HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-05-09, Page 6.4
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7
Municipal Affairs info session at Lambton Shores
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
PublicationName:Lakeshore Advance
Pearl Dougall and Tim Ryall of Minis-
try of Municipal Affairs and housing
were asked by councilor Doug Bonesteel
to come to Lambton Shores council for
an orientation session
At last week's Tuesday meeting Ryall
said they are not municipal police, "We
don't police your municipality," he said.
They also explained they are not lawyers
and do not give legal advise.
Ryall said as a team they they need to
move forward together as they conduct
meetings, pass by-laws and develop poli-
cies together. The two key topics they dis-
cussed were Municipal Act, 2001 and
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
Ryall explained a constant theme for
municipalities is "doing more with less,"
and he realizes that is a struggle each
municipality has to deal with and that is
how the MMAII comes in to help with
best practices and offer municipal
"We are not the municipal police," said
Ryall;' We do not enforce your by-laws,
or police your activities. We provide
advise, support your staff but do not act
as police."
Role of Lambton Shores
The mayor is the head of council -the
CEO of the municipality. That person, in
this case Bill Weber, presides over
meetings offering leadership to council -
provides information, recommenda-
tions, accountability and transpar-
ency. "There is never an issue where
there is two sides, there are no two sim-
ple sides- only multi facetted," said Ryall
adding councils must find a balance.
"Decisions trade by entire council. You
are the body of the corporation- the deci-
sion makers. Each councilor -each mayor
has one vote. The mayor does not have
the power to make decisions without
council. You can disagree but at the end
of the day -make decisions. Although the
mayor is first among equals, he has no
additional powers"
Council made up of deputy mayor
Elizabeth Davis I)agg, councilors Dave
Maguire, Doug Bonesteel, Lorie Scott,
Ruth Illnlan, Martin Underwood, Doug
Cook and John Russell have their own
responsibilities. "Carry out your
duties- "Resist the temptation of being a
staff member- it is a one way ticket to
unhappiness." Ryall said to always keep
an open mint), not be biased, and not to
be persuaded by the community, "
because you are the elected officials.'
Ryall said this does not mean you don't
debate. "Conflicts happen when people
misunderstand their roles- debate is
good- as long as decisions are made.
Nothing is wrong with different opin-
ions- you are not all sharing the same
opinion -as long as decisions are made.
Once you make decisions move forward
C 0 U K T Y
The County of Huron is planning to carry out the replacement of a culvert located on County Road
81 (Grand Bend Line) between Crediton and South Road. The structure spans a tributary of the
Ausable River (Isaac Municipal Drain). This will include the replacement of a deteriorated culvert
with a reinforced concrete overlay, curbs and parapet walls and stream realignment.
At this time, it is anticipated that the culvert replacement would be completed during the
2011 construction season. Due to the extent of work required, the affect road section of County
Road 81 would be closed during construction with traffic being detoured around the project site.
The planning for this project is following the environmental screening process set out for Schedule
B activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document. The
purpose of the screening process is to identify any potential environmental impacts associated
with the project and to plan for appropriate mitigation of any impacts. The process includes
consuttation with the public, stakeholders and government review agencies.
For further information on this project please contact the consutting engineers: B.M. Ross and
Associates, 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone (519) 524-2641. Fax (519)
524-4403. Attention: Kelly Vader, Environmental Planer (e-mail: kvaderttbmross.net). A
Screening Report documenting the environmental assessment process will be available at tho
Municipality of South Huron administration offices, 322 Main Street South, Exeter during normal
hours of operation, as of May 16, 2011.
if environmental concerns arise regarding the project which cannot be resolved in discussion with
the County of Huron, a person or party may request that the Minister of the Environment make an
order for the project to comply with Part I1 of the Environmental Assessment Act whlch addresses
individual environmental assessments. Requests must be received by the Minister at the address
below within 30 calendar days of this Notice. A copy of the request must also be sent to the
consulting engineers at the above address. If there is no request received by June 10, 2011 the
project will proceed as planned.
Minister of the Environment
135 St. Clair Amore West
101` Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1P5
This Notice issued May 11, 2011 Dave Laurie, Director of Public Works
County of Huron
together. Make SOW at end of the
day you respect each other," said
Hyatt, dismiss the idea, not the
person," Hyatt
Administration under floe lead
t'rship of the CAO. put P1 cruces
into place and are Mild itrt'taMt
able. "If you are hooking tot some
thing -ask CAO, if you have an
issue, ask the (:.\O " Stith cote
the statutory officers with duties
and responsibilities 11oti'scrihed in
the statute'," Dougall said, -'1\vo
ears -one mouth" said Ryall.
What is a meeting
Dougall said whenever a tido
rum of council ntt'mbet 5 at e`
together discussing business its a
meeting. In citantl►ets 01 on the
telephone or by elect with. devise
, it is a public meeting and mitt
uses trust he taken. i teeelollt of
information 1t`gltlattotts state that
Blackberries, colnputet s, even
stickies- can be public domain,
Councilor Mat tilt tinkle.' wood
asked About the video camera
that it citiit'tn has set rip
to videotape the meetings, lie
wondered if there should he a
copy given to council. Dougall
said since the meetings were pub-
lic immay and there are minutes
supplied, the video could he a
misrepresentation of what hap-
pened, "'Ihe citizen video would
not he the municipal recant; she
said adding you can't guarantee
the accuracy and the meeting is
ahe'dtty public so it copy would
not be necessary. Mayor (till
\yeller explained under their pno-
redural by-1+nv then' steeds to he
written permission if someone
wiutts to lrroni a puh1ic meeting,
Meetings held by municipal
councils and local hoards must
leilect openness and transpler-
ettcv even if tilt'\' cue closed to tin'
AN meetings, including
closed meetings, are subject to
p1 (week' cal rule's. For example,
public notice most ht' given of
upcoming meetings and records
most be kept of 011 meetings.
Any citizen can request an im'es-
tig0tion to determine whether a
municipality or local bonad is fol-
lowing the rules on open and
closed meetings. The municipal
council or local hoard decides
whether 0 meeting will he closed
to the public.
\Veber asked about councilors
having tttt'etitlgs with developers.
Ryall said if there is 0 quorum,
that constitutes 0 meeting and
minutes must be taken. 11' not, it is
0 "dangerous slope" as there
should not he a meeting with 0
developer where there is no staff
Delegations and public discussions
"Debate happens before not
after the. a decision is math' and
tlll`ll OV
'e fottvart! ,' Said
Ryall when discussing delega-
tions. '11te discussion began with
comments from 1)avis 1)0gg about
the need for the public to be able
to communicate their issues. and
Bonesteel's question about
hoxv public discussion does not
Mllnici al Corner
The purpxlse of this notice is to inform local residents and property owners of intent by
the Municipality of South Huron to prepare a Class EA and preliminary design of a sewage
collection) system for the Grand Bend Area and the Village of Dashwood and solicit public
input to assist with developing alternatives for the project.
The project is being planned as a Schedule "B" activity under the Municipal Class
Environmental Assessment process. The Municipality of South Huron wishes to provide
opportunity for consultation with all affected parties throughout the project and full
consideration of potential solutions and their impacts. A question and answer session
will be held during the Public Information Centre. The second Public Information Centre
(PIC No. 2) will be held:
Date: May 25, 2011
Location: St. John's By The Lake Anglican Church
Highway 21 North, Grand Bend
Time: Open House - 6:00 - 8:00 PM
t_,, .• YM-.
1 1 . .
Dave Hlcknell, C.E:.T.
Gamsby and Mannerow limited
975 Wallace Avenue North
Ustowel, ON N4W 1 M6
Tel: (519) 291-9339
Fax: (519) 291-5172
e-mail: dhicknelko'gamsby.com
Don Giberson
Environmental Service Director
Municipality of South Huron
322 Main Street South
Exeter, ON NOM 1 S6
Tel: (519) 235.0310 ext. 226
Fax: (519) 235.3304
e-mail: d.glbersonOsouthhuron.ca
tit►irth Hut on Municif)(1! Corner
' 19 235 0310