HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-12-21, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, December 21, 2011 Adhoc group address the public regarding wastewater services Lynda Hillman-Rapley Lakeshore Advance After ten Meetings the north Grand Bend Adhoc group presented their findings to it public forum on December 10th at the Grand fiend Legion. It was this group's man- date to review taxpayers issues and concerns per- taining to the S'I'F and the' need for the extension of wastewater services 0) the resi- dents and businesses of Zones 3 & 4, as identified in the 'Grand fiend & Area Master Plan' and make recommendation(s) to Council on the need for such a system and a pr'eferr'ed option to service these areas, if need is established.'1he committee included Bill Weber, Elizabeth Davis-1)agg, David Maguire, Doug Bonesteel, Carl Belke • Zone 3 representative & (:hair, Ernie Lewis Zone 3 representative, Icon Boire - 'Lune 4 repre- sentative, James Munn - Zone 4 representa- tive and Adrian Vrolyk Zone 4 representative. The agenda Included topics were: - Need for Improved Sewage Treatment: C. Belke 11 - Cost /Benefit Analysis of S'l'1'/(:olle'c- tion Systems: E. Lewis 111 - Future Options of Sewage Treatment: C. Belke iV -Taxpayer and laser Fee Issue's: E. Lynda Hillman -Replay There were close to 150 at the Dec. 10th public meeting for the Adhoc findings. The ten meetings are posted on the municipal website and will be presented to council in January. http://www.lambtonshores.ca/living/localgovernment/other meetings.htm Davis -Dag; V - Communication with'1'axpaye'rs: B. Weber In the intro Belke said, "in the 1990's and on, the Pinery Park continued to experience large number of visitors to the point Park officials became concerned with their abil- ity to handle the sewage responsibly. The The Municipality of Larnbton Shores I.. . . _ 0 '. Rt{ I+ittFipitirl+er: !.i3'llf•°,i, r!'±)' LIVING IN LAMIdTON SHORES••. A Im0/5 UAW. a, the MARA,* F vont' in you, UnnIrn My Administration Deportment - 7883 Amtelecom Parkway, forest, Ontario NON IJO 11)1 1-e77.788•2335. 51D -78e•2335, Far 519.188.7135. !marl adminstrationailemblonslxxee CA 1 sit our Web Sne at www teml4onsixx*s ce Naming a Private Road In leach O'Plnest Please be advised that the Municipality of Larnblon Shores hes been asked to name is private road / Right of Way wIthin the Reach O Pines subdivision The proposed name for the right of way shown below Is'DuChamte lane' Council will consider a road naming bylaw at Its meeting hell Janua[Y ft, all at 7:00 p m Note the naming of lhii toad wIa not affect or change the status of the road Nonce TO ALL CONTRACTORS: CHAMOIS TO TWO ONTARIO BUILDING COM Please be adHad that as of January 1r, 7017, ell new residential axisauctlon must meet the new requirements of 'Sulpplemawtary Standard 88.17 • Energy Eft iency For Housing' This Supplementary Standard provides prssatpNve requirements to achieve an acceptable * leakage rale and energy SAldency level as an seem** Io edwvtrg a ming o180 **en evakiat.d In eccordanoe web the technical requirements of NRCan s '1nerOudde ter New Hanes Administrative and TedxrcaI Procedures', January 2005 A complete copy of this doou hent is avertable on the feuntripaaty of 1 ambo n Shores websile Under Municipal *wines - Building Permits and Inspections Attention Community Groups: 2012 Grants The l amldm Shorts Community Orad Application form is now avilMMs on the Mury„pal *shed• at wlYaiasiltu11sbutel ca Ati4cabm l,,ni ere also available in hard espy al any l amMon Shores Munw*al oak • Competed epplrraIl n forms must be sudm,ned by t)wc•nWu 31 7011 and cid dropped off at any lamblon Shores Munk:100 (Ace or mated to The Munnpakty of lamblon Shores. Community WHOM Department Ann F aaktator of Riscreabon and Tetsuo' 9575 Port Franks Road NR 1. Thedlxd, ON NOMJN0 11 you have any questions or concerns abed as pad appacabon arm or the grant application pro»esplease contact the Community %Mcrae Department at 1 88e 943.1400 2011 - 2012 Holiday Skate Schedule Tan Norton's Invitee you to twiny some time with your family and friends and skate for tree at your local arena For Ase Holiday Skating times phase o« our Munkllpal **ban* of hoots D nitZ9[aa si YIN Nese Christmas Holiday Business Hours During IM Christmas A New veers Holiday Season. the lamblon Shores Municipal dams in Forsat and Grand Bend w111 be dosed December 74” 0 January 2", and wet be back in full *Nice Tuesday. January 34, 2012 the lambkin Shores Community SIMACes Department w.e be own for business December 78" a 79 During gee Holiday Season to Community Swam* Dopanrnent wed be on duty to ensure that winter rood maintenance and snowpkwving and other essential servkw ars delivered Miring Ihe same period Holiday Schedule for Garbage & Recycling Pickup l here will M m (forges to 59 9w t' 9. and re yrmng pickup u' beds. ow the llokday Basan For further oro nrlan plea.• contort M Communry S•rvrc.s noel a1 51u 743 1400 oe 1 606 041.1400 CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING the MurxrrpaMy of tambton Shores *45 once ayes provide Chnstmas tree drop o11 depots from Jlnuery ant • 15bi Depots are k'ated al the ktllowwp Community Services Yards 11878 Pod Franks Road •Nor1hv1l1 10 Ann 01 • Forest For further information please contact the Community Service Department al 519.243.1400 or 1.888-943.1400 Park commissioned Dillon Consulting to rec- ommend options for future wastewater man- agement. 'she pre'ferr'ed option was to install a low pressure sewer collection system and 1)ipe the sewage to the Grand 13en(1 lagoon." "As Park officials began negotiating with Lanlhton Shores, Council decided it was an opportune time to review wastewater servic- ing in Lanlhton Shores in view of the capacity required by the Pinery and pending new developments such as Sow hbend Estates. With their Pinery experience, Dillon was hired to develop a new plan." "'Ihe final report known as the 'Grand Bend & Area Sanitary Sewage Servicing Master Plan' was endorsed by Council in 2006. 'the study area included the shoreline areas of north Lanlhton Shores (later referred to as Zones 4 & 3), the shoreline and corridor along I Iwy 83 to Dashwood in South I lemon became Zone 2 and finally the Bluewater shoreline to St. Joseph as Zone 1. " The presentation outlined: The 'Master Plan' called for 3 major projects: ■ the construction of a forcemain from the Pinery to the GB lagoon ■ the expansion and upgrade of the Grand Bend Sanitary Treatment Facility to a mechanical plant to service the entire area • the provision of municipal sanitary sewage services in all areas The justification for a new Sanitary Treat- ment Facility (STF) was 2 fold: IN the lagoon was 25 years old and would require rejuvenation ■ with commitments to accept flows from the Pinery and other new developments, the lagoon was reaching full capacity The justification for a sewer collection sys- tem was based on the following arguments: ■ many septic systems in '(.one 3 were approaching the end of their life expect- ancy and would need to be replaced ■ lot sizes in these areas could not accommo- date new system regulatory guidelines • the shallow aquifer along the shoreline was susceptible to contamination from septic systems - this statement carne from a stn ve'v study conducted in 2005 by Dillon (:on- sultants & Golder Associates "In order to proceed with any infrastructure project that affects the taxpayer, the m0111( 1 pality and consultant must conduct an Envi runnlental Assessment protocol. 'Ihe Pinery forcentain project was titled "North Lanlhton Shores Pumping Station & Pressure Sewer" project and although the EA procedure was conducted with notification, many /.one 4 residents were not aware that a sewer collec- tion system in their neighborhood was part of the Pinery EA. Long after Ministry of the Environment approval of the Pinery EA, resi dents complained to Council of the oversight with the result that early this year, Council passed it 113011011 to remove the requirement of a low pressure collection system for the Zone 4 EA but resolution has been put on hold until this Committee presents its report w Council," said Belke. "As part of the EA process 113 Zone 3, it Pub lic Information Centre was held in Sep 20011 when residents were informed that the pre- ferred option for a sewer collection system was to use low pressure piping with an out- side grinder pump at each household. Most residents in attendance were opposed to t) ' proposal based on the operation and snail !lance of the grinder pumps. in x(1(110013 the. was a call for proof that there was a justifiable need for a sewer system." Belke said, "Please allow 1311' to digress front the story for a moment to briefly discuss sew- age. Many centuries ago people learned that raw sewage cannot be dumped into stream, rivers and lakes without endangering theii health and the environment. Normal raw sewage consists of the following substances: ■ suspended solids (pleasured in trig/l.), ■ E. coli, ■ or'ganic illiltt('1' - Measured by a tlilit ktunv11 as BOD or. Biological Oxygen Demand, • inorganic matter - phosphate, ammonia nitrates (measured in nig/1,) As a consequence, sewage 11111St be treated to remove most of these substances. In both Zones :i & 4, this is done by means of septic systems"