HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-05-23, Page 8ti ( :41iC1l;1.\ 9,43J 1 fUS .! 9ntd. ,vntle.to!)t,\'f 4 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , June 1, 2011 • • +'i1011'S11'a` `.@'. *.ASf 4'''Iakl,*,o r *, *.I,0}0,"*" V M. V.11 V.V.Y.V•I• YIiilt.; e.' .o,"e.'�0.•. .• ' ,. . a ' •� ,, opinion www.lakeshoreadvance.com tlkosburo Ativanco PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: (advance@bowesnet.corn SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/Advertising Manager nclIffordit?bowesnet.com LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor Iadvance@bowesnet.com STEVE NORTHEY Advertising Sales MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales JULIE HARRISON Typesetting/Classifieds KATHY YOUNG Accounts Receivable © www.lakeshoreadvancercom SiNiSCRIPTloN RATES ADVANCE Regular $39.95 (38.05 + 1.90 GST) Online subscriptions available—same rates Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 1 195 58 Ontario St. North Grand Bend ON NOM 1T0 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns: phone: 519.238.5383 e mall IadvanceObowesnel.com Changes of address, orders to subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to lnkeshornAdvenc a at the address Indicated here. Advertising Is accepted on the condttion that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous ttem together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates. We acknowledge the financial support of the (overrunent of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPP) for our publishing activities. Canada Member �w�Canadianoornrrxnity Aocna. pa to Canadianr Association are IN Ontario Commit/ Newstyacrs ksodaeon From the countryside John Russell Lakeshore Advance you know that we have a new, keen government when they art' back to work so fast. The ruling Conservatives in Ottawa have hardly had the time to party hard. "heir ability to apply old but successful rules to the definition of centre in Canadian politics shows how out of touch the liberals have become. The split on the left that occurred was quite the sante split that allowed the Chretien liberals to ride out three succesive majorities, except that split was of the right and mostly conservative fac- tions. Saone dynamic and the P.M. exploited the opportunity because of the perceived vac- uum in liberal leadership. 'she Conservatives should IR' congratulated for keeping to the script. No surprises, Mr Fla- herty, please! As a political fact the split got them tht' majority not the policies. All the polling trends post election show no significant change in voter sup- port, even from the vaunted takeover of the immigrant vote( didn't happen). What gave them success was, in a way, a boring campaign. The status quo, what \'Ott see is what you get. Funny how that was quite the same effect that Chretien employed in offering his aw shucks, Captain Canada tricks , tints and time again. As we saw though, Chretien promised Tittle that he delivered on but with help from the driven idea mongers of the Reform, transformed himself and his government into a right leading , deficit cutting, busi- ness supporting party of reality. The people understood the need to get the house in order and the split did the rest. Can anyone tell how our P.M. has done anything different by ntn- ning on the right and govern- ing, definitely with those defi- cits, to the left? Of course not, but the people have always seen through this stuff as long as the boat doesn't rock too much. Many elections in the bast thirty years have been lost by the ruling party going to far on things that matter greatly but not so much in the mints of the voter. The corpses of the great majorities of Peterson in Ontario and Mulroney in Ottawa show how great the change can be. 1 believe the Liberal party has been lucky that they didn't have one of those moments 011 election night. The people spoke by denial in a gentle rebuke. Sometimes we all need a slap up about the head to get our attention. And just like others before, the rebuilding will begin. 'The question will be, will this be driven by the people of like minds or by the power seekers and brokers who led them down this street ? I guess Bob Rae will let us know. And that's how 1 see it this week. The Friends of Pinery Park Friends of Pinery Lakeshore Advance As a charitable organization The Friends of Pinery Park relies heavily on our member volunteers to achieve our man- date to support Pinery Park. There are many varied oppor- tunities for our members to volunteer with the Friends of Pinery Park. Raffle Sales Periodically we have raffle ticket sales tables in the com- munity and also in Pinery itself. Volunteers elan the tables to sell tickets and memberships and answer questions about the organization. Fish dries In partnership with Lake - smith Conservationists, we are once again holding our popu- lar fish fries on the following dates this year; June 25111, July16th, July 30th, and August 13th. Volunteers perform sev- eral jobs at the Fish Fries including breading the fish, collecting payment and serving the food. Road Race The road race is our major fundraiser and attracts hundreds of participants each year. 'this year it will be held on October 1611) and we will need many volunteers. Some of the jobs are: registration, parking, race course volunteers and food. Rolling Boardwalk Construction We will be holding another boardwalk building event as soon as we receive notification about funding. Raccoon Placards There will be more raccoon placards to install on campsite permit posts. These placards warn campers about the con- sequences of feeding raccoons and the impact on turtle populations. Dune Grass Every fall, after the first frost, volunteers harvest dune grass for sale to the public for thine stabilization on their properties. '('rail Guides The friends are responsible for the publication of the park trail guides and we have a vol- unteer puts the guides out at the trailheads and collects the money left in the payment pipes. This is great for some - ono' who enjoys cycling. Cotninittees We will be setting up a com- mittee structure and will need members willing to volunteer their time to serve on these committees. Possible conitllit- tees are fundraising, grants, marketing and store. Please consider joining the Friends of Pinery Park and vol- unteering. The membership fee is low, $20 for a family and $15 for a single. A 15% discount at the Friends of Pinery Nature Store, located in the Pinery Vis- itor Centre, is included with each membership. You will receive a monthly electronic newsletter keeping you 01)10 date with information about Friends' activities and events. Email foppeoxford.net. or phone (519) 243-1521 for more information or conte visit us at the Visitor Centre which is reo- pening on the May long week- end. We will be open weekends only while the installation of the new interpretive exhibits continues and will be holding a 'huge inventory reduction sale in 'the Friends of Pinery Nature Store until die end of June, with 40% off most old merchandise. Sands of Time Lynda Hillman-Rapley Editor, Lakeshore Advance Phasing out the subsidy For Liberal interim leader Bob Rae to voice his discon- tent regarding the phasing out of the federal election subsidy is ridiculous. The people in Canada paid $29.2 million dollars for last month's election in a $2 per voter windfall that should have ended a long time ago. Rae says this is vindic- tive of the Harper government. This was not an idea that came to be on May 3. Without these dollars- it is highly unlikely Canadians would have gone to the polls four times in seven years. 'Ihis is how it works - after the election results are official - each party gets a cheque for millions of dol- lars from the federal coffers. Our money. Whether they win or lose - they get our money. Our money also pays for the half of the election expenses on the national front. A further analysis of election data shows the big winner in the taxpayer sweepstakes is the NDP. It would see its subsidy soar to $9 million from $5 million.'Ihe biggest loser is the Liberal Party. Its windfall would shrink to $5.6 million from $7.3 million. The Con- servatives would jump to $11.7 million from $10.4 million in 2008, while the Bloc would see its wallet lighter by $1 million, dropping to $1.8 million.lhe Green Party would see its handout reduced to $1.15 million from $1.9 million. Election candidates and political parties need to raise their own money and get donations from those actual(' willing to open their wallets. t_ And that is what the Conservatives • aim to do in a phased out program. it is not a means to keep the Liberals at hay. We have been financing the Block for years. We, as Canadians have the choice and right to vote whomever we want to - we should also be able to foot the bill as a voluntary donation - not as a forced contribution.