HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-02-22, Page 810 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, February 23, 2011
County Road 12 designated `Police Memorial Highway' in memory of fallen OPP officers
Coun. Dave Riach (North
Manufacturers online
Huron County councillors
gut a first took at a new web-
site for the Iluron Manufac-
turers' Association at their
Feb. 16 committee of the
whole session.
Web designer Mark Hussey
demonstrated the new fea-
tures of the nvebsite which will
allow members of the public
to search for any manufac-
turer in the county and find a
detailed profile of each manu-
facturer including a map
showing where each is
"We're really excited to
iaunch the new fourth web-
site," he said.
1'he website also includes
videos from a mentorship
program, which Bussey said
are basically small commer-
cials for local manufacturers
along with a news feed that
will provide valuable informa-
tion for business owners. As
well, local manufacturers can
post job opportunities and
local people can post on the
website if they are looking for
a job.
"The website really shows
the vibrance of manufactur-
ing in the county," he said.
Monica Walker -Bolton,
coordinator of the Manufac-
turers' Association, said she's
excited about the ease of
updating the information on
the website.
"We try our best to pass
new resources on to our
members," she said,
Coun. John Grace
(Goderich) remarked that the
new website "really demon-
strates the importance" of
Huron County's presence on
the Internet.
Director of Planning and
Development Scott lousaw
added that with 180 small
manufacturers in Iluron
County, the new website gives
an Internet presence to each
of them.
"The vast majority have
fewer than five employees so
most don't have their own
website. This is a really an
important service to our man-
ufacturers," he said.
Seeking investors
A budding grape and wine
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industry in Huron County is
now ready for foreign invest-
ment, I luron councillors were
told as they approved an
agreement between the
county and the Department
of Foreign Affairs and Interna-
tional Trade for an $8,750
grant from the Invest Canada -
Community Initiatives (ITFJ)
program, which the county
will match.
Senior Economic Develop-
ment Officer Mike Pullen tolls
councillors at their Feb. 16
committee of the whole meet-
ing that three years of feasibil-
ity studies have identified a
zone along the shoreline of
Lake Iluron as suitable for
growing grapes, both in cli-
mate and soil conditions.
"It's a very exciting project.
We've completed phase one
and two of the scientific
research and now we're mov-
ing on to phase three which is
the attraction of funding.
We're not just going after for-
eign investment. Local is very
important too," said Pullen.
Asked by Coun. )stn Ginn
(Central Iluron) about the
amount of acreage Huron
County wants to attract, Pul-
len said they want to start with
small test plots of 25 to 50
acres on a few local farms. Ile
added that if larger investors
are attracted, a minimum of
100 acres would be necessary
for a large winery.
"We will be approaching
established wineries that may
be looking to expand their
operations. My belief in this
project is that we want to
avoid just exporting commer-
cial grapes. lhe real value and
spin-off will come from win-
eries that may establish here;
he said, adding that wineries
will spur farmers to diversify
and grow grapes commer-
cially and add to the local
tourism business.
Pullen said the zone identi-
fied for grape -growing runs
from Pon Albert down to the
southern parts of the county
three to four kilometers inland
from bake Iluron.
"This latter data analysis
showed clear climatic similar-
ities between this famous
wine region in France (Chev-
one, France) and the County
of Iluron. In-depth soil testing
was also conducted as part of
phase two and results were
compared with wine regions
in the 11.5. and France," said
Pullen's written report to
county council.
Consultations with French
viticulturist and winemaker
Pierre Marie Guillaume
showed that Iluron County is
well suited to grow varieties
such as Pinot Noir, Gamay
Noir, Cabernet Franc, Reisling
and Chardonnay.
Pullen's report said he will
be working with the Huron
Business Development Cor-
poration to start a growers'/
landowners' group to provide
education, training and net-
working as the project evolves
and will organize a bus trip to
an established winery.
Economic Blueprint
A blueprint for the Huron
County Economic Develop-
ment Strategy was adopted by
the committee of the whole of
Iluron County Council at its
Feb. 16 meeting.
Council's motion stipulated
that the blueprint's imple-
mentation will be considered
during the 2011 budget
Mike Pollen, Senior Eco-
nomic Development Officer,
said the strategy will be a
"great tool" for the county's
economic plans.
"There is a strong desire in
our industrial partners to start
the implementation process,"
he said,
The strategy is a five-year
plan for economic develop
anent in Huron County. Net%
strategies include greater
focus on workforce training
and development in response
to industry need, adoption of
the retail and service sector as
a fifth pillar of the county
economy, greater emphasis
on opportunities for youth, a
stronger post -secondary pres-
ence in the county, a stronger
marketing presence in nearby
urban areas, a focus on qual-
ity of life and a renewed focus
on agribusiness and agricul-
tural products.
'Ihe blueprint will continue
to develop web -based mar-
keting activities, support
industry associations and
expand Business Retention
and Expansion (BR+Ii)
Implementation will
involve hiring a full -tinge web
designer, a 13R+E coordinator
and additional contract
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Lambton Kent
" District school Board
Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten Registration for September 2011
The Lambton Kent District School Board invites all parents to register their children for September 2011 Junior Kindergarten and Senior
Kindergarten Classes.
Registration for Junior and Senior Kindergarten students will bo hold at all Lambton Kent public elementary schools on the following dates:
111onct,ry -
Fehiu.11 2$
r11,u, h I
9 011 .sin 5 30 pi»
9 00 ,sin 3 00 pin
Junior Kindergarten Children, four years of age on or before December 31, 2011, may be registered for classes begmninq September, 2011
Senior Kindergarten Children, five years of age on or before December 31, 2011, may be registered for classes beginning September. 2011
It Is Important that parents register their children at this time to allow schools to plan class sizes. It Is not necessary to re -register for
Senior Kindergarten If your child Is presently attending Junior Kindergarten in a Lambton Kent public elementary school.
Documentation showing proof of age must be presented at registration.
l .unbton hent Public St -hoots
Grand Bend
Anne Keeley
Cannon McGregor
Chair of the Board
§est Start Maw -Around Sites and Hubs/
Davcar, Before andAfter School Programs
North Lambton Child Care Centre
Sarnia Education Centre
200 Wellington Street, Sarnia
Jim Costello
Director of Education
Pavvare Provider