HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-11-30, Page 2020 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Smoke free outdoor spaces discussed at public meeting
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
There is no safe level of second-hand smoke - even out-
doors, said Donna Schnmidtmeyer, supervisor of the Ontario
Tobacco Stragegy through the County of IAunbton at a public
information last week at the Grand Bend Community 1 lealth
Centre (CHC).
Many people had personal reasons to weigh in about
Lambton County's proposed smoke-free public outdoor
spaces bylaw. Lambton County's Community 1 lealth Services
Department held seven public consultations to gauge public
opinion about a smoking ban for municipally owned and
operated spaces, such as playgrounds, beaches and outside
arenas. Grand Bend's was the last of the seven.
Finding young people at a public meeting isn't the first
thing you'd expect on a Thursday evening in Grand Bend.
But, 17 year old Jordan Alexander from Sarnia wants to get
his message out. He says when he started high school the first
thing he saw was a "smoking section" in the front of the
school and that- he says is a problem. "New kids want to be
accepted and thought of as cool with the senior kids. The
smoking section is a place to Latch onto that popularity. 'That
area needs to be taken away as does that same section at
concerts." Alexander said that social normal allows kids to
make choices that in the end are not good.
Cindy Maxfield, Grand Bend Commmunity Health
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Centre's (CII(;) health promoter said
every time a new by-law comes out, it
snakes it easier for the health centre to
help people quit or cut down. She
encourages this by-law. A box was set
up at the (;I IC for people to voice their
concerns and Maxfield said 40 people
submitted cards that support the
by-law. She said they have also taken
out the ashtrays that were available
outside the C1 IC.
Kathy Campbell, spoke at the Grand
Bend CII(: on behalf of the Lambton
County Canadian Cancer Society. She
spoke passionately about the proposed
bylaw sayiong this organization is a
strong advocate of the need to take
smoking out of public spaces.
"'Today I'm here to emphasize the
need for smoke-free outdoor spaces in
Sarnia-Lambton," she told the crowd
Woodstock already there
The City of Woodstock, Ontario
created a comprehensive outdoor
smoke-free ordinance (OSFO) that
came into effect on September 1, 2008.
This by-law restricted or banned
smoking in 5 different outdoor environ-
ments owned or regulated by the city
including patios on downtown sidewalk
cafes, parks and recreational fields,
areas around transit stops and shelters,
and doorways of city run facilities such
as city hall. 'Ihe by-law also created two
schedules to further regulate stnoking
in other outdoor environments if
elected by citizens in the community;
one for non -city -owned properties such
as private business to regulate smoking
in their doorway environments and a
second schedule for outdoor events
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Friday - 5pm-7pm
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organized by groups in the community.
'Ihe schedules allowed council to pass a
by-law that could easily regulate and
enforce additional smoke-free environ-
ments, as requested by citizens, without
the need for council approval.
RESULTS: After the Woodstock
outdoor smoking restrictions had been
in place for approximately 1 year, most
respondents from the general popula-
tion survey, smokers, (71%), and non-
smokers (93%), supported or strongly
supported the by-law. Most smokers
(82%) and non-smokers (96%) agreed
or strongly agreed that the by-law had
been good for the health of the children
of Woodstock.
This past summer season, four of
Grand Bend's outdoor patios went
smoke free voluntarily.
More than half of 817 polled Lambton
residents support a ban for all public
outdoor areas, according to the Rapid
Risk Factor Surveillance System. More
than 87% supported a non-smoking
bylaw for both doorways to public
places and workplaces. An outdoor
smoking ban would affect municipal
parks and playgrounds, buildings and
surrounding property, trails, sports
fields, beaches, campgrounds and
marinas, a municipal golf course and
long-term care homes.
Cancer is the leading cause of death
in Canada, she noted. In 2010, 28,200
Ontarians died from cancer and
another 65,100 were diagnosed. More
than two million Ontarians still smoke.
Residents can also register their opin-
ions by emailing chsd@county-lamb-
ton.on.ca, visiting lambtonhealth.on.ca
or calling 519-344-2062, ext. 2206.
Findings from the public consulta-
tion period will be reported to council
in early 2012.
With files from Sarnia Observer
(December 2nd)
LOVE: Mom, Dad, Laura,
Dennis, Curtis, Weston,
Leanne, Mike, Dakota
& Miley
support group to
welcome home
accessibility expert
The Parkinson's Support Group of
Goderich -Huron will have an expert,
speak on making your home tr
accessible at the next meeting of tics,
group. Many of our members would
like to stay in their own homes as long
as possible but need advice on how to
meet their present challenges and those
yet to come. Craig Bentley is from Angel
Accessibility Solutions, which serves
Southwestern Ontario with Home
Accessibility products, installation and
Craig will offer homeowners advice
on modifications which will allow peo-
ple to stay ion their home longer, and
provide equipment and installation to
make this happen. [Angel Accessibility
is a large provider of equipment for safe
patient handling, and equipment sales
to long care homes].
Many in the support group attended
the recent Parkinson's Conference in
London, and will share information
gathered and advice found there.
Some topics were managing falling
and freezing, Parkinson's and genetics,
vision affected by Parkinson's, driving
with Parkinsons , maximizing your
community resources and Income Tax
Deductions. Time will be allowed for
discussions following both these
agenda items and refreshments will be
offered as members are bringing Xmas
cookies etc.
The Parkinson's support Group meets
the first Tuesday of the month from
April to December at the Lawn Bowling
Clubhouse at 110 Picton Street West in
Goderich. The next meeting will be livid
at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 6. Every-
one is welcome to attend these meet-
ings. For further information about the
Goderich-Huron Support Group, please
contact Carol McDonnell at 519-523-
New to Grand Bend and area?
Had a New Baby?
Getting Married?
First Time Grandparents? !-
Starting a Business?
Be sure to call...
naoa 1930
Faye Van Oss
Welcome Wagon has free gifts and
information on behalf of (hand Bend
& area businesses.