HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-03-07, Page 7Wednesday, March 9, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 9
Councillors support $50K loan for project
Cheryl Heath
QMI Agency
Huron County Councillors are
preparing to lend a helping hand
to one of the county's newest
Appearing before Huron
County's Feb. 23 committee -of -
the -whole session, Above the
Falls Challenge Course manager
Rob Bundy made what turned
out to be a successful pitch for a
loan to ensure the two-year-old
venture continues to grow.
In addressing the roots of the
project, Bundy reports it was ini-
tiated through Huron Economic
Development Matters, a partner-
ship between Huron County, the
Huron Business Development
Corporation (HBDC) and
through the Ontario Ministry of
Food and Rural Affairs' Rural
Economic Development funding
stream. The goal was to come up
with a new non-competitive
business that would create jobs
and economic opportunities,
engage young people, and be
both environmentally and finan-
cially sustainable, among other
"It was a fairly monumental
undertaking," says Bundy, noting
the end result is the Above the
Falls Challenge Course at the
Falls Reserve, an experiential
adventure education facility that
uses a series of aerial elements,
the outdoors and perceived risk
to develop trust, critical thinking
skills, communication and team -
building exercises for youth,
community groups and
"These days, 90 per cent of
young people spend their (lint'
inside," says Bundy, adding the
course allows youngsters to gt't
their hands dirty and enjoy the
opportunity of getting back into
"This is a place where you
build character," he says. "A place
where you can explore personal
Thus far, reports Bundy, the
response to the site has been
overwhelmingly positive.
Now, says Bundy, the chal-
lenge is to acquire the funds nec-
essary to finish the course, add a
few desired touches like a zip
line, and ensure the staff is on
hand to meet the growing needs
of visitors.
While the HBDC has offered
up a $90,000 loan, Bundy asked
the county to consider a number
of options, including the possi-
bility of a $50,000 grant, to give
the group some worry -fret' time
to get operations into full swing.
With support from the county,
says Bundy, taking advantage of
the entire $90,000 loan would not
be necessary, and the group
could instead focus on market-
ing and building upon the
already popular site.
"At the very least, l hope coun-
cil will continue to support this
venture with in-kind support,"
says Bundy, noting the project
itself was part of the recently
adopted Huron County Eco-
nomic Blueprint.
"We have a lot of bills yet to
pay I: we have a lot of construc-
tion left to be done," he says, not-
ing admission fees at the site are
$35 per student, $40 per corpo-
rate client and $25 for
recreational use(.. h) L ti'ok ruin,
reports Ilunly, thr site' would
need to dltlw 3,500 Vlsttnts each
year, which seems like an achlev
able goal given that it has already
attracted 2,(1(10 visitors,
A number of possible funding
options \vete handled about dur-
ing an extended question and
answer session with councillors,
including the suggestion of
Coon. lien Van Ddeltenbeek
(Ashfield Colborne 1Vtrwun►sh)
for a $50,01)(1 grant, Another pap
alar suggestion, put forth by
Chun. loin eruct' (thuderich),
was 10 allocate one year's wot
of funding to allow the site to
become folly operational before
it begins to pay hurl. its I till)(
lJItintutely, at the suggestion of
Colin. Bernie MacLellan (I !mon
Bust), councillors agreed to
present the group with an inter
est -free 10 -year $50,000 loan
from an economic development
reserve fund, which will begin to
he paid buck in five years' time.
That, says Maclellan, should
give the site more than ample
time to get up and running.
which is a sentiment coun'illots
agreed to by supporting the
County ('outwit, which letu nett
more than $11)0,000 in donations
has been made to the site
through the community, must
endorse the decision before the
funds are released,
Branching (hit
The Huron County L Ihran y
Beaten is eyeing 0 new chaplet in
its funding formula.
Beth Ross, guttural set vices
1)irector, repot is bnaltl tttistees
Lynda HINmem-Pr ap u t loot: t i*t eteemei wee
Lake Smith stories
Lake Smith Conservationist and Lambton Shores ward counc, John Russell took some time from his busy
schedule Saturday at the Lake Smith dinner at the Lambton Heritage museum to chat with MP Bev Shipley,
Lambton warden Steve Arnold and Lambton Shores mayor BIII Weber.
are pupating to take another look at the
branch side designations for grant put
(poses given dial( some ntunicipalittes,
like lilue\vater, are in the process of
undertaking projects that meet the cri-
te'rla for the more generous allocations
enjoyed by urban branches.
1n addressing the $50,000 itt reserves
available to assist municipalities in set-
ting up new branches, Ross note's that
l;enttal Moon is atwtiting word on pus
sible grant funding that will allow it to
stove forward with renovating the Clin-
ton branch, As it stands, notes Russ, that
project is not expected to stove forward
until at (east 2012,
'the Search Begins
Huron County Is prepoting for the
In addressing the Issue of the need to
1epluce soon to -retire Cultural Services
director Beth Ross, !Wotan Resources
director Darcy Michaud reports the
process will be similar to the one used
to replace the Aledical Officer of
E lealtlt.
Nitchaud says an all hot' (tiring com-
mittee will he formed to review applica-
tions and the eventual candidate will
also require the library hoar'd's
'Ihe first order of business in the six -
step process, notes Michaud, is agreeing
on the wording for the Joh description
given that it Is one that has evolved over
the years,
"Beth's job description will be
reviewed because Beth has taken on
extrtt responsibilities (oVl'1' the years," he
says, adding the library board's approval
on that definition will be required before
the advertisement 1s posted.
Michaud notes the eventual candi-
date will undergo an extensive screen-
ing process.
"It goes further than just reference
checks," he says, adding the successful
candidate will appear before the library
board before be or she is officially hired
(; (1 (► N 1 Y
The County of Pluton Is planning to carry cut the replacement of a culvort located on
County Road 01 (Grand Bond Line) between Crediton Road and South Road. Tho
structure spans et tributary of the Ausable River (Isaac Municipal Drain) as Illustrated on
the accompanying key plan, The project would involve the) replacement Of 0 deteriorated
culvert with n reinforced concrete overlay, curbs and parapet walls and stream realignment.
At this time, it Is anticipated that the culvort replacement would be completed during
the :011 construction season. Due to the extent of the work required, the affected road
section of County Road 81 would ho closctd during the construction with traffic being
detoured around the project site
The planning fur this project is following the environmental screening process sot out for
Schedule It activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class 1 A)
document. the purpose of the screaming process is to identify any potential environmental
Impacts associated wIth the ►ro)oct and to plan for appropriate mitigation of any impacts.
the process includes consultation with rho public, stakeholders and ejovornnu►nt review
IIn' consultation protlrant
for this Closes EA includes
ac'veral opleo►tunities fur
pubic involvement For the
initial phase of the program,
public input will ho received
until Apnl 11, .'O 11 Additional
oi+pottunrties for comment will
be peovided ars tlto process;
Any comments collected In
conjunction with this Class
1 A will be maintained on hill
for use during aha project
and may he Included in
project documentation. With
Om exception of personal
Information, all comments
will 'ammo) part of the public
► ....,orb
t Vete)
For further Information on this project, or to review the Class EA process, please contact
the E'roJnct Engineer: KM, Ross and Associates, 62 North Street, Goderlch, Ontario,
N /A 21'4. Telephone (519) 524-2641. Fax (519) 524-4403. Attention: Kelly Vader,
Environmental Planner (email: kvader®brnross.net)
this Notice issued March 9, 2011 Dave Laurie, Director of Public Works
County of Huron