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Thedford Dirty Dogs get full support from Lambton Sh.wores
Lynda Hillman -Replay
Lakeshore Advance
Lambton Shores council
have agreed to a business
. \Jan with 'Thedford Dirty
wigs hockey wain. This team
nas been operating out of the
former Medford- Bosanquet
arena facility since 2005 and
has slowly but surely been
able to build a successful
teats in what is considered
to be a very small and chal-
lenging market. Attendance
and support for the team has
grown over the years but the
challenges of operating a
competitive team at this level
retrain. While attendance
has grown by some 43%
since its inception operating
costs have continued to put a
strain on the team especially
in the 2010-11 season, when
their home base, underwent
its major renovation.
In a report to council, they
learned that apart from its
internal financial issues,
there is no doubt the Dirty
Dogs and their hockey gashes
have become a key compo-
nent of the Legacy Centre's
viability but also that of the
greater community. The
operation of the team and
the visiting teases and fans it
attracts have a spin off bene-
fit to the local business com-
munity that should be recog-
nized, while modest, this
infusion of $2,500 to
$3,000.00 a year is welcomed
by the local business com-
munity and it is hoped that
Spring is
These Native trees, shrubs
and plants are an integral
part our ecosystem and pro-
vide homes, food and habitat
for our extensive variety of
fauna. Our Native Service -
berry, with its showy white
spring flowers, and our
Native Dogwoods, Pagoda
and Flowering, provide much
for the birds and beasts in
addition to having great fall
c▪ ‘olour. Our native evergreens
'tch as the Red Cedar and
the White Pine provide shel-
ter and nesting cover for
many birds and small mam-
mals. Deer browse the foliage
of both species and a surpris-
ing amount of songbirds and
mammals eat the berries of
the Red Cedar.
In closing I would like to
address a frequented
with the continued success
of the team that spin off will
continue to grow.
The teats and its activities
also contribute to the "qual-
ity of life" in the local com-
munity, as a draw that brings
local residents together to
share in the support of "Their
Team". The team and its
sponsors is largely trade up
of local residents from within
Lambton Shores
Unable to host gashes at
its own home base and the
added costs and logistical
issues associated with find-
ing ice time in the area for
the 2010-11 season have
brought the team to the
verge of collapse. Council
will recall that earlier this
year the team appeared as a
delegation before Council to
plead its case and to seek
some form of restitution
for the losses it incurred in
the 2010-11 season. Council
agreed to consider the issue
and see if there was some
way in which the losses
could be addressed.
Cost Impacts
The most immediate con-
cern for the team is the cost
incurred as a result of
the renovation of the 'Thed-
ford Arena facility. iIad the
facility been ready for the
teats as promised by the
Municipality, the team
would have been expected to
purchase a significant
amount of ice titne. As a
result of the renovations the
in the air
complaint as of late. Many
lawns have been ransacked
by the makings of tunnels,
burrows and dirt mounds by
our neighborhood moles.
Although they make a mess
of precious 'grasslands,"
moles really pose no threat
and in fact eat many grubs
and insects that could also
damage lawns. To graciously
send these prolific diggers on
there way one could try a
mixture of human hair and
cotton balls, garlic cloves or
thorny branches placed in
there tunnels or spreading a
mixture of hot sauce, chili
powder, dishsoap and water
over there runways. Poison,
of course, is another option,
however that's a choice l
shall leave up to you.
Until next titne, Grow what
you love, Love what you
grow, the rest will follow.
team had to seek that same
amount of ice time at other
facilities, who charge more
for ice time. That is the
ice time cost differential that
the teats is out of pocket for
2010-11. This is in addition
to an outstanding ice rental
bill from the 2009-10 season
of $6,383.90.
In addition, the 'Thedford
Arena also serves as the
"Home Ice" for the Dirty
Dogs and provides the
source of most of its reve-
nues from its ticket sales
($12,000.00 to 13,500.00) and
sponsorships ($5,000.00)
other revenue sources
including bar sales. These
losses in total amount to
approximately $15,000.00.
'1'he Teats stood a
good chance of making this
revenue again in 2010-11
had they not been impacted
by the arena renovations.
These lost revenues should
be addressed in what-
ever compensation package
is developed for those user
groups.'Ihe issue of the com-
pensation will be the subject
of a separate report and not
addressed here, other than
to say until such time as the
issue is resolved some con-
sideration should be given to
the Dirty Dogs.
"As Council can see, the
impact of not being able to
use the 'Thedford Arena as
originally intended has had
significant impacts on this
team and its financial viabil-
ity. In order to address these
impacts, it is suggested that
the Municipality consider
covering the cost of the ice
rental fees the team has been
forced to pay to other venues
totalling $6,228.37, so those
tnunicipalities who rented
ice are reimbursed for those
costs," says CAO John Byrne.
These costs are as follows:
Municipality of South Huron
— Exeter Arena 44,701.80
North Middlesex
— Parkhill Arena - $909.13
— Gemini Centre - $ 230.00
— Watford Arena - $ 387.44
Byrne continues by stating
while it is proposed that
these other municipalities be
reimbursed for these ice
rentals, this is only an
interim measure intended to
"localize" the issue so that
other municipalities are not
out of pocket for our internal
issue. I am suggesting that if
an arrangement is made to
compensate other user
groups for the inconvenience
caused by the renovations,
that whatever solution that
may be, also apply to the
Dirty Dogs, it may take a
month or more to resolve the
issue for all groups and
organizations. As for the
repayment of these costs it is
suggested that this be treated
as a "Deferred Debt" of the
Thedford Dirty Dogs, to be
Grand Bend
Community Foundation
'Building a Better Community'
Tenth Anniversary Celebration
Guest Speaker
Dr. John Howard, Chair of Canadian Physicians for the
Challenging many of our beliefs about health care, Dr Howard will present
a new model for health care - an ecosystem health care model in which the
health of the physical, social, and economic environments are key
Other Highlights:
• AQuefest 2011
• Community Leaders of the Decade
• 10 years of the Grand Bend Community Foundation
• Celebrate our donors. partners and volunteers
Saturday, May 14, 2011
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
fLowwunity firvom - cram( BlndCommunity
'Oda Cintrre
69 Main St. E. grand Bend
l r•hl rehechments and an opportunity to chat with member of our wonderful
community 10 follow )Mn us to Md out how we are building a heanM. vital Grand Bond
Briny a friend - all are welconw
Please send regrets only to Frieda Dobson
Mone sts.23e- 190 or e-mail at abcfehay.net
woa►1aolbc mi..nmwn )fuuola;na .a
repaid over time, once the
club gets back on its feet"
As for the outstanding ice
rental billing for the 2009-10
season of $6,383.90 it is sug-
gested that this be added to
the "Deferred Debt" of the
team, together the total
debt would amount to
$12,612.27. I would stress
again that this financial obli-
gation of the team be held,
interest free, and be paid
down over time as the team
can afford. The status of this
outstanding amount would
be reviewed annually to
ensure plans are in place for
its retirement.
Business Plan
Recognizing that the oper-
ation of a Senior AA ITockey
Club is a complex and chal-
lenging venture, especially in
a small market, the Dirty
Dogs have recognized
the need to restructure their
organization and adopt a
more "businesslike"
approach to running the
team, to this end Mr. Bill Bal-
lard a local Lambton Shores
resident and retired busi-
nessman has agreed to
assume the role of Chief
Executive Officer of the team.
Mr. Ballard met with Mayor
Weber, and Councillors Bon-
esteel and Russell along with
staff to discuss the finances
of the club, their current
dilemma and a strategy for
the future viability of the
club. While the details of this
are still under discussion, it
is anticipated that a more
viable business plan for the
club will be established for
the upcoming 2011-12 sea-
son. 1 should further state
that any financial arrange-
ments regarding the Dirty
Dogs, be conditional upon
Mr. Ballard's continued role
as Chief Executive Officer of
the teams "off -ice" business.
Council reaction
Council was receptive to
the plan with Bonesteel com-
mending Byrne for the excel-
lent work he did to put the
plan together. Bonesteel
offered to be the council lia-
son for this group. Council
agreed this team was viable
and an asset to the new Leg-
acy Centre. Deputy Mayor
Elizabeth Davis Dagg asked
for a timeline on this group's
ability to pay the dollars
back. Councilor Martin
Underwood said he was
uncomfortable with that. In
the end council decided they
would take Bonesteel up on
his offer and have this group
report back on their progress
each year.
W 20011
Notice to Water Customers
The Ontario Clean Water Agency ((K'WA) will be slushing
watermains for the Municipality of Bluewater on the following
May 10 - 12
May 10-19
May 17 - 19
You may experience discoloured water coining from your
tap. If this happens, we suggest you try the following:
• remove the tap aerators off your taps and flush all the house
lines until the water runs clear.
• flush out your hot water tanks. This is to remove the
accumulated iron that precipitates out in the tank; this iron
may also decrease the efficiency of your water tank.
You may experience lower than normal pressure as a result of
the flushing activities.
We recommend that you avoid doing laundry on these days to
avoid the risk of possible stains.
Municipality of Bluewater