HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-07-11, Page 18Community IWhy I Joined the Friends of Pinery Park land why you should too!) Lorl Szwarz Lakeshore Advance I moved to Grand Bend about two years ago. Shortly after moving here, I joined the Friends of Pinery Park and then, about a year later, I became a member of the Board of Directors. 'There are two reasons why I joined the Friends, and I would Tike to tell you about them. First, one of the reasons I came to Grand Bend is the prox- imity to nature....the lake, the trees, the wildlife, the clean air and water. Almost every day of the week, l think how lucky I inn to be living here, and how lucky 1 am to be living so close to the Pinery. It was thus an easy decision to join the Friends, as it enabled me to become involved in a group that is dedi- cated to education, promotion and preservation of this beau- tiful park. Also, like many others, I find it distressing to read and hear about the environmental problems that our Earth faces, on so many different fronts. I initially felt so helpless and discouraged about the situation, but over time, 1 have come to agree with the advice to "'Think Globally, Act Locally': Joining the Friends is one way that I can act locally. 1 know that the Friends support important ventures that help to preserve and protect the park's sensitive environment, such as turtle research and the rolling boardwalk installation. A second reason I joined the Friends is that I was new to Grand Bend, and I hoped to meet people who shared my interests, I feel lucky to have met such a group of friendly and dedicated people! Whether helping with the fish fries, participating in rolling boardwalk construction, or attending Board meetings, I always have fun, and I often learn something new and interesting. Besides, the food is delicious at the fish fries!!! Since joining the Friends, I have come to realize that we are a small but mighty group! We are involved in ninny ventures that support the park, but there are so many more we could become involved in, if we only had more people - power. That is why I am asking you, as a fellow Lambton Shores inhabitant or as a park visitor, to consider becoming a member. You will have fun, and you will be involved in a local group that is dedicated to promoting and preserving our wonderful Pinery Provincial Park. And while 1 have your attention, I will inform you that July 16th is Canada Parks Day. (:otne to Pinery Park to celebrate the Savanna Festival. Special displays and events will he featured as well as the always popular Friends of Pinery Park and Lake Smith Conservationists Fish Fry! ;;Ib".'N; i11ra‘,^dice Little Sister Lakeshore Advance This Little Sister is 13 years old. She is excited to get a Big Sister and is look- ing forward to having someone to hang out with. She would like a Big Sister who enjoys horseback riding and has an interest in art, She loves animals and would like it if her Big Sister had pets. This Little Sister is one of the many children waiting to be matched within a mentoring friendship. If you are unable to commit to being a Big, consider our In -School Mentoring program, For information on becoming a Big or our other volunteer programs, Jenna M. call our office at 519-237- 3554, e-mail us at cw@a shbbbs.on.ca or visit our web -site at www.shbbbs. on.ca Know your HIV status. Get tested Something to Grand Bend on July 30. F � „,,,� Crow About anonymous HIV testing Free, clinic to be held in be in Lakeshore Advance Regional IIIV/AIDS Connection, in conjunction with the London Intercomtnunity health Centre's Options Clinic and the Grand Bend Area Community I iealth Centre, is excited to host the first anonymous HIV testing clinic in Grand Bend. The clinic will be held at the Grand Bend Area Community Health Centre on Saturday, July 30 from 9:00 - 11:30 am. Testing is free and confidential. A trained counselor will he there to answer questions, adtninister the test and discuss results with you. 'Ihe test is a rapid -test which provides results in 15-20 minutes. Appointments are not necessary, but are encouraged and can be made by calling Regional 111V/AIDS Connection at 519-434-1601or toll-free at 1-866-920-1601. Knowing your HIV status protects you and your partner andreduces the risk oftransmission. It is estimated that approximately 30% percent of Canadians living with I IIV do not know it. Fear and stigma keep people from knowing their HIV status. "Ihe benefits of knowing your status far outweigh the risks associated with not knowing. 'Ihose who know their HIV status are more likely to practice safer sex to protect themselves and their partner, have better access to accurate information and support and reduce the possibility of transmitting the virus. Getting tested can relieve feelings of uncertainty and empower you to act quickly to access IIIV specific medical care to help you remain as healthy as possible. Anonymous IIIV testing is available weekly in London at the Options Anonymous IIIVTesting Clinic as well as at the office of Regional IIIV/AIDS Connection. Visit www.hivaids- connection.ca for testing information. If you have questions about HIV testing, you can call the Options Clinic at 519-673-4427, For questions about IIIV/ AIDS, please call RI IAC at 519-434-1601 or toll-free at 1-866- 920-1601. -plfield Antlque Fair - 26 fantastic years of quallty antiques Lakeshore Advance 'Ihe Bayfield Antique hair is set to open its doors for the 26th season at the Bayfield Community Centre on August 5th for the weekend fair, Situated on Lake I luron, Bayfield, a heritage village on a great lake, is the ultimate venue for an antique fair sponsored by Trinity Anglican Church. Professional antique dealers from across Ontario bring an impressive array of quality antiques and collectibles including: Canadlana furniture, books, porcelain, ironstone, silver, estate and costume Jewellery and antique toys - In short, something for everyone and every pocketbook. The Gala Evening Opening Celebration is Friday August 5, from 7 -9 p.m. 'Ihis nautical theme evening hosted by Admiral Bayfield includes fine wine and cheeses. appetizers from our first-rate local restaurants and music by Elliott's Liquidation Band. Guests can meet the knowledgeable vendors, chat, browse, and buy a unique item for their collection. Tickets are $10.00 in advance until 5 p.m. on the 4th and $12.00 at the door, On Saturday from 10 until 5 and Sunday from 10 until 4, tickets are $5 per day. During the show, the crafts offers sandwiches (made with recipes from former tea room hostesses), tea, coffee and delicious homemade sweets, The dealers love the show and bring beautiful antiques and collectibles, big and small, to suit every taste. Come and add your own "ahoy there mate" to the Gala and the show. For More Information: 519-565-2974 or www.trinitychurch. bayfield.on.ca/antiquefair July 22 in Zurich Lakeshore Advance Kids & Families Will Want To Attend the opening of the Zurich Fair 00 Fri July 22. Doors open at 7pm. You will he entertained by the vocal talents of some of our local young people singing hits by Justin Beiber, 'ilrylor Swift and Selena Gomez. The headlining act appears at 7:30 pm! Daniel Steep's Agri -Magic show features nonstop, high energy magic with audience participation combined with music and comedy! This show features LOCAL. illusionist Daniel Steep who has been featured at The Western Fair, The Canadian National Exhibition, and has been featured at Canada's Wonderland for the past 3 years! This is a show you will NOT want to miss! Remember - Attendance is FREE:! The fun on Saturday starts with the parade at 12 noon. After the parade there will be games and treats for the kids at the Community Centre. Christina McAdams and Julia Pettapiece from ZACK (Zurich Arts Centre for Kids) have planned a fun afternoon of games and crafts - not to mention the animals and Mini 'Tractor pull. 'There will be Cooking demonstrations which will feature delicious and healthy recipes with "Something to Crow About": You can watch the food being prepared and to try it for yourself afterwards! Community Dietitian Miranda Burgess from Grand Bend Area Community I iealth Centre uses fresh local products in her recipes. Deb Campbell, on behalf of the Huron Egg Producers, will give you some great new ideas!