HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-05-16, Page 216 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Clearing Ausable Cut channel for safe
boating could be long process
Gord Whitehead
Lakeshore Advance
The shallow water shoals of the Ausable
River Cut have Port Franks area pleasure
boaters shouting for corrective action. But
while overflowing the public gallery at last
week's Lambton Shores Council meeting,
concerned craft operators reluctantly learned
there will be no quick fix to what they con-
sider serious safety concerns.
"We need to do soundings in the area,"
said Peggy Van Mierlo-West, director of
The Municipality of Lambton Shores
A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community
Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1 JO
Tel: 1.877-786.2335, 519-786-2335, Fax: 519.788.2135, Email: administration(Viamblonshores ca
Visit our Web Site at www.lambtonshores.ca
for the
Provision of Engineering Services
The Municipality of Lambton Shores requires
the services of an engineering consulting firm
for the following projects:
Environmental Assessment
- Relocation of a Works Garage
Structural Assessment
of Municipal Bridge Structures
Tender packages for each project can be picked
up at the Municipality of Lambton Shores
Administration office on Tuesday, May 24th,
2011 at 9:00 a.m.:
7883 Amtelecom Parkway,
Forest, ON NON IJO
Tel: 519-786-2335 or Toll Free: 1-877-786-2335
Fax: 519-786-2135
Proposals will be own in public on Jun.
2011 at 11:00 am at the Administration office,
Peggy Van Mler10-West
Director of Community Services, 519-243-1400
2011 Capital Replacement
The Municipality of Lambton Shores requires the
services of a prequalified company for the above
noted project. This project entails all things
necessary for asphalt paving, concrete sidewalks,
and general surface grading and finishing.
The Legacy Centre is located at:
16 Allen Street,
Thedford, ON NOM 2N0
Tender packages can be picked up at the
Municipality of Lambton Shores Administration office
on Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.:
7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, ON NON IJO
Tel: 519-786-2335 or Toll Free: 1-877-786.2335
Fax: 519-786.2135
proposals wttLbe Poen (p public on June 9"'. 201 A
IB 11.00 am at tM_AdmInlatttatiionollIce,
Peggy Van Mierto-West
Director of Community Services, 519-243-1400
The Municipality of Lambton Shores has accepted submissions from residents for the following drains under
the 2011 Drain Maintenance Program.
• ALEXANDER DRAIN, Brush removal Town of Forest
• DON SCOTT DRAIN, Clean out Hwy #21 From Amy Camp to Jericho Rd
• ELLIOTT McBRYAN DRAIN, Clean out From Elliott Rd to Hwy #21
• ELLIOTT WEST DRAIN, Clean out From Townsend Line to Glendale Rd
• GILLIARD DRAIN, Tile Drain Cleanout
• LOWER MUD CREEK DRAIN, Ridge Road to Thomson Line
• SULLIVAN DRAiN, Clean out From Army Camp Rd to Mud Creek
• 9/10 CONCESSION DRAIN Clean out From Thomson Line to Ravenswood Line
At this time we ask that If you have any Issues on any of the listed drains, please contact the Drainage
Rtina intandant 1nr review at 519-243-1400
Lambton Shores Is accepting submissions for the listing of upcoming events in the community from
any community group or organization for inclusion In the Living and Playing in Lambton Shores
newsletter. Please submit events for June, July and August. We are also Interested In any
suggestions for articles from community groups. A listing In the newsletter will be at no cost and
provided space Is available we will try to Include as many articles as we can.
community services. "it takes six to eight
weeks to get permits (for dredging). So it's
going to be a long process," she told council.
Latest discussion of the issue was trig-
gered by Ward Seven Councillor John Rus-
sell's motion that Lambton Shores staff be
directed to prepare a detailed report outlin-
ing how the Ausable River Cut 'corridor'
could be developed and maintained "as a
pleasure boating corridor as a key compo-
nent of Lambton Shores tourism infrastruc-
ture." The report would include the cost and
financing of such an undertaking "for fur-
ther review and direction from council'; Rus-
sell's motion states.
"I'm asking that we get rid of one gravel
bed," said Russell. "We've got a lot of work to
do. Every time we ask for a report we get in a
Ward Four Councillor Ruth Illntan said,
"1 question how all these things are paid for,
1 question the unrestricted use of power
boats on the river. There's a whole safety
issue. 'There's a lot of money that's going to
be thrown into this."
Ward Two Councillor Doug Ronesteel
said, "'This is an emergency. People in ct
don't need to hear who is going to ta,..•
Mayor Rill Weber told council, "The
motion is to produce a channel. We're doing
what we can. We're waiting for a report."
Ward Five Councillor Martin Underwood
asked, "Is it ours to do anything about? 1
doubt if anything is going to happen this
The Port Franks area's representative -
Ward 'three Councillor Lori Scott -- said, "It's
very clear. It's a major concern,"
'Ihe issue also dominated council's dis-
cussion period during which it was sug-
gested that a 1,50(1 foot stretch of the Cut
needs to be cleared of sediment and that it
the Cut is designated as a municipal drain,
the municipality should take responsibility
for dredging it.
Ratepayer Joe Cook asked about the
municipality's legal responsibility it some-
one's boat crashed in the (rt after the oper-
ator had paid the boat launch fee at the Port
Franks Marina. Mayor Weber said they
would look into the legal ramifications.
Disposition of pioneer
cemeteries discussed
Lynda Hillman-Rqapley
Lakeshore Advance
Lambton Shores Council agreed with CA()
John Byrne's recommendation regarding
the disposition of former Pioneer Cemeter-
ies in Forest,
Byrne told council concerns have been
expressed by several people in Forest includ-
ing Councillor Martin Underwood about the
disposition of former cemeteries within the
limits of the former Town of Forest.
"These cemeteries were created in the amid
to late 1800's and include the Bradley Cem-
etery, the Catholic cemetery, the Anglican
Cemetery and an older cemetery simply
referred to as the Old Burial Ground, the
attached trap shows the locations of these
former cemeteries," said Byrne.
While it has been suggested in old historic
records and documents that these former
cemeteries were formally abandoned and
closed at the time of the creation of the now
existing Beechwood Cemetery and former
graves properly removed and re -interred in
Beechwood there is anecdotal evidence that
suggests this may not be fully the case,
Staffs alo..tg with some residents are
continuing to research this matter.
These former cemetery sites have been
formally documented in the new DRAFT
Official Plan and which also establishes a
policy that protects these former cemeteries
from any further disruption unless properly
formalized and approved by Council.
It is also our practice that staff and con-
tractors working for the municipality to fol-
low Provincial Guidelines (Archaeological
Assessment 'Technical Guidelines -Stage 3
attached) that call for any excavation work to
stop immediately and undertake an archae-
ological investigation pursuant to the act,
which would in turn determine the next
steps to take. In fact these guidelines apply
to any contractor working on any land in
It has also been suggested that some form
of acknowledgment be created or erected,
possibly at Beechwood Cemetery, that would
acknowledge the existence of these former
cemeteries and show their location for ' )
benefit of family loved ones who may e„
searching for the location of long lost
relatives. it is being suggested that some kind
of cairn he erected with a bronze copy of the
plan of the former village showing the
location of these sites.
As noted staff will continue to research
this matter and report back to Council on
this matter as more information becomes