HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-07-11, Page 4ABCA plans bash for Bayfield
rent is set for
July 21
For the News -Record
The Bayfield portion of
fe p Ausable Bayfiled Con -
l41 fvation Authority network
is preparing to celebrate the
big 40.
Almost 40 years ago, the
Province of Ontario, with
support of local municipali-
ties, expanded the area of
the former Ausable River
Conservation Authority to
include the Bayfield River
Watershed and some
smaller streams draining
into Lake Huron. The Lieu-
tenant Governor of Ontario
of that time, The
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Honourable William Ross
Macdonald, approved the
Order -in -Council on July 21,
1971, meaning July 21 marks
the 40 -year milestone.
This celebration takes
place at Bayfield Arena and
Community Centre, at 4
Jane St. A social time and
light refreshments begin at
6:45 p.m., followed by a
short formal presentation
from 7 p.in. to 7:40 p.m.,
concluding with cake. '1'he
evening will feature a major
local announcement related
to protection of the Bayfield
River Watershed. 'ihe anni-
versary's theme is honour-
ing achievements of the
past, progress taking place
today, anti positive plans for
the future.
„Protection and improve-
ment of the Bayfield River
Watershed is taking places
because landowners and
residents are getting
involved," said line (;inn,
Chairman of the ABCA
Board of Directors. "'Chis
celebration of four decades
of Bayfield River Watershed
stewardship is a chance to
share some positive news
about future efforts to pro-
tect and improve the water-
shed and also to thank the
public for their positive
actions so far,"
Earlier that day, the Ausa-
ble Bayfield Conservation
Authority Board of Directors
is holding its monthly meet-
ing in Bayfield to honour the
board meeting of 40 years
ago. 'Ihe July 21 hoard meet-
ing takes place at Bayfield
Lions Club Community
Building at 6 Municipal
Road at 3:30 p.m. and is also
open to the public. Please
contact Judith Parker at
jparker@abca.on.ca or
phone ABCA for more
The Bayfield River Water-
shed celebration is being
hosted at the Bayfield Arena
and Community Centre in
cooperation with the Munic-
ipality of Bluewater
Communities in 1110001
Committee, which is hold-
ing an open house there on
the evening of July 21 from
to 9 pan.
'Ihe conservation author-
ity assumed additional
responsibility for the Bay-
field River Watershed in
1971. 'Ihts area also included
all other streams entering
Lake 1luron from the point
where the north boundary
of the former Ausable River
Conservation Authority Met
the shore of Lake 1 1tlron to
the point Where the north
boundary of the village of
Bayfield meets the shore of
Lake lluron. Bayfield River
Watershed is in the northern
part of the ABCA's area. the
basin includes almost 500
square kilometres beginning
north of Dublin and out let-
ting at the former Village of
Two main approaches
have been recommended to
enhance stewardship in the
watershed. The first
approach is to focus efforts
within a smaller watershed,
't'rick's Creek, to involve
local people in ongoing
resource management. The
'T'rick's Creek tributary of the
Bayfield River provides
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 19
groundwater discharge that
can support a cold -water
fishery. Improvements to
the Trick's Creek Watershed
would help to enhance
water quality in the Bayfield
River. The second approach
is to promote wetland
enhancement within the
broader Bayfield River
Current programs within
the Bayfield River watershed
include cooperation
between the Bayfield
Ratepayers Association
(BRA) and ABCA, since
2008, to establish a water
quality monitoring program
in the Lower Bayfield River
Watershed. The objectives of
this monitoring program are
to determine typical con-
centrations of E. coli at vari-
ous locations in the water-
shed and to identify actions
that can be taken to reduce
E. coli contributions from
the Bayfield River to Blue -
water beaches.
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Information on Independent Living
Seniors and Anxiety Disorders
We all worry from time to time. Worrying is normal.
It motivates us to think through problems and
develop solutions.
But sometimes worrying seems to take over a
person's life. If a senior loved one seems to worry
excessively, so much so that it affects daily tasks
and relationships, he or she may have an anxiety
Seniors are at high risk for clinical anxiety disor-
ders, which may be related to stress and trauma,
grief and loss. alcohol or prescription drugs, or
other health conditions such as heart disease,
dementia or depression. How can family tell if
there's a problem? Be alert to the signs of clinical
anxiety disorder, which might include:
- Exaggerated worry and fear
- Increased self-consciousness
- Withdrawal from social interactions
- Shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat
- Increased muscle tension or shaking
- Problems falling asleep or staying asleep
- Self-medication with alcohol or other substances.
If you notice these signs, encourage your loved one
to be evaluated by his or her healthcare provider.
Anxiety disorders are very treatable. Treatment
alight include psychotherapy, relaxation training,
medication, support groups, and beneficial lifestyle
changes. Most seniors benefit from a combination
of approaches.
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