HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-12-21, Page 17Wednesday, December 21, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 17 classifiedextra.ca Canada's largest and most trusted print and online classifieds network Place it on classifiedextra.ca Phone:, -88s-786-7821 Online: lakeshoreadvance,classifiedextra.ca Miscellaneous 35%40% OFF. All clothing, western oots, Jewellery, art, iftware, tack. Great selection western shirts & winter coats/Jackets/vests. In- ventory sale starts Jan 5th. Caralot Clothier, 35619 Salem Rd., (519) 294.0494. Thurs., Fri., Sat. 9:30-5. Black & Decker full size food processor, used only twice, in box $85.00. Kitchen Aid Professional Immer- sion Wender with attachments, never used, in box. $95.00. Call 519-238.6946 after 6 p.m. Antiques & Art Collectibles WM. KETTLE Antiques wishes to buy largo or small estate lots of turn,• two, will also buy single Moms. Forest 510.786.4847 Auto for Sale 2007 HYUNDAI Elantra GLS Sport, heated seats, sunroof, 87,000 km, snow tires and rims included. $11,000. Call 519.612- 1757. Apartments 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartment, 156 Main St., Dashwood. Newly decorated. Newly painted and hardwood floors $650.00 por month for 2bd. 1 bd $525 first and last required. Hydro heat and garbage Included. Call 519.237.3510 2 BEDROOM upstairs apartment, Main St, Grand Bend. 4 appli- ances. Lease, adults, available Immediately. 519.238.5240. Leave message. 2+ BEDROOM pent- house, newly renovated, laminate floors, skylight, 5675/month + utilities. Also spacious ono bedroom, high ceilings, secured building. Available immediately. $500/month plus utilities. Both units lo- cated in Dashwood. Phone 226-218-4444 GRAND BEND 2 bdrm apartment Year round, utilities and parking in- cluded, no laundry, first and last. Call Liz 519.238-2512. Apartments GRAND BEND two bedroom apartment tor rent yearly. Close to downtown, utilities ex- tra. First and last. Laundry and parking. CaII 519-238-5802. ZURICH, spacious 2 bedroom apartment with controlled entry. Washer and dryer hookup. Suitable for seniors. Call Rau Man- or 519.236-4607 Condos/Lofts /Twnhse-Rent LAKEFRONT Condo - Stunning 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, Jacuzzi, en - suite. $900.00/ month. Call Marie 248-496-6294 Cottages/Chalets Seasonal Rentals WINTER RENTALS available immediately, newt' renovated, small 2 bedroom cottage $700. Call Brian Taylor 973-219-3098. Fauns and Farmlands WANTED TO RENT or sharecrop good cash crop land. Short or long term. Paying top dollar. Contact A1111/1 Villa Farms, Jason 519-525-0509 Houses for Rent COUNTRY, 3 bedroom home for rent near Dashwood. $700.00 per month, plus utilities. Call Tom 519-317-0857. House For Sale LAKEFRONT,Condo - Stunning 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom,acuzzi, en - suite $299,000. Call Marie 248-496-6294 Land for Sale l-01 tor Sale 111 Woo t.nko Estates, Grand Bond 111 feet backing along old Ausnblo River with 95' street frontage 011(1 sides measuring 190' & 163: Only 129, 900$ Call owner 519.238.1277 Storage Space for Rent STORAGE TRAILER RENTAL 400 square foot of stackable storage per 48' trader. Short and long term rates, pickup and delivery. Call TTK Transport Inc. Godorich, Ontario. 519-524-4331 Doors h Windows WINDOWS & DOORS Call for a Iron esti- mate. Sales, Service and Installation. Blue water Windows & Doors, 145 Huron R(1., Godorich, 524-1520, o - mail salesrObluewater- windows ca or 48 Ontario St. N., Grand Bond, 519 -238 -Door (3667), o-rnail bluewa- tersalesOhay.net, www.biuowaterwln- dows.ca Business Services ,HONEY DO" property maintenance • Home repairs, odd lobs, grass cutting, trim- ming, snow removal. Large properties easily maintained Glenn Pfaff 519.237.3835 HANDYMAN Need an odd Job done? No bob too small. Bob Dietrich. 12 Mary St. Zurich. Phone 519-236-4989 Please leave mas- sage. DUTCH'S PROPERTY Maintenance • snow removal, property up- keep, minor repairs. Call today for a no obli- gation quote. Bill and Dave Brady cell: 519-691-6515 home: 519-237-3139 Quality Work tor a Reasonable Price STEAM CLEANING, of carpets and uphol- stery. Thorough cleaning. Fast drying. Call Nils Swenson 519.296.4721. General Help Wanted FIND YOUR WAY to a rewarding new career, Search our listings, and find your next job now! General Help Wanted AZ TRUCK DRIVER, TTK Transport is taking applications for a full time truck driver. Based out of Goderich, must be able to cross border. Clean abstract, FAST card eligible and Passport required. Excellent wage package with driver and family benefits. Please fax resume and drivers abstract to TTK 11°ansport Inc. Fax 519-524-9858 or drop It off at our office 551 Mooney Street Goderlch House For Sale House For Sale General Help Wanted General Help Wanted Fax: 1-866-757-0227 Email: placeit.suna'Iclassifiedextra,ca General Help( Wanted PERSONAL LINES UNDERWRITER McKillop Mutual is a regional property and casualty insurer located in Seaforth. We are seeking an experienced personal lines underwriter. The ideal candidate will have at least five years' experience in residential and automobile underwriting and will have their CIP designation or be actively working towards it . We offer a competitive salary and benefit program and excellent working conditions, including Flextime. Please forward your resume to Brenda McCarthy, Underwriting Manager at the address below, or by email brenda@mckillopmutual.com McKillop Mutual Insurance Company P.O. Box 819, 91 Main Street, South Seaforth, On NOK1 WO r,R1MCi/Ml 11Y ill 11. BLUEWATER 2001 The municipality of Illuc\water is accepting ;ll1pliratiuns for the following postlio0: Building inspector / By-law Enforcement ()Nicer Reporting to the Chief Building Official, the Budding Inspcc- tor'Bw-I.aw I:nlinrcement Officer is responsible for reviewing building plains, performing necessary inspections to ensure compliance with Ontario Building ('ode and toning by-laws, entilreement of municipal by-laws, an(1 lilllo\w up with rate - pavers to achie\e municipal by-law compliance. Applications will he ueeeptcd up to 4:30 p.m. on I'hursday, January 5th, 2012. We (hank all candidates tier their interest, however, only those under consideration will he contacted. Forward applications addressed to: T. Masse, ('hien' Building Official Municipality of lilac\wafter 14 X1111 Avenue, P.O. Box 250 /.urieh, NOM 2'I11 Fax: 0191 16-412' I':nuut: 1.nwsse(tt' to\wn.hluc\water.ou.ca House For Sale Brokerage House For Sale QtindeendRealEstate.com 519-238-5700 Nei Pedlar tlrc>k.t a Ii.tt,M lime Pallor s&i.* f1K, Office Space ri ilii l't 111(')1 !c Rent il, sell it BUY Irl' your moments.('a Marking your milestones. For Obituaries call: 1-877-750-5054 Fax: 1-866-485-8461 e -mall: obltuaries;a'yourlifemoments,ca All other moments call: 1-888-786-7821 Fax: 1-866-757-0227 ••mall: milestones,sun*yourlifemoments.ca Obituaries In Memoriam Thanks Births Celebrations More Coming Events Coming Events BRINGING "Love' to Africa - presentation by Charlene Love on Wednesday Decem- ber 28 at 7 p.m., St. John's Church, Grand Bend. For info contact lovenesthay.not. In Memorianls In Memorianls SWIDERSKI In loving memory of a dear friend Mary, who passed away December 14, 2004. Friendship never has an end, And is cherished forever. Lovingly remembered by Ann David In Loving Memory lien McKenzie Thomas Burnett .Illl� .10, I(1 t1 to December 2(1, 2002 11111 ilrr' 111 out 1/Iilingih ,liit! 111 our hearts 'g'e'l,\' llluulle o/ ('t'e'rn' 1.0\ e \1cm1 1 Kati McKim/let ,\ Bob \1 1Iltosh, Aunt (1' Nickell/lc ,\ .I0(' ,\chill. itt1l1 ,'011.1l1. Itrek0ke .\ 1'rc.lew \\'cllrll►1cin. 1. ;runtll,,urnt..Ican ,` the lade Angus McKrniic. ltnele Inn \lcKeniie, Rol) McIntosh fi .lett McIntosh Ricin