HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-02-22, Page 71 County Road 12 designated 'Polka Memorial Hlghway' In memory of fallen OPP officers OGiaan Hundertmark MI Agency County Road 12, the road north of Seaford' where both Huron OPP Constable Vu Pham and Constable David Mounsey lost their lives, will be designated as "Police Memo- rial Highway" after a request from the Huron OPP. "The renaming of the road in this fashion would ensure the lives and sacrifices of those officers are never forgotten," said Staff Sergeant RS. Johnson in a letter to Huron County council. "Those who visit or pass through our community would, while driving on this roadway, recognize the profes- sional recognition the signs would present. Finally, this memorialisation would further strengthen our officers' bonds with the members of our com- munity and the officials that serve us." Huron County council's committee of the whole agreed last week to erect eight highway dedication signs within the road allowance, sharing the cost 50/50 with the Huron OPP. The county's share is approxi- mately $2,800. Public Works Director Dave Laurie told councillors in a report that the dedication signs would not change the name of County Road 12, which is known as London Road, North Line and Brussels Line as it stretches from Highway 4 at Kippen 63 kilometres to the Huron/Bruce boundary. Constable Vu Pham was murdered last March "while checking on the well being of an individual in Huron East" while Constable David Moun- sey was killed four years ago "in a motor vehicle collision while he was responding to a call for service," said Johnson in his letter. Johnson also pointed out that Constable Bruce Crew was killed during a high-speed pur- suit on a sideroad in Goderich Township in 1983. "I am sure everyone would agree that all three of these jnen lost their lives in service to ' e citizens of Huron County, while working to keep our com- munity safe for us to live and raise families," said Johnson. Recorded vote deddes severance A 10-8 recorded vote by Huron County council's com- mittee of the whole last Wednesday approved a sever- ance of a farmhouse from a Bluewater farm, under the con- dition that a dispute over the distance of the northern prop- erty line from a stream be nego- tiated between the property owners and the Ausable Bay- field Conservation Authority. Tom Prout, general manager of the ABCA, appeared at 1 lumn County council's Feb. 16 committee of the whole meet- ing to point out that the ABCA has identified the watercourse on the north lot line as hazard- ous since it would be subject to erosion and flooding and wants the lot line to be 30 metres from the creek. Huron County planner Craig Metzger added that during a Bluewater council meeting, the ARCA and the landowners had briefly agreed to a 10 -metre setback but the owners, Steven Miller and Lynn Hay- garth, changed their minds. After lengthy debate about whether or not the creek should be considered hazardous, councillors voted to consent to the severance under the condi- tion that the north lot line be set in a way that satisfies the ABCA, letting the two parties work out an acceptable setback. Voting in favour were Coun. Brian Barnum (Central l luron), Coun. George Robertson (South Huron), Coun. Art Vers- teeg (llowick), Coun. John Grace (Goderich), Coun. Tyler Hesse) (Bluewater), Coun. David Jewitt (Central Huron), Coun. Bill Siemon (Huron East), Coun. Jim Ginn (Central Huron), Coun. Deb Shewfelt (Goderich) and Coun. Neil Rin- toul (ACW). Voting against were Coun. Paul Kropp (Bluewater), Coun. Neil Vincent (North Huron), Coun. Joe Steffler (Huron East), Coun. Paul Gowing (Morrls- Tumberry), Coun. Bill Dowson (Bluewater), Coun. David Frayne (South Huron), Coun. Ben Van Dlepenbeek (ACW) and Coun. Jim Dietrich (South Huron). Absent were Coun. Bernie MacLellan (Huron East) and CONTINUED > PAGE 10 Wednesday, February 23, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 9 RUILTl . iTWGIII CUSTOM TRUCK /,,EVENT/// r>e S* eieas XTR *MA option) equlpmant shown CUSTOMIZE YOUR FORD TRUCK WITH r•8000 + 100 10 MANUFACTURER REBATE 2011 RCC.AIB SPORT Y.BI/100NMMry.11Sy100t1M qtRtr" Matalt 4W1111a aoaea.._...116,•00 .loll POO ONO 1L47!► (Wtw ern we.' $6"10 Marwfaat .(.t Nobble and eichrdes taws $1,000' sratan 2011 F1.50 REGULAR CAB XL 8.91/1.0010‘11,01, 12.N1,/1COAM air' slaaTw tow 0.0141u 1 I K1 t TRA CHAkra FORt1 , L •, 1 OM ACCI CSORtE'. . •.. • ,'1 • 1.0 .•/7 ti NI .a %11151 I it :air. 1 .rt a' NNW Lariat uvular Mame 2011 F250 SUPERDUTY itBEST IN CLASS FUEL ECONOMY' saAMJMOT osit maa.n..._.. .. 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