artistic Vibrations: an exhibition of quilts by internationally exhibited tihre artist Cynthia McNair
Lambton Heritage Museum, 8 km south of Grand Bend - 11 am to 5 pm daily
519-243-26(8) www.lclmg,org . Regular museum admission applies.
Aug - Oct
Aug. 2, 3rd
Aug. 3rd
Aug. 3rd
Aug. 10th
Aug. 11th
walking or eating, overwhelmingly
difficult for someone who has the
disease. 'the most common symp-
toms are tremors or shaking, slow-
ness in movements, muscle stiff-
ness and problems with balance.
Other symptoms may also include
fatigue, difficulties with speech
and writing, sleep disorders,
depression and cognitive
To register, or to find out t4r![.e
information about the SuperWalk
for Parkinson's, visit www.parkin-
sonsuperwalk.ca, call 1-888-851-
7376 or e-mail shelley.ralf n par-
August 21st
Aug. 24th
Aug. 25th
Aug. 31st
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Scott Stewart, DC.
Roberta Smith, R.M.T
Ben Debus, R.M.T
Welcomes to our team...
Cranloeecrel Therapist
GeV Sldhu
Cared Swelter