HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeshore Advance, 2011-11-16, Page 66 Lakeshore Advance • Wednesday, November 16, 2011
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The Municipality of Lambton Shores
LIVING IN WANTON SNORES... A.w 1.4pdad on PoAdswsdAwn r„„nW. nits
Administration Dep., .M - 7193 Aratelecom Parkway, Forest, Ontario NON 1 JO
Tel 1-77.786.2335, 519 700.2335, Fe. 519-710-2135, Email aArMdsfNkxblwsnons ca Vaie our Web S.. M www 4molun.nar.a a
Lambton Shona
W..w« pem111 ng the
l..mbion Shores Compos)
Slue, boated adMoenl 10
the Forest Wastewater
Trealnlenl Plant MI
remain men until
Wednesday, November
The last day 10 Oa up
compost and wood chips
or to dlspom of leaves
and brush MI be
Wsdneedey, November
"Raadndar about Fall Loaf Burning"
Reardon% am asked to lake are 1 you .n planning ,c bun 4w+s, uoerded Pse caro be sugscl h abbe
*mounting to 9780 00 b Ine Arm* 1Allea0 N OrW ern% a www /aero • nemaed Ar barna. have.
N an Msmalke b reel bon*np fes karvcpaab war pal kp M last bops urea November 26, 2011 kir e 81 25
Marge ( s sword garbage bap 1p) Labe touts be in tier piss* bees end placed M M lits or M rood
on poke nom% wasps pain% day
lame are eel b be wept b 1e ed of the sew se war . drprous piece. MN can orae, slgr Avrt
•.lisp polies% and ea 1e awe a Ines ateldsnts
Mas are unMrmy kir 1e 2012 Municipal Oran Mestenence
Program, end property mows *thin the Municipally of Lambkin
Steres we abed to review h9seblpel (here on Mer ptapsrly, end
submit Newels for any drain repair end maintenance prior in
December O3 1011.
Force ere eveleble M the larrblon Shares • Notwn. Oltoe M9675
Port Franks Rad, or on the lemblon Shaw' webele
Furter information an be prodded by oontedng Al Ms, Dramas
SlpsrMerdaN el 4I9-243.1400.
Please address requests lo.
of Langston Snores
9676 PO 9 rents Rata, Pt ft 91, nearer'. Ontario NOM 2N0
NNrntion: N lege, Drainage Superintendent
The MM tax lnetalnienl for 2011 te Wednesday,
November 30', 2011. may be made by mal,
blame) or Nlepho ns OM In person N any of 1N 3
cakes or by P eAulholked we draws1 - tome aro
adalable M the bum11001011lae or on our **bee* -
Ma1M111s..... The lamblon Shores Council Mal be consldsrr,p the
ung natter et November 210, 2011 meeting.
7:18 pre MWien �1AnesMlaent 1047/N11 1 OIRM Plan
location 7934 Jer$fc Road Comer Mate and Theodore Varus
The eppkente are resumer* en ernendme t kite 'Agrtalluar polcter, In to
lambkin Storm Otpdei Mer to pens 1e °melon of s new non -arm QwMtng
kit for . dwaing ankh is surplus b a forming n1 w Mbn es a result d a Arm
oan.MdsYOn They ere .leo requesting an amendment to to Agricultural 1
(Al) Zone in Zoning Ay-tew 1.2003 et N enacts to remnant lam parcel lo
prol1Aa 1e oontrubn of . new rerrelrp on the term wool .Iter the
severance of 1e mut** dmsing and 10 recognize 1e new M mw d 20 0
Nolen* (11 saes) enema to Toning ay -raw requires 38 rodents (0.31
A Ne copy d to nolo b M. app.detlm,s sdsaeels on ate WrMrpar Weber" r ton
be obtseod by mina Me Forest db. M 714338 or 1-$77lea :me
lite mewltsrinem o M Meson' Md Verged s Canoes, comer min and Per eals•
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Sante w0 be adenoma' el 10 Annual Sante Gar Paredes in
Peres SaIsinliv, Nownsber 11 common ng .4700 p m
a pan h Thedborel, SaMNwyr D.e«Ilb'.31e ate 3o p m
Please be advleed area in order la accommodate theao parades road
closures 91e be in .Next
Attantlan Collununity Groups: 2011 Grants
The lambson Snores Community Grant AppplcaMcn form le now bonen). m .o Muwipel mimeo M a1rN'.IambfafYA0I1Aa Appsce.on torn% are alio evY.bie
In Ned oopy M any lambson Shores Municipal wills.
Completed emiloseen forme mute M submaled by December 31, 2011 end an dropped 01 M any l amblon Shore Nuncio office or tossed to the Municpasly
of to liar+ Shrm Comm* Sentose Deferment
Ante Fecellslr of RereMon and leisure
9675 Pod Franks Rood, RR 1, Thnedatrd, ON NOM3NO
N you Aims any questions 01 cavern about the Pet spplrellon form or IN grant sppacMbn process, plasm ranted the Community Savkw Dec erhrwt
Predators get okay for licensed area
Lynda Hillman-Rapley
Lakeshore Advance
As long as the Lambton
Shores Predators are follow-
ing the municipal alcohol
policy, and there are no
issues, Lambton Shores has
no problem with an area set
aside to sell alcohol to gener-
ate funds,
The Lambton Shores Pred-
ators Jr. B team has made
their home base the Shores
Recreation Centre for the
past four years. The team has
been exploring different
options for generating funds
and has requested an area
within the arena to be desig-
nated as a licensed area dur-
ing home games. These
games typically take place on
Saturday evenings and a few
Sunday evenings.
Lambton Shores staff
(Peggy Van Mierlo-West, Hill
Bentley and Shannon Prout)
met with team representa-
tives (Roop Chanderdat and
Anna Gladysz) on September
30, 2011 to discuss possible
locations for the proposed
licensed area. The southwest
corner of the building was
the initial location that was
reviewed, but it was found to
be unsuitable due to its prox-
imity to the players benches
and change rooms. It was
then decided, as indicated in
the Predators_ letter to coun-
cil (Schedule A), that the
northwest corner of the facil-
ity would be the most accept-
able location with the use of
security and signage.
'l'he Predators would also
like council to consider the
use of the first two rows in
section "F" in their licensed
area. Security would be
placed in the seating section
to ensure maximum safety
for the fans, Schedule B is a
diagram of the requested
As per the Municipal Alco-
hol Policy these types of
requests must be sent to
council for review and direc-
tion. The Predators plan to
use their storage locker
under the stands to store the
items required to host the
bar and each time the Preda-
tors host this event they
would be required to apply
for a liquor license. The team
would also be required to
have security and smart
serve volunteers within the
area to maintain control,
This licensed area will only
he open a half hour prior to
the game starting and will
close half way through the
third period (approximately
3 hours), It was recom-
mended that this request for
a "licensed area" he for a one
year trial period only, so they
can assess how it is working
and what, if any, negative
impacts this might have on
our facility and its opera-
tions. Although it hasn't
been addressed, the same
one-year trial period should
apply to the Thedford Dirty
Dogs and their licensed
Councilor Martin Under-
wood said he agreed with
everything except the one-
year period. "We don't need
that- if there is a problem -we
will hear about it," he said.
Councilor Ruth Illlnan said
she spoke with the team and
they could live with the no
tiered seating and was okay
with taking the one-year out
also. Councilor Doug Hones-
teel also agreed stating if
there are issues council can
shut them down. Council
agreed to go ahead with
staff's recommendations
with no tiered seating and no
one-year trial period.