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Lakeshore Advance, 2011-12-21, Page 11
Lakeshore Athens Sounds of season by Michael VanHevel a blessing The sounds of Michael VanHevel were more than a blessing this holiday season. On a GeoTeck produced CD, his songs of the season were a great substitute to all the Geo Teck clients who usually got Christmas cards from this company. And the extra copies were distributed for a donation with proceeds going to Blessings in Zurich. David Rice of Rice Developments started the ball rolling with a $500 donation and by Friday, that amount became $1,075 thanks to local generosity. The CD is filled with the fabulous voice of VanHevel singing your favourite Christmas songs. To receive your copy for a donation call 519-238-5313. VanHevel, 20 tomorrow (December 22) has completed his post secondary education and is now focusing on his music career. Call him direct at 519-318-8921. Shown here receiving the check from VanHevel is Blessings is Ruth Gingerich. siRiusiL SATELLITE RADIO MOND al wail Ns Iqp Nltqu .L":11WEIlliliiiI` pQ Q 'yQ� h .It1 it ifillildlePIZWINIdtk tq 1fR ` 4/11*!ry ; ti 1' i i1 ..� t lay Vg < s 451440!�' P 1' .1;1 1 §1b; _,,2; 1/1, 011 -SKr a it�' p A hateijib'Nitd b� ;t i it !;::'''-',il4iii;;;t. • 14104. F ' ti sit' 4 Pl.' liF .11 41:i; iIi.!'1iit: e !Pi i t ib • . —. Q M i.�.�s � �! :::7',:;!:::!: kt r'jrgrkt 1I.. glee' 1:!:8!IMVIT!!!d: i5U FAre --m VI :,0Fcr.., tAl Ilt04ilerii9P !!!F!!!!!!::!!! 1;114t10140 '� Ag'g,0�t M:-}Sixya a ::!!:(]!!!!!!!:!!!! iryrt 11;11 PV01r 1� a � A1 IOW T. ,� M,'I,E�� i...;;0i0i014i2c1*- G 2• IZ1:11:11E1:°:1/4:!:11;!!!4'11:°h:1‘ 'li��s Riq,`a��'111��ApbM��>.�1 f Allis �1 u$t1i'� a 8 xr411!1"AP(.40.0i1!IlidITY14tlINIWIliillig;stillk4aW4i1AWkii;::.1.4;;:::;;;:11": s Dasa «OL!RS CENIAIN DATE RESiRK I O , Avt<v OfFIRSNUT AVAILABLE Al THE .".AME TIME 0111CIRMSR 16-30 CNOOOR INN WCT sg.500, ' OR MANUFACTURER 1 REBATES Wednesday, December 21, 2011 • Lakeshore Advance 11 NOW MORD CHOICI THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. OOCOiIIINR 31 -JANUARY is CHOOSE wro On real NW 2011•AS 7Otttr.odlm J0,111.150 +a. Is 111,0.1.1 Stumm 2011 F-150 OWN Super Cab XLT ONRY 4X4 5.OL ge©o BUILT TOUGH O/O APR FINANCED BI -WEEKLY FOR ow MONTHS WITH $O DOWN PAYMENT. WPialItCtUDISTAXIS VALIDPNOM DICIMNRIA. 0,2011 10.SLii oke 27MP0 HWY*• 15.0L.'ioo m 19MPOCITY" It 101lILt CUSTOMI RS CAN RICIIVI AN AD01T10NAl $1000 COSTCO INC INTIM ANO $2.500 IN Ntl. rCltl <MUR MI INCtNtPit, CANADA'S 2012 UEICAP$14 XLT AUTO CT s"' FOR Y el 990APR FINANCED el -WEEKLY FOR 60 MONTHS WITH s0 DOWN PAYMENT. INCLUOas 8750" WINTER SAFETY PACKAGE CASH ALTERNATIVE OMR 1ICLUOIS TAXIS VALID IROTA OICIMNR 16-30.2011 AlIS7.1L'tOokm 40MPO HWY" 10.0L.' ookm 28MP0 Car " 1110161/ CUSIOMIRS CAN WW1 AN ADDITIONAL *1.000 CCATCO INCINT NI AND $1.00014 MC rCt I 1 VUR MEM INS( 141 IVES 2012 EDGE GET % PURCHASE FINANCING FOR APR' UP 26 MONTHS TO 10121001ON SILK TWOOLS AND OIT — $750" WINTER SAFETY PACKAGE CASH ALTERNATIVE WHIR IKCIUDIS TAIIS VALID PROM OICiMNA le )0.2011 AI7.8L iookm 36MPO HWY. " liveLllookrr, 24MPO my— ELIEMILIORPONIIISOO AN ADOITONAL. St0000111teolicINTIYIAHl)a000*I KAt VOUS HIM INCINTMS .h�• 1 l v.1,. .I 015* U1.'lullr 1 110111 An 11I. 1'PSA 415111* StVW.N,I'lllp 11041.• 1 0vh•0mW1t.H fJc A.1.1 Iminlatfnt lm *151 N•illilI11.5) fres 01 up 1)) $1411• tt1e11111 hall)* 01 U11 LI $I!i) rout ,l SPh<Able t aor-. 11.1n 1111.s n1.oy NV• $6.1.00* Host we NM VONCU. 114001 tits 2•01 to MINIMA 0ORMt4)..()A0Dew4 01=114.40 tom Mt1'1 wwillltf+tAAh 0r r* ai' StlEfa s s1,000, 0MITL .cAVEMCSIIIL Hurry in and get the vehicle and offer you've been thinking about. Only at your Ontario Ford Store. Drive one. ontarloford.ca