HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2012-02-08, Page 20Wednesday, February 9, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance -19 Lots happening at Queensway Queensway's Auxiliary & Family 'ncil met Tuesday morning :'several topics were covered. Members who had participated in the Alzheimer's Walk for Memo- ries offered information regarding funds raised. Residents who were unable to travel to the South I luron location were assisted to participate by walking & wheeling several laps of the halls of Queen- sway with Restorative Staff. Social Worker Shirley l ball attended the Family Council Mtg. to offer infor- mation about new long terns care regulations and the way in which Family Councils are being empowered to play a meaningful role iti the life of the Facility. Residents are looking forward to Kippen united Church women providing assistance and prizes for the Monday afternoon Bingo games and especially using the new Bingo equipment includ- ing cards with sliding tinted win- dows to pull over the numbers. Residents were pleased to welcome Pastor !illy Dow as she lead the Tuesday morning Church Service with Volunteers Joyce Pepper on piano anti Kay Bahs'f Faith "The publication o/'high thoughts is the dynamic power in the arteries o%'!t/t', it is the very soul of'the world " For information an devotimutl gatherings call 519-238-8092 www.ca.babaiorg www.bahallambtonshores.org • Come Worship with Us Knox Presbyterian Church 2 Main St. Hayfield Reverend Susan Moore Phone 519-565-2913 Sunday February 13 Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. "Abdo charc/t with a great big heart" Grand Bend United Church Main Street at Queen 519-238-2402 Minister: Rev. Harry Dasher Organist: Elva Mclntyre www.grandbcnd-greenwaypc.com Sunday February 13 11:00 a.m. Epiphany VI Reverend I1nny Disltler Sermon: "Follow Which Leader" Mock ushering Residents. In the afternoon several Residents benefited from Sensory Hand Spa which includes hand soaks and a warm wax treatment. In the evening Wil Workout was scheduled in the Sunroom. Food Committee meeting drew a good crowd on Thursday as residents offered input on menu items and suggestions for upcom- ing Resident choice meals. Baking group will be busy on Wednesday making heart shaped sugar cook- ies for the Valentines party. In acknowledgement of February being 11eart & Stroke Awareness Highway 21 at Ausable Cut Church 519-243-2144 Pastor (.Treks Gin tried 10:30 a.tn. Worship ax1 Sunday School (nursery provided) February 13th Message: A Superior Priesthood Mid -week service Thurriday 7:30 p.m. month the Residents Muffin Fundraiser held in the Cafe Thurs- day February 10th will see funds raised donated to Heart & Stroke. The large lounge was full for Friday evening's entertainment by guitarist and singer Cam Denotnnte. Residents swig along to several of their favourites as Cam rocked on in the lounge. COMING EVENTS Saturday February 12th 2 p.m. Valentines Party with music by Lisa Stewart Thursday Febraury 24th 7 p.m. Birthday Party with Martin Gelinas. "Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness." (Psalm 29:2) Jut tlt listie "mashie Oa bout" brow 7lnmasarGdR I y(5i!)3$3497 Wail whale. mine Iakeshoreadvance,com St. Peg's Lutheran Churg (ELCIC) Zurich, Ont. Rev. Nadine Schtucder-Kranz Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson Secretary Jennifer Srhdlenlxrger, Office 519-2.164697 Sunday, February 13 6th Sunday after Epiphany Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Coffee Hour 11:00 a.m. We the people of St. Peter's arc called, by the grace of God, to be a welcoming & worshipping congregution, growing in faith through the gospel & reaching out to our community & the world. Grand Bend Church of Cod Come worship with us Highway 81 and Gill Rood Phone 519-238-2142 Sunday, February 13 Brian Laidler 9:30 - 10:30 Adult Sunday School 10:30 - 11 a.m. Coffee Time 11:00 a,rn, Worship Service Wed. I:30 p.m. Prayer & 131bk Study www.grandbendeburchorgod.org Everyone Welcome Wheelchair Accessible Zurich Mennonite Church 37818 Z aid: Hensen Rd, Yikat of Zmfch 519-236-4933 www.kinOrrfekkommon.ca Lead Parton Tim Doherty ZMC - Pastor Tom Roes Sunday February 13 9:30 a.m. Worship Gathering Pastor Tom Roes No Sunday School 6:00 p.m. The Gathering Place Everyone Welcome Zion Lutheran Church LC -C I 148 Frederick St., Dashwood Rev. John E. i'rembulak 519-237-3548 Sunday, February 13 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Family Worship Everyone Welcome www.hay/net/-bnz bnz@hay.net United Church of Canada Minister Macey Whitson -Hates Sunday February 13 Calvary in Dashwood 9:30 a.m. Emmanuel in Zurich at 11:00 a.m. San. Feb. 13- Calvary annual meeting and lunch following church service Sum. Feb. 27- Esmnranuel annual meeting at 9.•30 am. with lunch following church service Muffin Time Tues. from 10-11 am. Everyone Welcome Community Church Service Directory Rejoice Together ST. JOHN'S LYTHE- KE 144111CAN 0.11104 Highway. 21, north of Grand Bend Oftice 519-238-2489 sl.johns@hay.net The Rett red F3rftterCnot o ne It. Duatalt Wednesday February 9 1:00 p.m. 13CP Service and holy Eucharist The Trial: An Examination of the I3ook of lob Scripture Study Sunday February 13 Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist ALL WELCOME FOREST BAPTIST CHURCH A warm evangelical expression of the body of Christ in North t ambton Lo- cated between Prince/Albert Sts at Wellington & Queen Sts In Forest 99 -Heb— Pastor Laurie Morris IputoriaucitWorestbaptisual Sunday February u: Sunday School for all ages at 9:4o am MORNING WORSHIP—ro:So am 'The Christ Whom Paul Preached' nursery/lr Church EVENING SERVICE - 6 pm THE TRUTH PROJECT ',Il—WHAT IS TRUTH? Everyone welcome to this outstanding presentation with Del Tackett