HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-03-28, Page 22Budget talks continue for Lambton Shores Hillman -Bagley keshore Advance Budget talks continue with a current .84 per cent increase - but that could change if fire trucks and roads are brought into play. It is Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis Dagg's wish for a zero tax rate increase and that other municipalities fight for their residents to get to that point. "Are there other areas we can save. We need to fight for our people." She said Sarnia's budget is at 0.0 not including MPAC. The county tax rate will be 4.4 % lower in 2011 than in 2010, 'Ibis is possible because the province granted $3.4 million for Ontario Disability Benefits and $600,000 for social assist- ance, Lambton Shores does not have a significant inflow from higher level of government, 'There was also 1.28 per cent real growth or $781,000. CAO John Byrne was quick to challenge the inference that staff had not worked hard to get to where they are now. "You need to know the implication to get there." Ile said they are facing significant cost increases beyond their control like the policing contract renewal, insurance premiums, the cost of fuel and utilities along with the costs associated with a grow- ing community. "'Ihe budget is very lean if there are any sur- prises we have no resources available to respond." Staff will report back to council on any possible cost cutting along with the implications of doing that. "'there will be an impact and council needs to know that, he said. Councilor Martin Underwood asked why they could not use the reserves that is being put aside for 2012, this year for the fire trucks Forest needs. "It would be nice to be at zero but you are going to have to buy the truck sometime and "Noth- ing is cheaper years down the line" " This is where we talk strategic. This is fire." he said. adding,"We have to look to the future- roads and fire are needed. I do not want to tell my constituents we had not planned (for the future)," As it stood before last week's budget meeting, the increase was at , 84%. If the fire truck for the Forest fire department and roads were brought into play, that number would be higher. Bonesteel asked if they were at the point now that they should freeze salaries. "If we are bore to the bone --these are tough times and North America is living in the land of nod." CA() John Byrne said, "As Council is aware the staffing of this municipality is already lean, we have fewer people working for the municipality than we had prior to amalgamation 10 years ago. 'these people work extremely hard and work as a team. As you also know we took on all those Stimulus Projects in 2010-2011 without adding to the staff complement. Coun- cil should also be aware that most of staff are at their "fob Rate" (top of their salary grid) already so are only eligible for cost of living adjustments, and if warranted performance bonuses. Budget talks continue. �- HAYMUTUALrMAT 37868 'Zurich-Hensall Road, Zurich, ON NOM 2T0 519-236-4381 • FARMS • HOMES • COTTAGES ..111111114 «M«aa mama Wednesday, April 13, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 7 •.rlid►w41 Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance At their last meeting Council requested a further report respecting the capacity in the Grand Bend Sewage Treat- ment Facility. The report came to council and was deferred to the new adhoc group, yet to be named, as background information. Patti Richardson, Municipal Planner for Intuition Shores' explained in technical detail that there are three compo- nents comprising flow/capacity in the Grand Bend Sew- age 'Treatment Facility. They are; existing actual flows, (flows which come from those buildings currently con- nected to the treatment facility; committed flows (flows allocated to approved but not constructed develop- ment); and free and available capacity (the amount of the design capacity remaining after actual and committed flows are considered). The report detailed the flow capacity with a bottom line that council understands that if there is no free and available flow/capacity in the sewage treatment facility, new development cannot be approved or proceed. It is also important to understand that in approving devel- opment Council is assuring developers that sewage flow/ fUL Linlw NOTICE. MEMBERS OF SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL. ASSOCIATION Please take notice of the tilllowing renewal reyuirenents for mem- bership in the Corporation. "A person is eligible to be an Annual Member where he or she pays to the Corporation the annual membership fee for individuals." "No member (including Life Members) shall be entitled to vote at any meetings of the ('orlwratinn unless the member has paid all dues or fees at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the meeting." Annual Memberships run front April 1 of one year to March 31 of the next year. Membership Fee is $5.00. Memberships for this year are due by April 21, 2011. The date of this year's Annual General Meeting is June 2,3, 2011, Glenn Bartlett MD, Secretary of the Hoard capacity is available for their developments. There has been some mention recently by Council respecting increasing economic development efforts in Lambton Shores. Certainly an important part of any munic- ipal economic development strategy would include mnici- pal infrastructure capable of supporting development now and in the future. Being able to provide sanitary treat- ment for the Grand fiend area capable of supporting exist- ing future development should form part ninny Municipal economic strategy, To see the report go to the municipal website at www. lambtonshores,ca and click to the council e-gendtt Insurance for Living Today... Oram Mutuals au` 1.,111 ut 11 . f,d`nc ul 11•nuuunlhr\ .1. r;.1s. lilt plovince, and ha.1' 1)0,41 It)! Ilenelahuns I 11 tr yaw wr'1 ' a1)uul IlJalumshq.v, lanl.ly , xutrrnl' .Tall Invellnrl 1. •r , Pollee ,m4 1 all 011, nrws Wh,rn N , u111e, top )I.'. tII I what's nnp,.I(of 11. ‘sal WOO 1)1110.11 Wittl,1 nlv.lhl,uul, nut a sluing°, With the strath and service of an Ontario Mutual behind you, you can gat on with what's Important ..'Mingt IIOMF • AUTO • FARM • UUSINI ontariomutuals.com 1-888.0.MUTUAL 1-888.668.8825 ontario mutuals MUMANI l 11111 IIVIN.. WPM