HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-12-28, Page 15Wednesday, December 28, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 15
Changing lanes at Town and Country lanes
Lakeshore Advance
Saturday Morning Y.B.C. - Dec. 17/11
Jaclyn Patterson -109, 280
Tyler McKinnon - 82,193
Charlie Burton - 64,168
Logan Ciendennkllg -104, 304
Brady Laporte -124, 356
Isaac Ward -147, 390
Austin Armstrong -154, 410
ibBrooktynn Shave -161, 444
Ashley Jones -171, 450
Aaron Death -182, 464
Heather Hendriks - 204, 466
David Hunt - 218, 561
Lauren Regier - 240, 691
Monday Night Ladies - Dec. 19/11
Lane 3: lot'atlnt' Durand - 190, 513
Lane 4: Elaine Dinars- 184
Sabrina Desch - 500
Lane 5: Arlene Svyler - 184
Elaine Weido - 475
Lane 6: Suzalu(' - 285
Barb Robinson - 649
Ladie's High Average:
llarh Robinson - 203
Tuesday Night Mens - Dec. 20/11
Lane 1: Bob Pcllow - 329
Les (:olt'lllan - 762
Lane 2: Lucas Walper - 164, 483
Lane 3: Yvon Laurin - 229, 509
Lane 4: Chris Mayne - 200
Dirk 1 loonard - 51)2
Bah&t'i Faith
"Religion a11(1 Science W('
inter -twined with each
other (111(1 cannot be
separated. These are the
two wings %%'ith which
humulin' must ,l y.
One wing is not enough"
}kn information un local Children's ('lyses
and the Junior Youth Empowerment Program
call 519.238.8092 or visit these web sites:
Come Worship with Us
Knox Presbyterian Church
2 Main St. Hayfield
Phone 519-565-2913
January 1
Worship Service
at 11:00 a.m.
"A Me church w iii a prat big here"
Grand Bend United Church
Main Street at Queen
Minister: Rev. Harry Risher
Organist: Elva McIntyre
January 1
Happy New Year!
Service at Grand Bend
only, at 11:00 am.
Reverend Harry Dasher
Sermon: Salvation in Sight.
All W k me
Lane 5: Ralph Koopnxuls - 247, 578
Lane 6: Derck 1)ucharinl' - 273, 752
Men's High Average:
I .es ( :olenta11 - 256
Wednesday Morning Ladies - Dec, 21/11
Lane 5: Haab Robinson - 207, 519
Lane 6: Rebecca Wilder - 200, 525
Jack WaNace -103,122, Jamie LMng-
ston- 119, 110, RoyTebow-116,
171, Braden Huley - 95,119, Bev
Claus - 96,130, Devin Scott -134,
119, 71m Goodland - 75,108, Gord
Dickson -133,170, Mary Lou Masse
- 95,110, Roger Rammeloo -82,88,
Wayne Welber - 81, 40, Rebecca
i�Ba tlst
Highway 21 at
Ausahle ('ut
charlcs,gineerich*gtnatl corn
Pastor: chodo ;in arch
Sunday, January 1st
10:30 a.m. Worship and Sunday School
(nursery provided)
"The Year of Our Lord 2012"
Mid•week service
Thursday 7:00 p.m.
Pickering -100, 99, Janice Shanow
-149,131, Brent Butson -103,120,
Bnlce Stubbs - 88,137, Joe Fehle -
79, 66, Betty Emerik - 90,99, Cassie
Heron -113,107, David Bressette -
158,124, Debbie Brownlee -127,
112, Marley Baker -102, 78, Brent
Storey -149,149, Judy Hansen -
Harold Kumrn - 94,109.
FRIENDS - DEC. 22/11
Lane 1: Grace Foskeu - 193
1)on MacLeod - 475
Large 2: Bert Steenhnis - 183, 460
Lane 3: Mike Iudanyi - 270, 629
Lane 4: Ralph Simons - 223, 532
St. Peter's Lutheran Church (El.CIC)
Zurich, Ont. LJL,
Rev. Nadine Schroeder- km/ U1
( )rglutist Mrs. Christine Eagleson �
Secretary Jennifer Schellenherger. Otlice 519-236-4697
Sunday, January 1st
First Sunday after Christmas with
Holy Communion
Service at 10:00 a.m,
No Sunday School
Coffee Hour at 11:00 a.m.
Celebrating 150 Years in 2011
1861 - Generations of Faith - 2011
Grand Bend Church of (;od
Come worship ►Pith u.1'
Hwy 81 and Gill Road Phone 519-238-2142
Sunday, January 1
Speaker: Stan Desjardine
9:30 - 10:3(1 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages
10:30 - 11:(x) a.m. Coffee Time
11:(1(1 a.m. Worship Service
('ome Join our Youth Group for ages 11-18
at 6:45 p.m. Sunday Evenings
Wednesday 1:30 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study
Everyone Welcome Wheelchair Accessible
Zurich Mennonite Church
31518 Zurich IlensaII Rd., West of Zurich
Iliad Pastor: 'nm Doherty
7.M(' • Pastor: Tum Rocs
Sunday, January 1
9:30 a.m.
Worship Gathering
Pastor Tom Rocs
No 11:00 a.m. Sunday
Everyone Welcome
Ladie's High Average: (;race Foskeu - 158
Men's High Average: Mike 1udanyi 179
One God, One Saviour,
One Spirit, One church
"Now this is eternal life: that
they may know you, the only
true Cod, and Jesus Christ,
whom you have sent."
(John 17:3)
ilgiVyty Aai.,ni M our J`auiorwl
,/rut a lime "outside tate box"
FOr mot a inbrartlon,
Moss or (hall Wry (519)243.197
Rekord or Paine FtitlMier M9)2434114
Zion Lutheran Church 14C -C
ify 148 Frederick St., Dashwood
Rev. John E. 'l'renthulak
Sunday, January 1
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Adult l3iblc Class
11:00 a.m. Family Worship
Everyone Welcome
www.huy/net/-hni hnz(u hay. net
United Church
s: of Canada
o Minister: Tt . ey Whitse n-Baluo
Sunday, January 1
9:30 a.m. at Emmanuel
United, Zurich
11:00 a.m. at Calvary
United, Dashwood
Alts(%in Time Tuesday,
.firm) 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Everyone Welcome
Everyone Welcome
Church Service
Rejoice Together
BY -111E -LAKE
Hwy. 21, North of Grand Bend
st .johns (u) hay. net
Web: www.stjohnsgrandbend.ca
St. Anne's, Port Franks:
Sunday, January 1st
The Naming of Jesus
K:3() a.m.
Morning Prayer
St. John's -by -the -Lake:
Sunday, January 1st
The Naming of Jesus
10:00 a.m.
1loly Eucharist
"A Community of Faith to ('all Home"
The Reverend Father (irayhatne R. Howcott
Saturday December 31st - 7 pmt
11 �) l I t
C it �) Li qday January 1st -6 pm
7:00 pm Courageous
a beep Owlet mobte presentation
Sunday January let
9:50 a.m. Sunday School
10:50 am Communion service
Prince and Wellington Sts, Forest 786-3480
A warm welcome For everyone to attend(
Start the New Year off by being in God's house