HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-03-28, Page 216 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Letters of support from proposed developments
46 The Municipality of Lambton Shores
A weekly Update on the Municipal Events in your Community
Administration Department - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1 JO
Tel: 1-877-786-2335, 519-786-2335, Fax 519-786-2135, Email: administration(gIambtonshores.ca
Visit our Web Site at www.lambtonshores.ca
The next Steering Committee Meeting to review the Lambton Shores Draft (October 2010) Official
Plan has been scheduled for:
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - 10:00 p.m.to 12:00 p.m.
Shores Recreation Complex, Main Floor Committee Room
7883 Amtetecom Parkway, Forest
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Patti Richardson, Senior Planner at
(519) 786-2335 or email at prichards4nAIarnbtonshoremit•
Committee of Adjustment ... The Lambton Shores Committee of Adjustment will be considering
the following matters at the Thursday, April 28, 2011, meeting.
7:05 p.m. - Brad & Wendy Wilson - A-06-2011 Minor Variance -- 8670 Vance Drive
The applicants are requesting approval of minor variances from the provisions of Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 to permit a 124.86 nit
accessory bulkling to be constructed which will result in a lot coverage of 134.15 m' when combined with the existing 9 29 m'
accessory building whereas the By-law permits a maximum lot coverage cif 67 m' for accessory buildings.
7:05 p.m. - John McMahon - A-03-2011 Minor Variance - 9917 Nippon Street, Port Franks
Mr. John McMahon, in March of this year, requested approval of minor variances from the provisions of Zoning By-law 1 of 2003
to permit a detached accessory building to be constructed that will have:
a) a lot coverage (ground floor building area) of 297 3 m', whereas the By-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 67 nit for
accessory buildings; and
b) a height of 7.62 metres, whereas the By-law permits en accessory building to have a maximum height of 5.5 metres.
Mr. McMahon has revised Ns application and Is now proposing a detached accessory buiiding that will have a lot coverage
(ground floor building area) of 153.29 m' and a height of 6.7 metres, and is proposed to be constructed In the same location.
7:05 p.m. - Harry ati Sharon Scarfone - A-022011 Minor Variance - 23 Elmwood Avenue
Harry and Sharon Scwfone, in March of this year. requested approval of a minor variance from the provisions of Zoning By-law 1
of 2003 10 permit a 2.4m wide by 7.92m long uncovered deck proposed to be constricted onto the front of the dwelling to project
to within 0.61 metros of the front lot line, whereas the By-law would pem►lt a deck to project to within 4 metres of the front lot line.
Mr. 8 Mrs. Scarfohe have revised their application to now request approval to permit a 1.83m wide x 7.92m long uncovered deck
to protect to within 1.2 metres of the front lot line.
7:05 pm. - Soren Petersen - A-07-2011 Minor Variance - 10251 Beaver Dam Court, Grand Bend
The applicant 1s requesting approval of a minor variance from the provisions of Zoning By-law 1 of 2003 to permit an Interior site
yard setback of 4.27 metres which wilt allow the construction of an edditlon onto the south side of the existing residence, whereas
the By-law requires an interior side yard setback of 4.8 metres.
7:05 p.m. - J.W. Gerald Kopko, Agent for Tracy Rupke & David Backwell - A-00-2011 Minor Variance - 8804 East Parkway
D rive, Ipperwash
The applicant 1s requesting approval of minor variance. from the provisions of Zoning By -taw 1 of 2003 to permit a detached
accessory building to be constructed which will:
a) have a lot coverage (ground floor buldkp area) of 154.3 m', which Includes the existing 5.7 m' accessory building,
whereas the By-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 67 m' for accessory buildings, and
b) have a height of 9,2 matrss, whereas the By-law permits an accessory building to hove a maximum height of 5.5 metres:
c) be constructed in the front yard, whereas the By-law pemilts accessory bulkring to be constructed In Interior side yards or
rear yards only.
7:05 p.m. - Jin Kennedy, Agent for Frank Teahen -11-05.2011 Consent - 9882 Lakeshore Road
The applicants are requesting permission to sever to create a 0.49 hectare (1.21 acre) parcel that will have an access to Highway
21 via an easement over the retained portion. This application was originally heard in March, 2010, however the conditions of
Approval were not satisfied within the one year time Limit prescribed by the Planning Act and therefore, the consent approval
Full copses of the notices for these applications are available on the Municipal Website or can be obtained by calling
the Forest office at 788-2335 or 1-877-788-2335.
The meetings are held et the Thedford Village Complex, comer of Main and Priori Streets, Thedford Ontario.
The Municipality of Lambton Shores is pleased to participate in the 2011 'Senior of the Year" award program
offered though the Ministry Responsible for Seniors. Eligible recipients are Individuals over the age of 85 who have
enriched the social, cultural or civic life of the community on a volunteer basis. The program allows a municipality to
nominate one citizen for this award. Lambton Shores will accept nominations from the community until April 25'",
after which, one nominee will be selected and his/her name forwarded to the Minister for recognition.
Nomination forms are available on the homepage at www,lambtonsho[t)ia or by calling 519-788-2335 or
If you know of someone deserving of this honor, please complete and remit the nominatkm form PRIOR TO APRiL
25, 2011 to:
Municipality of Lambton Shores - Senior of the Year Award,
7883 Mntaloon Parkway, Forest Ontario NON IJO; or
Fax: 519-788-2135; or E -Mall: cierksl}alamblonehores.oe
Lynda Hiiiman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
Letters of support from two devel-
opments hit the council table last
week. Rice Development and (rand
Bend Community Corp. (Southbend
Estates) explained their plight of not
having sewage capacity for their pro-
posed developments,
Rice Development Company, Roger
I toward said, "As you are aware we are
proceeding towards the registration of
our 50 acre subdivision on Main Street
East in Grand Rend. The pian con-
tains a mix of residential and com-
mercial uses that will provide signifi-
cant additional housing and retail
stock to the (rand Bend area.
We are currently preparing to mar-
ket the townhouse block within the
plan with a range of single story town -
homes and a potential low-rise sen-
iors apartment/condo building. We
are currently negotiating with a major
retail tenant for one of the commer-
cial blocks,"
"Central to the marketing of these
lands is the ability to service them
with the knowledge that sufficient
plant capacity exists within the
municipal system. We are supportive
of the municipality's proposal to
expand the current plant, as without
the capacity, development will grind
to 1t halt. We understand the current
EA process has proceeded to a point
where construction could begin
shortly where changes to the pro-
posed design may significantly delay
that construction and could affect
approved funding,"
"In order for us to continue to
marker our lands and attract new resi-
dent sand commercial tenants to the
Grand Bend area, it is critical in our
view that the current plant expansion
is not delayed and that the infrastruc-
ture funding is not negatively affected,
or in the worst scenario, lost. The
opportunity for a municipality to offer
tht' necessary sewage capacity is a
paramount consideration for devel-
opers and we would respect ft'
1't'gtlt'St 111111 council support the ct
rent plant expansion design 0) ensure
the necessary capacity is available as
soon as possible and into the future."
Peter Vrankovic, president of (rand
Bend Community Corporation- South
Fend Estates, sent a letter to express
their support for the expansion of the
Grand Bend sewage treatment plant.
"As a land developer we are quite con-
cerned that the sewage allocation to
their property is limited at this time to
229 single residential units and golf
course. '!'his current allocation with-
out further expanded sewage treat-
ment capacity would certainly put a
constraint On the future development
of additional 330 households units
and 200,000 square feet of commer-
cial space, It is our strong opinion that
construction of the proposed net,,
sewage treatment plant with increased
capacity is clearly required to service
the future need of our development,"
Deputy mayor Elizabeth Davis 1)agg
asked about South Bend Estates and
what it' it takes another 25 year's to go
forward, South Bend was originallyyy
Altvater Drescher that first reached
the municipal books in 19116 and
became Southbend Estates in 199.1
due to a sale. There is lagoon capacity
for the first 200 homes, but Davis 1)agg
asked in the event this does not hap-
pen or takes another couple of dec-
ades how is this owner going to invest
in the treatment plant. Councilor Ruth
itlman suggested, as in all commercial
properties, the development charges
and later taxes that will come from
this new build. (Development charges
wilt be approximately $9,600 per lot).
Mayor Bili Weber said the allocation is
for future and progress.
Grand Bend Lioness thanks supporters
Grand Bend Lioness
Grand Bend Lioness is now regrettably
disbanded, 'thank you to everyone who
has supported the Club during the past
34 years, without you we could not have
served the community. Those who
donated to the Christmas Campaigns
for many years, locals and visitors who
bought raffle tickets and all the ladies
who have been past members and
raised funds , Appreciation is also due
to Lakeshore Advance for the many pic-
tures and stories published over the
years, Times have changed and ladies
now are busy with families and careers.
We hope that you will continue to sup-
port the other service dubs and associa-
tions who work hard for the betterment
of the community.
Our final donations, as in the past,
have been donated to organizations and
individuals for their specific needs in
this community or for the Lion's/Lion-
ess national mandate, It has been a
pleasure and an honour to have served
this caring community.
Memorabilia has been taken to the
Lambton Heritage Museum for the ben-
efit of former members 1111d others who
are interested, (( 1
We leave you with the Lioness pts,, _1
0 Lord 'shy Nle saints Now Let Ful
Upon 'Ihy Lioness as They ('all
May All Our I riendship Be
!brewer Strt'ngtheniyif lord by Thee
The Executive and members of 2010