HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-03-21, Page 19C A A P r MIRY Nca ('onlrtktxut, Rcno•, Rcs, Agri, Framing, Rating, Sotii, I alio. Siding, lXxnr\ xlndlnl\ ('ornate, blrnung•I'(mctung,1:k 5I9,1794$* 11 King St N, (Talto), ON Imail krvinplunxhcaipentryiel n:.cs) 8-• Lake0gre Advance, • Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Huron County Councillors torpedo judicial review ,lth WIM Agency the status quo given the Ministry of Municipal Affairs' legislation suggested more was needed before the change Goderich Mayor 1)eb Shewfelt wanted could roll out. to take the question to the Judge. In noting two county representatives But in the end, county councillors have been quoted "in the paler: stating opted to accept a legal opinion as pre- council's composition will stay as is sented by county solicitor Greg Stewart regardless of whether proper procedure during lluron County's March 23 con- was followed after the municipal election, mlttee-of-the-whole session. Goderich's Mayor questioned why cowl - At issue is Iluron County's about face cillors would discuss the issue behind on a decision to trim county council's size closed doors. The county solicitor says thanks to the population stats released by whether to go in camera is up to the Ms - the Municipal Property Assessment Cor- cretion of council, it is a procedure com- poratlon (M PAC) following the 2010 monly employed when the issue pertains municipal election. According to Iluron to solicitor/client privilege. Further, says County Bylaw 28-1999, county council Stewart, his advice is in relation to three should have shrunk to 17 members from letters received on the topic from three 20, given the bylaw sets representation lower -tier municipalities and not with according to population. In essence, a regard to county's present-day municipality would require at least 8,0111 composition. residents in order to enjoy three repre- "My personal opinion is that it would sentatives at the county level. As such, easily fit in with our rues and regulations only the Municipality of Bluewater, at with going in camera for solicitor -client 8,380 residents, achieved the required privilege," said County Warden Neil Vin - number. However, after a few of the coun- cent (North 1 luron) in supporting an in- ty's nine lower -tier members questioned camera session. MPAC's stats, the county opted to keep While councillors ultimately agreed to hold the discussion behind dosed doors, there proved to be a motion resulting from the solicitor's presentation, which was to forward the controversial bylaw, along with the Ministry's legislation with regard to council restructuring, on to a judicial review, 'Ihe motion, put forth by Coon, Bernie MacLellain (Huron East) who was "not actually" favouring it, would leave it to a judge to rule whether the county did the right thing in allowing Central Huron, North Huron and Huron East to keep three representatives at county council. In supporting MacLellan's motion, Shewfelt says the concerned municipali- ties are merely seeking to find the right answer following this incident, as there is "nothing personal in this ... 'Ihe Hales are laid out," According to MPAC stats, read aloud by Shewfelt, after the election ACW's population sat at 5,825, Bluewa- ter's was 8,380, Central Huron's was 7,158, Goderich had 6,225, South Huron had 7,503,1lowick had 2,948,1 luron East had 7,208, Morris-Turnberry had 2,904, and North 1 luron had 3,848. Indeed, says Shewfelt, those figures suggest Central Huron, South Huron and Iluron East were all well short of the 8,001 pop- ulation required to allow for three representatives on county council. "These are very large dis- crepancies," says Shewfelt. "Some seem to think that it is personal" But, says Shewfelt, the Point is that the further the rules are stretched, the more problems arise. "We are here to make decisions and we have to do what's right," echoed Coun. Ben Van Diepenbeek (ACW). "We need to do what's right and move forward" Coun. Brian Barnim (Cen- tral Huron) says the munici- palities know "for a fact" that MPAC's population figures are flawed. "Taidng this in front of a judge is going to do nothing but charge taxpayers' dollars" suggests Barnim. The County Warden also proved to be leery of spending more money on the question since County Council's com- position will not change until the next election. Meanwhile, MacLellan says all of the legal opinions received on the issue thus far have been consistent. "1 always like to know we're doing the right thing but 1 believe we spent enough money on this," he said. Meanwhile, Coun. James Ginn (Central Huron) expressed concern about set- ting a precedent by going one step further by seeking a judi- cial review. "My phone has not been ringing off the hook (about council's sire)," he says, "I think it's a moot point." In a recorded vote, requested by Shewfelt, 12 councillors voted against sending the question on for a judge's ntling, HOME PLAN OF THE WEEK PLAN NUMBER 7-4-920 ROOMY TWO-STOREY FAMILY HOME A two-way hreprice dant mums both the Irving room and den. a compote nook and a lenity noon oft the kitchen are three of the thoughtful teahoos that will set des roomy two-storey lenity home aped tmm Its neighbours The den, )oceted just to rhe right of the entrance toyer. also toasts an extra -tad wwxk>w with a curved top. niatchMp that o1 tw the hunt door To the led of the entrance toyer, with Its coat closet, is a spacious guest room that le,ltluer ds IMn bethmom and walk-on closet The living room IS separated by en archway from a formal dining room. which elpoys access hl a covered patio through trench doors I tom the drug room. a don leads to the .it Sada, which IeaNros a prep nsknnd, penhy and raised eating bar Adlokring the kitchen is a bight breakfast nook, with won d ws on two skies, mot beyond is the family room, which opens onto another coveted patio tntietainniont er,ntres dank the Mindy roan 1e Mother archway separates the family nx11n from a halfway That opens on one side to the computer nook and a powder room. 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