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Lakeshore Advance, 2011-12-14, Page 4
4 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesda , December 14, 2011 opinion www.lakeshoreadvance.com Metlare Avanco PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O.BOX 1195 58 Ontario St., North Grand Bend ON NOM 1TO phone: 519-238-5383 fax: 519-238-5131 email: ladvance®bowesnet.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Medea Company NEIL CLIFFORD Publisher/Advertising Manager ncllttordebowesnet.com LYNDA HILLMAN-RAPLEY Editor (advanceObowesnet.com STEVE NORTHEY Advertising Sales MARK STEPHEN Advertising Sales JULIE HARRISON Typesetting/Classifieds KATHY YOUNG Accounts Receivable editorial Municipalities are corporations and need business minded g,u�rrane(.(.people 'Think back to October 2010- remem- development." 'That's kind of odd td not waterways. I can almost T • ' ' her that municipal election? We voted want development- but to each his those concerns continue today. A com- munity that thrives for Blue Flag must have the desire for a clean lake. The Tri -municipal group has been quite good at keeping the public informed as to their plans and deci- sions. We all knowwith the absence of information- all the information- we have misinformation. And it is difficult to make good decisions with misinfor- mation. Councils rely on staff and pro- fessionals to help thein make the deci- sions that will form our future. But it all comes down to their ability, the voted member of council, to see beyond today - for the ratepayers and their children and grandchildren. And here we are today. A system that is needed - says the upper tier governments and our elected officials- $14.9 million to help pay for it and elected officials who are supposed to be looking down the road. If that kind of money were say, given back because no one can make a decision for the future- I sure would not want to be the generation who wonders why the council of 2010 would throw that opportunity away. A politi- cian is more than the person who waves at the parade -he or she is the businessperson who works with a team to make decisions for the corporation we call our municipality. for people who were going ars- people who were going to make the hard decisions not only for today - but also certainly for the future. Public input is always a great communication tool- but at the end of the day- the members of council voted in are there to do it job. In the late 1970s- two council's made a decision to build lagoons so there could be a safe sewer system for resi- dents and for future development. And in the last 30 years we have seen busi- nesses and homes for South I luron and Lampton Shores- the former (;rand Rend and Stephen. The lagoon issue has been at the forefront since the 1990s. In the original contract -they hoped the lagoon would last -but those at the helm knew it would not last for- ever. 'The antiquated came up by an upper tier during a conversation last week. Government agencies, engineers, planners have all told us- the end is near for this lagoon. 'they tell us capac- ity will not allow for future growth. A citizen group, those people who did not run for council to make the hard deci- sions- but who are tax payers- say that is "crap': As tax -payers we know with development- taxes decrease. Another citizens group says, "we don't need to be lead - own. Four years alto South 1 luron and Lambton Shores decided they wanted a bigger sewer system facility. South I luron asked Bluewater to come on hoard and the three of them- in a part- nership went to the upper tier govern- ments for dollars. And lo and behold - the government saw the need. 'the agencies had their own records- their own numbers- their own reasons to say yes to $14.9 million dollars. You can bet your bottom dollar no government is going to say yes to this kind of money if they did not see a need. One citizen group says, "they were lied to, they didn't have accurate information:' Really? Some people in the Bend, let's say more than 1,00( have been paying for the current lagoon system for decades. 'There was little choice in those days. As a matter of fact, council minutes of the day tell us if they did not pay by November 1982, they would be penal- ized. And those people have been pay- ing ever since. 'that's good though because they really needed sewers. At that time every small community was dealing with the Ministry handing out dollars that included 40- year deben- tures for the systems. One huge issue in those days was the lakes and letters to the editor givAtiviliakeshoreadvanceacom Go the right thing, says Grand Bend Chamber president, Glen Baillie SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: Regular 839.95 (38.0541.90 GST) Online subscriptions available—eame rates Publications Mall Agreement No. 40084883 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LAKESHORE ADVANCE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.O.Box 1195 58 Ontario St. North Grand Bend ON NOM 1 TO For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns: phone: 519.238.5383 e-mail: IadvanceObowesnet. com Changes of address, orders for aubacriptlons, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to Lakeshore Advance et the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event ole typographical error, the portion of the advertising apace occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertise- ment will be paid at the applicable rates. We acknowledge the financial support oldie Government of Canada thnrugh the Canadian Periodical Hund ((:PN) farour publishing activities, Canada Aocna Member d the Canadian M Nawa{xver Association and nd thM Mann ,a Community Newspapers Association Dear Fellow Chamber members: I am writing this to remind you of the impor- tant decision our municipal councils are facing this corning week regarding the construction of a new sewage treatment facility and of the vital importance to make your opinion heard. There has been a lot of conversation and debate on this subject and 1 have been as atten- tive to as much of it - pro and con - as 1 can. Each of you has a local councillor and a mayor who needs to know where you stand on the issue. Many of us have received partial information on the subject and probably have friends, neighbours and relatives with various opinions - some more assertive than others. Everyone has a right to communicate their views on this project. Since we are only human, those views are affected by a number of factors, such as whether we are retired, on fixed incomes, without children at home, have more immediate concerns to deal with or simply tired of the subject matter. As business owners - our perspective is also affected by the degree of investment we Have in our businesses and our long -terns business plans. Our timelines are perhaps longer than those without businesses and business growth and prosperity (not Just survival) depends on a variety of factors - including the ability of a community to attract and retain new residents, increased tourists and additional business investment. Our needs may in fact contradict the interests of others, who seek a quieter, smaller community. If you have an opinion about public infra- structure, now is the time to make it heard. Speaking as a private citizen and business owner in Grand Bend, 1 have experienced ridi- cule and nudeness when 1 have spoken my mind on this issue. I ant sure many of you have also had similar experiences. 1 fowevei; you can wire your opinion and remain private on the issue. You can communi- cate lvith your elected representatives via email (see the handy list below). We have a rare opportunity for major invest- ment in our community for higher levels of government to pay for two-thirds of the cost of sewage treatment facility. We may not have that opportunity in later years. Please join me in narking your opinion heard. Sincerely Glen Mille, Balllle's Picture Framing EMAIL 10NIfMS: Lambton Shorn Mayor - Bill Weber: bweberelambtonshores.ca Ward 1 - Dave Maguire:dmagulreOlambtonshores.ca Ward 2 - Doug Bonesteel: dbonestee101ambtonshores.ca Ward 3 - Louie Scott: Iscottelambtonshores.ca Ward 4 - Ruth Illman: AllmanOlanlbtonshores.ca Ward 5 - Martin Underwood: mundervvood@lambtonshoros.ca Ward 6 - Doug Cook: dcookOlambtonshoros.ca Ward 7 — John Russell: jrussoll4t?lambtonshoros.ca Bluewater Municipality Mayor - Bill Dowson: wjdowson@tcc.on.ca Deputy Mayor - Paul Klopp: kloppsOhay.net Councillor -at -large - Tyler Hessel: thesselehuroncounty.ca Hay West Ward - John Gillespie: johngillehay.net South Huron Mayor - George Robertson: g.robertsonOsouthhuron.ca Ward 1 - Bill Francis: b.francisesouthhuron.ca Ward 1 - Tom Tomes: t.tomesesouthhuron.ca Ward 2 - Wayne DeLuca: w.deluca©southhuron.ca Ward 2 - Dennis Hockey: d.hockeyOsouthhuron.ca