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RMP from MPP
Good news
for farmers
Grand Bend
ashore Advance
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Branching out for ABCA
RakeVkgerhoeds, B 17 -year-old
student from the Staffs area, is Been
half of the Woodland Reflection Area metal
tree being created at South Huron District
High School in Exeter, by the students of Tbcn
Walsh's Grades 10 and 11 manufacturing
technology classes. Rains designed the tree
last semester and students are assisting with
the manufacture this year. There is the unique
chance to bid to be the sponsor, with naming
acknowledgement, of the tree at this year's
ABCA Conservation Dinner on April 14. The full
tree, when completed, wIN be almost 14 feet tall
And 20 feet wide. The stylized oak tree will also
be accompanied by metal oak leaves where
donors can honour the memory of loved ones.
Board wants to move along with treatment plan
Lynda IN man-Ropley
Lakeshore Advance
Twenty minutes of dialogue and 42
people in the gallery, including most
members of Bluewater council, set the
stage for Friday's Tri -Municipal board
meeting in Exeter.
This board, comprised of Bluewater,
Lambton Shores and South Huron rep-
resentatives, is entrusted with an end -
of -the -day goal to create a joint sewer
treatment facility located at the lagoons
on Mollard Line, east of Grand Bend.
The Municipality of Bluewater's
absence from the table continues as
councillors continually vote down
Mayor Bill Dowson's proposed
appointments to its committees.
The meeting did go on with board
chairman and South Huron Mayor
George Robertson saying they needed
to move along.
Bluewater Mayor Bill Dowson told
The Lakeshore Advance there was a
special Bluewater meeting last Thurs-
day in hopes of coming to a consensus
on a committee and that didn't get to a
vote. Four council members left that
meeting even though the item was on
the agenda.
"In my 25 years, l have never walked
out of a meeting," said Dowson.
At Friday's meeting, Robertson said
they needed to move along with the
buffer zone application. Lambton
Shores Mayor Bill Weber said his coun-
cil has concerns about making deci-
sions without Bluewater being at the
table. The next item on the agenda was
the phasing of the mechanical treat-
ment plant. South Huron CAO Roy
Hardy said the three CAOs have had
another meeting regarding the phasing
or to full build. This is something each
board member, including Bluewater,
needs to share with their council's and
then come back to the full board.
South I luron Councilor Tbm Tomes
asked how long they will get Bluewater
to come to the table. Robertson said
they would set the next meeting and
with the hope Bluewater will have set
their membership by then.
Again, Weber said they (Latnbton
Shores) are concemed about Bluewa-
ter not being at the table, and sug-
gested a motion be passed to allow the
process to go forward with their bless-
ing. Tomes made a motion so that
direction will go back to Bluewater
(through CAO Lori Wolfe) that the
Grand Bend Area Sewage Treatment
Board advise the Municipality of Blue -
water to appoint its member repre-
sentatives by the next board meeting
or provide a resolution authorizing the
Board to proceed with the construc-
tion of the treatment plant in accord-
ance with the agreement guidelines.
Totnes put forth the motion: "'That
the Grand Bend Area Sewage Treat-
ment Board direct the administering
municipality to speak to the Federal
and Provincial MP and MPP and their
Ministries about phasingthe mechani-
cal treatment plant construction, and
the possibility of using the balance of
the grant on the shared pumping and
conveyance system; and, proceed on
basis of construction a phased plant;
and, Authorize Dillon to revise the ten-
der documents and drawings for