HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-03-21, Page 418 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, March 30, 2011 ' For Obituaries call: youri'zjemoments.ca 1-877-Iso-5oE4 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 �"" a mall; obituarles,a,yourIlfemoments,ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 e-mail: mllestones,sun.a yourllfemoments.ca Marking your milestones. Obit sir ie,, In Memoriam 1 iidn)Lflu the Celebrations More Thank You Notes Thank You Notes JEFFREY Special thanks to my family for the "Sur- prise" 60th birthday party and to so many for attending. Thank you to family and friends for all the wonderful food we had to eat. The non-perishable food items for Bless- ings, gifts, cards and well wishes were greatly appreciated. Thanks a million, John Jeffrey Cards of Thanks Cards of Thanks OVERHOLT The family of Marcella Overholt (Regier) would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who joined them in the celebra- tion of their mom's life. Thank you to Father Graham Keep tor his prayers and kind words, and to the altar servers, gift bearers and choir at the funeral mass. We would also like to thank the Catholic Women's League of St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church for their prayers at the visitation and luncheon following the funeral. A special thank you to her granddaughters for doing the readings and flower bearings, and to hor grandsons for being pallbearers. She was very proud of each of you. Thank you to everyone for the masses that were given In her honour, the floral arrange- ments, donations, cards and comforting words and prayers. Thanks to J.M. McBeath Funeral Homo. Lastly, a special thank you to the nurses and caregivers at the Exeter Villa for all of the support and wonderful care you have given to our caring and loving mom over the last six years. The Overholt, Rovington and Ingram) families Obituaries MICHAEL WELCH Family and friends will bo gathering to re- member Mike on Sunday, April 3r` at tho Coops Tavern (671 Richmond St., London) from 12 p,m. to 3 p.m. Please join us for shared memories, music and needless to say, lots of laughs. fI2E'Neve 1:4F R )hl)Tdca�rrt V, 4 Obituaries WALLACE, Solange Clair - Peacefully at North Lambton Lodge, Forest, Monday, March 21, 2011 Solange Clair (Chartrand) Wallace, formerly of Grand Bend and Sudbury, age 94. Beloved wife of the tato John A. Wallace (1996). Predeceased by hor brother Hormidns, loving sister -In-law Blanche Chartrand, sister Hermine (Elmer) MacClinchoy, parents Albert and Alberta (Benard) Chartrand, Remembered by her nieces Luga (Jack) Villeneuve and Narcholka (Bryan) MacRae, nephews Mark Chartrand and Octave Chartrand and great- niece Roberta (Keith) Brandon. Cremation. A family gravo-side service will take place in tho Spring at the Pinory Cemetery, Grand Bond with Mr. Richard Hoornwog officiating. If desired, memorial donations to a charity of your choice would be appreciated. T. HARRY HOFFMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME, Dashwood, entrusted with arrangements. Condolences at www.hoflmanfunorathomo.com Network Classifieds: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 10 AZ TEAMS NEEDED NOW - Our Company teams consistently earn $120-140,000 per year. Excellent Equipment, Waterloo Region Based, West Const US Runs. Call 7 days per week 1-888-213-9401. www.transportjobs.not. AZ DRIVERS WANTED by Brampton trucking company. Cross border expe- rience, and good CVOR required. Owner -Operator's also welcome, Call Gerd at KJS Transport Toll -Free 1- 888-794-9890 or a -mall gordQllk)s transport.com. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers In Ontario • MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verity dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvlc.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. 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