HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-11-30, Page 22 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Plannlng meeting becomes fodder for past water line Issues
Lynda HIIIman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
A public meeting that was supposed
to deal with an Official Plan amend-
ment- quickly turned to a waterline issue
at the November 21st Lambton Shores
council meeting.
Mafia and Theodore Vanos, with their
solicitor Philip Walden came to council
with a zoning amendment for their farm,
resulting in a change to what exists.
Mayor Bill Weber explained that under
the procedural by-law, the media and
spectators were asked to shut down tape
and video recorders (2007- Filming, the
recording of sounds or images and the
taking of photographs is not permitted
during a public meeting without the
written permission of the municipality.)
'that being done, the meeting continued
with Senior Planner Patti Richardson
explaining what the applicants wanted
and Walden explaining they consented
to the conditions.
The by-law (BY-LAW 81 OF 2009 being
a By-law to Provide for the Establish-
ment and Collection of Fees, and Set
Future Connection Policies for the Rural
Water Expansion Project) states in
section 3,6:
When a consent (severance) is
granted for property in the rural water
expansion area, if there is a dwelling on
one of the newly created parcels, that
parcel will be credited with the charge
assessed to the original property. The
(indexed) vacant land charge will be
assessed on all other newly created
vacant parcel(s), and will be due prior to
the stamping of the deed.
If all parcels are vacant, one will be
credited with the payment of the vacant
land capital charge cost assessed for the
original property and the other parcel(s
will be required to pay the (indexed
vacant land charge, prior to the stamping
of the deed.
If a dwelling is constructed on the
vacant lot in the future, the property
owner will be required to connect the
dwelling to the waterline, and will he
responsible for the cost difference
between the vacant land charge paid
and the current (indexed) capital cost
charge for the specific service size
required. The fees for the increase in
capital charge cost, the curb stop
installation, the cost of the meter and
the applicable development charge or
connection fee would be due at the time
of the building permit issuance, along
with all other applicable building and
planning fees.
This is where deputy mayor Elizabeth
Davis Dagg took exception and said
there is a number of public documents
that state there will be no hook-up to the
water line. "It does not say if it is severed
you won't have to connect or if it is a new
lot you will have to connect.
Mayor Bill Weber explained the
motion was to approve the conditions to
satisfy the county and the municipality.
Councilor Martin Underwood asked, '...
if there is a report that says "no one
under any circumstances would hook
up to the water main, that is one thing.
If there is a change under the Planning
Act and that is the law- and because
we created a new lot ..which trumps
Councilor Doug Bonesteel asked, if
during this process- did the Vanoss' or
their agent ever shown concern. Did
they ever say, gee, we don't want to
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hook-up? Richardson said, No:' Weber
said they are okay with the conditions
and Richardson agreed stating, "'That is
what Mr. Walden has conveyed."
The waterline
The waterline project began in the
1980s and the final phase began in 19'K)
servicing the rural area of the former
Bosanquet 'Ibwnship. The Mandatory
htx)k-up requirement is given to munic-
ipalities by the province of Ontario and
is consistent with what the foriner ibwn
of Bosanquet did with property owners
benefiting from the first phase of its
water system and with policies that were
in effect in all of the other municipalities
prior to amalgaunation. lhe municipal-
ity said there would be a mandatory
hook-up requirement for all properties
benefitting from the waterline- the rural
area stalled in the mid 2005 so they
could raise the dollars they needed.
'their issue stemmed from a letter each
of therm (302 residents) received for a
mandatory hook-up to municipal
waterlines in the former Bosanquet. All
the properties along existing waterlines
and those in future waterline plans will
be required to hook-up.
Public meetings and delegations
came to council and in the end, Davis-
Dagg said she has many documents
from that time that "promise" they do
not need to hook-up. She offered the
documents to staff if needed. As it
stands today, Lambton Shores treasuer
Janet Ferguson reports 65 per cent of the
former Bosanquet rural population
have hooked up to the waterline.
Davis Dagg said it is the is the princi-
pal in place for the people who do have
a problem with it- what we are doing we
are stating publlcally the council does
not have to abide by their promises -
when they we can change it through the
back door because we have the power
to do that -and I believe we have to be
consistent -transparent and when we
make promises we have to keep those
promises- and we have to reinforce the
promises of the last council. Davis-Dagg
explained the cost was $10,000 per lot
for the pipes but you were not required
to hook-up if you slid not want to. She
said these people have paid a lot fee and
now they will have to pay again -and
they have an existingwell that is
operational and they will have to pay to
be connected." Weber said this is a new
lot, a new development.
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OPP launch 2011 festive
R.I.D.E. campaign
Lakeshore Advance
Impaired driving is a public safety problem year-round
but sadly the threat only worsens during the holidays
according to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).
The OPP is conducting its annual Festive R.I.I).E.
(Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) campaign fron•
November 25, 2011 to January 1, 2012 and is reminding
motorists that province -wide R.I.D.E. stops will be highly -
visible throughout the holiday season.
During last year's R.I.D.E. campaign (2010-2011), the
OPP laid 308 impaired driving charges and issued 903
Warn Range and Administrative Driver's License
Impaired driving continues to be the leading cause of
criminal death in Canada. As of mid-November (2011),
40 people have died In alcohol-related collisions on
OPP-patrolled roads and highways compared to 75 this
same time last year (2010). While the number is down
significantly this year, even one alcohol-related death is
one too many and motorists need to be more proactive in
• eliminating these preventable fatalities altogether
according to the OPP.
"Year after year, our Festive R.I.D.E. campaign proves
effective in taking impaired drivers off our roads. Ifyou're
drinking, come up with a plan that involves not driving
such as taking a cab, a bus or have a designated driver.
Don't drink and drive, don't let those who are drinking
drive and be sure to report those who do". - C/Supt. Don
Bell, Commander, OPP Highway Safety Division.
Thinking of refusing a breath test? Think again. Motor-
ists who refuse a breath test will be charged with a
criminal code offence and immediately have their driver's
license suspended for 90 days.
Think you can have a few drinks and be sure you'll blow
under the legal limit? 'Think again. Drivers who blow in
the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) "Warn Range" of
.05 to .08 pose a danger to themselves and other road
users. If caught driving in the warn range, you will receive
an immediate 3 -day driver's licence suspension at the
roadside and the suspension period increases with
subsequent offences to 7 then 30 days.
Think your family and friends won't report a loved
one or other driver who takes to the wheel while
impaired? Think again. The last thing people want to
deal with over the holidays is the devastation of losing a
loved one to an impaired driver. The OPP is asking
Ontarians to help them crack down on impaired drivers
this holiday season. If you suspect an impaired driver,
call 9-1-1.
We Want to Hear From You The OPP encourages the
public to sign up and participate in our social media
discussions by following the links to our French and
English social media accounts posted on the front page of
the OPP website. Give us your thoughts about impaire
driving and show your support for the officers who wit
be working around the clock to make sure that you and
your loved ones have safe and enjoyable holiday season.
Winter Parking
2001 Snow Clearing Notice
Please do not park vehicles in a manner that creates a
safety hazard, Impedes the orderly flow of traffic or
impedes the clearing of snow from any street or highway.
Violators will be ticketed.
Parking Is regulated by Municipal Bylaw No. 24-2005.
Parking By-law is available on the Municipal website: